Jr. Trainer
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This thread is no joke, its no messing around and its not about having fun except in a way of all of us to enjoy. It's the roots for the huge stem of the tree and if it's really taken into consideration and followed, good things are guaranteed because as for the state of the game, this comes from the pure future with a head full of experience after a long ride.
Keeping it short: I'll discuss future updates that we rather need than just suggest.
First of all: Viable and healthy Legendary Pokemon.
It's clear that players dream of using legendary pokemon and in my opinion, some legendary pokemon are healthy to be used as it generates more fun and adds a lot to the PvP meta.Keeping it short: I'll discuss future updates that we rather need than just suggest.
First of all: Viable and healthy Legendary Pokemon.
I repeat there is a healthy way of letting "Some of the legendary pokemon" being released. And this basically depends on the base stat they have in total. We would only have the legendary pokemon with 600 total base stats or less. like presented here:

It's pretty clear that adding pokemon like: Celebi, Cresselia, Genesect, Heatran, Jirachi, Landorus (and forms), Latias, Latios, Manaphy, Mew, Meloetta, Shaymin, Victini, Volcaniona and Zygarde (As well as few more that are currently higher than the available generation that PWO has).
Adding such pokemon is pretty much healthy for them having the same base stat as some of very common pokemon we have and their forms. Like Houmdoom, Scizor, Metagross, Dragonite, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Tyranitar.
Imagine such pokemon we already have in game and that are already released over the ages, have the same base total IVs of the said legendary pokemon upwards.
There is no fear in letting them in, especially that each of the said pokemon upawards have their own downfalls and can be countered by already available pokemon in the meta. For example: Choice specs Hydreigon can OHKO a celebi, can ohko a Mew, can also OHKO Latias and Latios if they are hit. Dragonite can simple Earthquake a Heatran to OHKO it, Tyranitar can ohko pretty much most of the psychic type pokemon among them. Ok you know what? A trash houndoom from the wild can fireblast ohko a Jirachi.
It tournaments such legendary pokemon can be played and can be countered. There is no need to ban a 600 base IVs pokemon unless they exceed 600. That's how handheld VGC Championship Series events work as well as trusted platforms like Pokemon Showdown.
It's not a matter of being afraid to let things fit in, it's a matter of understanding, seeing things from experienced eyes and I won't say apply but think about it first, knowing that it's the best way to keep the whole thing alive.
Second of all: The way of releasing such Legendary Pokemon and their availability.
The healthy way to release such legendary pokemon is eventual. 1- By that I mean each big event during the year (Like Christmas and Halloween), one of the said legendary pokemon can be released in a form of a quest during that event.
2- Each legendary pokemon to be only one available per player. For example everyone will have "only one Mew".
3- IVs for legendary pokemon can head into two ways: 1- Random IVs, 2- Fixed IVs to all players (For example: All 20 IVs) and we could get an option to get an IV settled by winning a tournament prize or something.
4- The quest of catching the legendary pokemon is to be repeated instantly through a point at it if the player failed to complete it first hand at once.
Understanding the concept of having us players using legendary pokemon eventually and on the long run will actually generate more fun to players, to the PvP meta and it's what keeps the flame lightening. All we need are some guts and real commitment from those who love the game.
And that takes us to introducing natures.
Third of all: The pokemon natures.
It's pretty obvious that real platforms have natures on pokemon. But here, its seems like we are afraid or we don't know how their introduction can be fair for everyone. Don't worry I have the solution. You have to divide the source of "fairness" to "prior update and post update".
As for prior update: This is basically all the pokemon that we have/will have before that nature update. Such pokemon will need to have their nature chosen on playerdex by players only once and not to be edited again.
As for post update: These pokemon will have their natures caught in wild based on a nature hunting system that I will present directly.
Changing the natures/ability won't be a one time thing for old players as there will be a backup for this case in the prize corner part that I'll present later on.
Such way of balancing prior update and post update for nature will provide a fair approach for both the old and new players to hunt and collect and also PvP.
Fourth of all: The Hunting system base on natures.
