If that wasn't sarcasm, which I hope it wasn't, then my suggestion was that you hire "someone" for example developers. Now, this is probably up to Shane and Xan since they own it and do most of the programming by themself. But if they wanted to push the development they could hire some developers that could fix some stuff that Xan and Shane are too busy with Heromon to fix at the moment, for example the Battle System update.
Now, the risk of hiring new developers is always that you risk of someone stealing your game/code. There are some ways to work around that, for example it's possible to only let people work with parts of the code and be denied access to the rest of it.
By now you may say something like "When Shane and Xan gets back they will adopt the Heromon system into PWO". The thing is that a lot of stuff goes very slow with the development even when they are back here.
And also, some developers do it for free. Like myself (though im working on another game right now).
I know that you recently got ThuGie (which is awesome!) but I don't think you should stop there.
Now, im not trying to say that you, the staff, are bad in any way cause I know that you have a lot of work to do and I think you are great. Im just wishing the wheels was spinning a bit faster ;D
I probably make myself look like an *** right now, but I only want you and the game well.... so I should stop typing now.