The game reset


Apr 6, 2012
I'm agreeing with many things I have read here. I just toss in another idea, which somehow tries to compromise between the two sides.
I think there could be a reset right now, if necessary. Of course, it would take a lot of time from the staff. In case of this reset:
- Players should be allowed to keep one team/one box (up to consideration) of their original Pokemon, but they will be reset to level 1. Or 5.
- Other than those said Pokemon, every account should be completely wiped, including badges, money, items, Pokedex data.
- Shiny chance should be reduced drastically, like 1/8192 for members and 1/16384 or something like that for non-members.
- Money income from wild Pokemon should be halved, and the price of basic Pokeballs should be reduced by 50-90%.
- IV system should be revised, high IVs should be harder to get than normal IVs, similarly to the rarity system (higher IVs are harder to get).

With these changes I would agree with a reset effective from tomorrow :)


Sep 17, 2011
Merse said:
I'm agreeing with many things I have read here. I just toss in another idea, which somehow tries to compromise between the two sides.
I think there could be a reset right now, if necessary. Of course, it would take a lot of time from the staff. In case of this reset:
- Players should be allowed to keep one team/one box (up to consideration) of their original Pokemon, but they will be reset to level 1. Or 5.
- Other than those said Pokemon, every account should be completely wiped, including badges, money, items, Pokedex data.
- Shiny chance should be reduced drastically, like 1/8192 for members and 1/16384 or something like that for non-members.
- Money income from wild Pokemon should be halved, and the price of basic Pokeballs should be reduced by 50-90%.
- IV system should be revised, high IVs should be harder to get than normal IVs, similarly to the rarity system (higher IVs are harder to get).

With these changes I would agree with a reset effective from tomorrow :)

That would be pointless as many in here have said, there´s no point in a reset just now, because that wouldnt solve anything, at least a reset would be required if some updates such as new client, natures, abilities, EVs, held items, a new battle system, without those, areset would be senseless with no benefit at all, that in fact would be harming the game, is like"theres a reset, ok but why?? , just because.... ._."


Aug 25, 2011

I see there are a lot of suggestions to fix the problem, but who here actually found the root cause of the problem?

Problem: Too many good worthless pokemon
Solution: Remove them all!

Wait, why was there a problem to begin with?

Other than bobo, who I rarely agree with, this entire topic has only been focused on one possible solution to THE PROBLEM. However this topic needs to evolve past that to finding solutions to what CAUSED THE PROBLEM.

My input:
The causes have been building up over time, from the money glitch that flooded trillion of pokemoney into the game, to the change in shiny bonus limiting the bonus range, to shiny pokemon being sold in abudance on the token store with good ivs too boot, as well as bots, hackers, macroers flooding the game with something (money, pokemon, players helping others cheat).

All 4 of those causes i mentioned above have 1 thing in common: too much of something in game.

Now potential solutions:
Reset is one potential solution, however a solution is only good if its implemented without the causes of the original problem possibly happening again. a reset does not prevent any of those causes on its own. As a result, not a good independent solution.

Reduction in pokemon rates is another possible solution, however we have too many good pokemon in game already so what does it solve? nothing, just a preventitive measure on its own.

Change in shiny bonus rate: now heres the first potential solution that solves a cause, and is a solution to current problem depending on how its implemented. wider range of potential ivs fewer pokemon that will be considered great, providing more opprutinity for even average iv pokemon to be desired. This also affects non shiny pokemon as now its more likely for non shiny pokemon to have ivs that compete with shiny pokemon. i personally believe this is a win for everyone. newer players dont have to rely on finding shiny pokemon, poorer irl players dont have to buy membership to find epic pokemon (just more pokeballs!) and vets who spend more time have more time to get ahead and find better ivs while also stimulating the economy. Instead of 10,000 Lamborghini and 100,000 Dodge Neons, there are 500 Lamborghini, 9,500 Mitsubishi Eclipses and 100,000 Dodge Neons.

Reduce money in game: Solves part of the problem and prevents part of the problem, on its own OK but not great.

Change in the battle system: Pokemon values have been changing already because of these changes... yet the problem isnt getting better probably getting even worse, so is this a solution after all?

