Search results

  1. P

    Alt Transfer

    I personally would like to be able to transfer pokemons to alts on which I have to rely more and more without having to rely one others. Some mailing system that lets you mail pokemons if not with everyone then at least between alts. Suggestions: 1st suggestion: let as report out alts an...
  2. P

    Peace is back in da house!

    Back from a 5 month long break from PWO. See you all ingame! ;)
  3. P

    The past, the present and the future of PWO

    During this event I was thinking about the game progress. I'm aware that a lot of updates are on their way to become implemented. So I'm curious what is the current situation for abilites, natures, EVs and held items. New client would help a lot for some, but is there a possibility to add some...
  4. P

    My luck

    I just lost two larvitars with in 12 hours period due to server crashing. Reason for this topic is to ask is there any way to actually fix crashes and if not is there at least a way to implement auto save after pokemon has been caught. That should at least fix some things. I know that u can do...
  5. P

    Starters as HR again

    From what i know starters where catchable in game inside Johto Safari some time in the past. I'm not sure why was it changed but in my opinion it wouldn't be bad to re do that. Mby just in one area and make them seasonal. Like one starter is HR and they change each month so each is obtainable...