Search results

  1. N

    All known pokemon with incorrect base stats.

    Snubbull was one of the more well-known Pokemon with incorrect base stats assigned to it in the database, which was recently fixed (kudos to Tecknician). However, there were several other - more inconspicuously known - Pokemon found with erroneous base stats, found after scrutinizing the base...
  2. N

    Time for me to move on for now.

    I'm certain this departure is coming completely out of left field for some, and I myself did not expect to make this decision anytime soon, nor is it a decision that I am making with pleasure. Many might be confused on the circumstances that contributed to this decision. Did I get banned from...
  3. N

    2011 Members Awards Results

    Hello and happy belated New Years to all. After spending around an hour tallying up all votes submitted - in the form of a post on my ballot thread or ballots casted via PM to me - I am ready to announce the outcome. To note: Categories that were too subjective/arbitrary for any collective...
  4. N

    The 2011 World's Greatest Awards

    It's that time of year again! These award threads have been an ongoing annual trend over the years, so I thought I'd host it again to reflect on our community over the year. Due to a prolonged period of game downtime circa September-2010 to January-2011 (last year's awards thread was hosted...
  5. N

    What Member Do You Find Yourself Closest To And Which Member Is Your Favorite?

    This thread was a great success on the old forums, so it can not be absent from here. Courtesy of mad30, who initially came up with this thread on the old forums. Do you know someone who has helped you out a lot? Someone who has made you feel special and closer to the community? Someone who...
  6. N

    What Would You Like To Suggest To Improve The Wiki?

    Note: This thread is used to submit suggestions for the PWO wiki, not the game. Suggestions for the game would be more appropriately filed on playerdex's suggestion box. I have noticed many remarks, from multiple readers on the wiki, that certain information that they seek doesn't exist, as...