Free cookies for everyone: Great solution, but doesnt fix the original causes. Will make players happy (temp) and have a hopefully more light-hearted community but only a temp fix similar to a reset except for no angry players, so perhaps even better than a reset.


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
Game reseted today in april, whats going on??? Are you making some mantenaince or testing new stuff???


New Member
Aug 11, 2013
tote514 said:
Game reseted today in april, whats going on??? Are you making some mantenaince or testing new stuff???

oh yeah!! they are implementing Hoenn, finally the time has come 8)

Offtopic dude this isnt even the point of the topic


New Member
Dec 29, 2012
A game reset means the end of pwo for me and for others players that built something here and is tired from pwo. It also means a new beggining that will allow new players dream being one of the bests pokemons trainers in pwo and repair the errors from the past. Who knows how many players will be replaced with these new players? Who knows how many of them will become a loyal player? But of course, this game is so old that the best trainers has a lot of things and new players are afraid from these difference and it kicks them eventually from the game, there's no chance to them raise fast, unless they spend money on game, but on other hands, they can have a great team without many effort because the excessive amount of good pokemons for sale without buyers. But I'm sure of something, all games that i presenced resets, after the first reset there were a great growth in the beggining but a great desertion too and they tried to atract more players reseting again and after every reset the population was going down. The answer is simple. Who wants to play a game to build a collection that can be excluded at anytime?


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
If a wipe occurs, then there is no faith in the longevity and worthwhile input of effort into the game. It would be played for kicks and giggles then left. It would permanently damage new and old player's faith in the game. Furthermore, all it takes is a single glitch to occur to screw over the economy again like the money duping glitch did last time.

All a reset would do, is delay the problem we currently have by starting the cycle over.


Why not have a function where you can input common shinies to re-roll an IV on a pokemon. It could be made more difficult for higher ivs.

Give a use for the crappy shinies that rot in PCs.
Stimulate the economy to make those who hunt have a reasonable income from selling S commons.
Long term, common shinies will increase in value for their utility use.
Good S commons will not be a very low price as it has to be worth keeping beyond its use as utility.
fixes oversaturation of VR/HR and S commons
keeps TS shinies relevant by making them able to contest with in-game shinies

People who "cash" still have the advantage. (Realistically it is very hard to remove this while keeping incentive to cash.)
Short term, common shinies will not see that much of a change in value.


I have a Shiny pokemon X with 15, 19, 25, 26, 22, 27

If I have to input X number of shinies to reroll a stat between 1-28/ 15-31/ whatever, that would be effectively taking shinies out of the system while lowering the price ceiling of pokemon with all 31s. It could allow the cost of a pokemon to scale with the pokemons flat value + average of the effort/cost put in to making stats.

For instance let's say for sake of argument S lapras is around 700m for all 28s. 28/28/28/28/28/28

Let us say that a S TSS lapras is 60m for all 15s. 15/15/15/15/15/15

Lets say it takes 3 shinies to reroll a stat. Let us also assume it takes 10 rolls to get an iv above 28 on average.

3x 10 = 30 shinies for one stat. 30x 6 = 180 commons.

The new mean cost of S lapras is now 60m + cost of 180 commons. This means long term, the price ceiling will lower, while the price floor becomes higher. Lower entry cost in terms of effort into the market, while having a reasonable amount of effort to reach high end.

The numbers above are purely examples. They could put whatever they wanted but finding a way to remove this would be nice. They could also have a VR non-shiny drain to adjust non-shiny VR/HR as well.

Think of this like using materials to take a chance at reinforcing equipment on a normal MMO.


New Member
Aug 11, 2013
to note: this is not about new/old players, have seen new players coming socializing and becoming known and good friends of old players


Apr 6, 2012
The problem is not only the fact that there are too many shinys. Shiny issue can be simply solved: Reduce SC drastically. Eventually with the banned/inactive players, shinys would leave the game, increasing the value of the ones that remained active. The problem is that too many players have too many things already and it globally reduces the value of everything. As Darcia said, a S Rare is a "must have" for every PVP team. a S VR is very nice, and you will turn your head around only for a S HR nowadays. And anything that is not at least epic is practically worthless because there are just so many things around that even epic Pokes are common.