It's no secret that real/official pokemon platforms have a hunting system which depends on a crucial factor which is the ability "Synchronize".Ok I'll break this down in details. Once natures are introduced in game, of course wild pokemon will have random natures on them. Unless the players hunt with synchronize ability pokemon with them like Abra/Evos, Natu/Evo etc.
Simply, How Synchronize ability pokemon works is that it give the wild pokemon 50% chance to trace the nature of the pokemon with synchronize you're using.
For example: I'm having an adamant nature Alakazam that I use in hunting. Right now I encountered a Dratini. This Dratini has a 50% chance of being Adamant nature and 50% of being a Random nature.
Some may ask: How can we get the synchronize pokemon with the ability we need in first place? It's pretty simple and obvious:
Once the natures are introduced in game, we will simply go and hunt abras and catch many of them because they will have random natures. Then we will be able to achieve the natures we want among them once and for good for the only first time of hunting random ability Abras.
Fifth of all: The Prize corner and voucher system.
It is pretty obvious and clear to all of us that the current prize corner (in Celadon/Goldenrod) is pretty much "burned out". The prizes are out dated as they don't have their high values anymore. This is due to swarms (which are actually great) that made such pokemon like Togepi, Munchlax, Kabuto and some more Voucher pokemon available and we were able to grind them along time we attended such swarms. And because of this, the system needs to change as follow:1- The addition of Ability capsules and Nature capsules:
Simply here like mentioned above in the second sector, we need to have the ability to be able to change the natures and ability of older pokemon prior the updates that we never had a hand in making them what they are. For example you bought a Tyranitar with unnerve instead of sand stream. And it was a very expensive Tyranitar caught as a Larvitar by someone who is clueless. You can get the ability to change this mess the same way you change EVs via berries.
2- The addition of new fossils and pokemon:
All the tier on rewards of prize corners have to be remade. All the pokemon available there are already there during swarms. All you need to keep is the Exp. Share and the evolution items. Aside from that, we got to have are the new fossil pokemon like Skull fossil (Cranidos), Armor fossil (Shieldon), Cover fossil (Tirtouga), Plume fossil (Archen) and eventually: Jaw fossil (Tyrunt) and Sail Fossil (Amaura). All this while keeping the older fossils for those shiny collectors or those who don't have them yet.
3- The addition of evolution items:
Just like the current available evolution items (for Electabuzz and Magmar). We can have more evolution items available based on its balance with the evolution items we get via event coins on events and the available pokemon on the prize corner/in game.
Sixth of all: The Token store system.
Seventh of all: The daily prizes system.
It's no secret that the new players are always asking around about way of how to make money fast so It's for the new players more than the old players. Oh, its even for all the players to come and play actively on a daily basis. You guys can do mini quest NPCs that will provide a reward like few amount of cash ranging from 10k to 50k as well as some TMs to players that finish such quests.The quest ideas can be simple, its like beating a certain NPC in a battle or hunting a total sum of IVs of a T1/T2 pokemon maximum in game then submitting it to such NPC.
This will keep the game fresh on a daily basis along with already on going quests like Quartz as well as the battle tower and E4.
Eighth of all: The Final and the most important one: The PvP system.
Keeping it short and tight into points:1- Team Preview system:
This is simply having the ability to see the opponent's line up of 6 pokemon before the battle starts so you'd even choose which pokemon you would start your game with. This is on all platforms, on all official games and on all VGC official tournaments and even on the anime. It provides a sense of better game play among players and it's really important to realize and know what pokemon to save and what pokemon you could let faint during the game. It's more important and crucial than everything that is mentioned above and can be made separately aside as a priority compart to this whole discussed project.
2- Spectator system:
This allows other players to be able to spectate and watch the game and what is happening without the battlers having to record the battles. Of course its self-explanatory how important and how much fun this can bring.
3- Scrollable battle logs and showing damage RNG in percentage:
You being able to scroll to see what moves happened in what turns and the damage in percentage caused by the hits, will help you play better next turns as well as you can cover up in case you lose attention at one point.
In the end I would just note that this is works as a whole and it's well balanced and each sector depends on the other. It can be released all at once better than having each sector made at a point. Like being done on Sevii.
This update is for the future and it came from the future with a head full of experience as well.
Discussions are opened and positive reviews are needed and voices do matter in the development of the game.
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