On a side note, there was an idea of the devs about at one point leaving the old server as it is and not to update it any longer, and starting a new server which gets all the development and new updates, but everyone would start from scratch.
Wouldn't thins have the very same effect as a server wipe? I mean, if you remain active on the old server, you may have a nice collection but you will be handled as a second-grade player and you won't get the new updates. On the new server on the other hand everyone would start from scratch again, so it would be unlikely that those who have invested a lot into the game would change and they would eventually leave the game for not being treated equally.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
Merse if you read my post, it could be applied to VR and HR, not just shiny. Also just making shinies harder to get doesn't balance the game. All that does is make SHINIES more expensive and harder for new players. It makes all shinies exponentially MORE expensive. That doesn't fix the problem as shinies are already the most expensive things in the game. Increasing the shiny rate also does not add any USE to bad pokemon. It doesn't fix oversaturation of bad VR/HR either. That would just make already rare shinies even MORE rare and expensive. What you say fixes nothing immediately or long term.


Apr 6, 2012
And what your idea says is that all you have to do is buy an epic fail Poke for some coins, and as you have tons of S commons you couldn't do anything with anyway you can pump it up into a demigod. Your idea would make hunting for epic HRs totally pointless. And it would exponentially extend the gap between members and non-members because members would have more shinys to boost their teams and non-members wouldn't have the chance to sell their epics for a high price. How would this fix anything?


New Member
Apr 3, 2015
Rerolling stats for particular pokemon isn the solution here. Randomising all stats of shinies from 1 to 31 is. They really do not need a bonus and if this was done in combination with a decrease in shiny chance I firmly believe the game would stabilise. Shinies would go back to being what they should be, a prize collectible. They would maintain a high value if after the stats reset they maintained some good ivs but shinies were never designed to be just elite battlers. This would be much more effective than a server reset especially right now, as players leave the numbers of shinies will go down and if the shiny chance is reduced the total number can level off to a more sensible level. I am also a firm believer that the amount of money in this game does need to be reduced more quickly. I'm surprised this money was allowed to stay in the game right from when the original glitches appeared. If the money was reset, it would help bridge the gap between old and new players. I mean these new players can't just exploit a glitch to get the same levels of money as veterans who did exploit the glitch or just traded with those who had. With regards to the token store shiny chance requiring a 2 token extra cost, it needs to go, there needs to be a uniform all pokemon in the game have the same chance of being shiny be it from the token store and caught in game. If the extra shiny chance was removed and the normal purchasing of token pokemon just had the 1/8000 chance that would be good. The game would not as easily then be flooded with these SUCs. In fact I think the whole suggestion of just resetting the server is coming from someone who is bored of the game and can't be bothered to think of a more sensible strategy which completely punishes anyone who has spent 1000s of hours on this game. This is an mmo. There will always be people who have out the hours in to gain lots of things, but this game does need rebalancing and I believe combining the approaches I outlined here and before is the way to do it.

Ps. Mad agreed with me, the devil must be donning his winter clothes...


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
Seeing as no one here gets the gravity of how what I said would RAISE THE PRICE of crappy Vr/HR/ whatever since they now have a use, making the AVERAGE PLAYER able to grind something worthwhile, I am going to refrain from posting on this thread again.

Removing shiny boost would make it near impossible for shinies to EVER compete. There is also the problem of how many people you would piss off doing this that pay for membership every month. If shinies are nothing special, people won't buy membership as much to get shinies anymore.

The point in essence, is give us a system to turn in VR/HR and common shinies that we dont want. Let us turn it in for some special item, that when we gather enough, we can turn those in for something we want.

Turn in 10 VR pokemon for "hunter's coin."

Then you could go turn in X amount of hunter's coins for special TMs or to use a move tutor.*
* Have a cooldown for token turn-ins so bots can't spam catch pokemon and then just massively flood the market with stuff after turn-in.


You shouldn't need to find only epic pokemon to make it worthwhile.


New Member
Apr 3, 2015
Shinies arent special because they have good stats they are special because they shine, they make more sense has collectable pieces than battlers, the people who are lucky enough to catch a shiny with good stats will have something that is very sort after. Like any other pokemon they will be competative if you catch one with good stats, they should never have been designed to be the backbone of a pvp team. And comments about raising price of not so good VRs and HRs, if there arent a load of 28 iv shiny commons around, VRs and Hrs that dont have as good stats would be more competetive. Any issues with VRs and HRs is currently being dealt with anyway through the reanalysing of all rarities.


New Member
Dec 11, 2013
I agree, in the long run, this would be the best option. I played for two years under a different account from 09, and after 18 months absences and the deletion of the account, I find myself well off in PWO, not as good as before, but good enough to challenge the best and come out with an odd victory. Starting from scratch is not a hard task.

The main issue I see would be the money people have spent in the token store. Yes, they will feel angered and may simply leave. But the game is in beta stage. They donated. They never 'bought' the pokemon with real money. They aided PWO financially and as a good will gesture PWO gave them a token. Thats the key here. If staff felt that the only way to progress would be to reset the game then you cant complain if you donated, you essentially quickened the length of time it took to get to that decision.

The same situation would also have to be prevented in future. And for me, that would mean the removal of the shiny chance from the TS, no money bonus with membership (Although it is a payed benefit, the economy could do without it) among other things.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing a staff response in this thread, will be interesting.


Local Scapegoat
Sep 16, 2011
I wouldn't mind starting over, but as of this moment? I think resetting the game would be a temporary fix at best as all of these problems would pile up again with time...and it's probably one of the worst decisions to choose of all the other possible options as it works sort of like a double edged sword, you can't expect the entire community to be happy about the game resetting, right?

In Pokemon terms, basically it's like using the move Double-Edge.
Picture the Community as the Staff's HP:

Staff used Double-Edge on Server.
Server fainted.
Community is damaged by recoil.

Unfortunately, loss of Community is something Nurse Joy cannot fix. Does this attack still seem like a wise choice in the current situation? To add injury to injury, what if the problem occurs again?

End Result: Nothing was fixed and the community suffered for it.


New Member
Jul 20, 2014
I say RESET RESET RESET! I came back to this game recently and apart from the updates which are really nice... The game is complete garbage now. The economy isntrash, the rarities are ruined.. Shinies are pretty much worthless now. And how is 5 years a temporary fix!? Lmao. 5 years is a decent chunk of time! The game has gone to crap the past few years. The pint of donations are to make the game better. No one is twisting your arm or forcing you to donate. Which is why they're donations! So, that doesn't really bother me. I can't even play the game for longer than a few minutes a day now, because it's ruined. And the only people who disagree are the selfish ones. If you really like the game, you'll play again... And if you're only in it for the fame and having good stuff... I'm glad to see you leave. Seriously though, definitely reset the game soon. I'll continue to play in a good pwo world and not a ruined one.


New Member
Feb 4, 2015
This is one hell of the good topic. Best topic I came on so far. If someone decides to lock this one for bumping it, I will create my own topic with identical idea. Reason why I am heavily supporting this topic is because I don't personally believe in doing things gradually. If staff members are able to set path wiping out the game will work like a charm. Don't forget to introduce natures and such prior to release the wiped out game. Accounts, pokedex, playtime and friends can stay IMO. Delete everything else however. I love such topics. This is rather dangerous way of doing things but at same time it is the solution that would work best. Also I am stunned how many people actually wanted this. Maybe this was a chance to do it. I strongly support this idea.


Sep 17, 2011
Amelia said:
This is one hell of the good topic. Best topic I came on so far. If someone decides to lock this one for bumping it, I will create my own topic with identical idea. Reason why I am heavily supporting this topic is because I don't personally believe in doing things gradually. If staff members are able to set path wiping out the game will work like a charm. Don't forget to introduce natures and such prior to release the wiped out game. Accounts, pokedex, playtime and friends can stay IMO. Delete everything else however. I love such topics. This is rather dangerous way of doing things but at same time it is the solution that would work best. Also I am stunned how many people actually wanted this. Maybe this was a chance to do it. I strongly support this idea.

The idea is great indeed, However most of the people agreed (including me) if there were updates to the game, like battle system fixed, natures, held items, new regions, Berry system, contest system, however that is far from happening, making a masive reset just now would be useless and with the only purpose of annoying the older players, there is no need for a reset just now if the game is staying the way it is now


New Member
Feb 4, 2015
Why the game would stay like this? I think they might do some updates. It's just the priority list is messed up most likely. Too much negativity :D Cheer up!