The AOK System - The Official-Unofficial Rating System


Aug 14, 2015
To all current and future participants of the AOK Event Series, and the general PWO Community:
Have you ever roamed the Playerdex before? Glanced at the Player Central leaderboards? Your mouth drops as you see how much Pd Boora has in-game and how many hours Ramensnoodle has spent roaming the streets of Kanto. Afterward, you glance at both Wins and Win - Losses leaderboards and wonder: Are these trainers really the most prolific battlers of PWO? Surely not, this leaderboard just caters to the volume of battles and is not representative of actual rankings amongst peers. There has to be another way; another way to display my skills as a battler, another way to prove the haters wrong, another way to show that even I can compete with the very best? Well, random voice in your head, I may have just the thing for you.

At the point of this announcement, I will be putting together the "AOK rating system" which will serve as the unofficial way to gauge the strength of fellow battlers here in PWO. This rating system takes after the central Elo rating system which you may have encountered while playing Chess, League of Legends, Starcraft, and other competitive games. I won't dive into the math because you can watch a Youtube video that explains it better than I ever will, but I will look to continuously update willing participants' ratings based on their PvP results over the course of time.

Since I'm in the rudimentary stages of implementing this system, I understand there is a laundry list of issues with creating a rating system in PWO, and many more flaws yet to be uncovered. That being said, we all gotta start somewhere - and isn't starting already like half the battle c:

Nevertheless, this cannot be done without the efforts of the PWO Community. I need a handful of trainers willing to take part in this system, agree on official-unofficial battles, and share their PvP results. While I encourage participation in the rating system, I will not force anyone to be a part of it. Even someone as pro-PvP as myself understands the troubles that come with "battle anxiety," and I do not wish for anyone to feel insecure about their potential rating, so only join the AOK system if you're comfortable with sharing your efforts.

To start off, any trainer that joins will begin at 1200 AOK, which will be the rating floor that you cannot go below. That said, you're more than welcome to begin at 1400 AOK if you truly believe that you're up for the challenge and have the mental fortitude to handle an "unlucky" start. Once 8-10 trainers express their willingness to participate, I'll announce the beginning of "official-unofficial ranked battles" (b100 OU). b100 OU battles will follow the Unofficial Event rules of past tournaments. When battling outside of tournaments, both trainers must agree to the b100 OU and report their matches to me as soon as possible - in-game, Discord, Forum, messenger Pidgey.


xXSushiPopsXx [1400] - LilCuddlePuff [1200]

Send: "I (xXSushiPopsXx) lost to LilCuddlePuff."​
I send: "Ok, thanks."​
xXSushiPopsXx [1400] --> [1382.8]
LilCuddlePuff [1200] --> [1215.2]
I'm up for any constructive criticism or simply your thoughts on this matter. Will this idea fall flat on its face? Soar with flying colors? Stumble its way into stardom? Only time will tell. Join and I will do my best to not disappoint ; )​

Weekly 1,5 million Pd prize pool, as shown below:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - given to the battler who gains the most net-Elo points by the end of the week.

Serene Grace: 100,000 - given to the battler who loses the most net-Elo points at the end of the week.

Scrappy Scrafty: 200,000 - given to the battler who completes the most battles at the end of the week.

Participation Bonus: 1,000,000 - divided between all participants that battled (at least once) by the end of the week.

If 4 participants have battled, they will receive 250,000 each; 6 participants, 166,667 each; 8 participants, 125,000; and so on, and so forth.

Additional One-Time Signing Bonus: 250,000

As of 8/8/2022:
Week 1
8/2 lWtRl (1500 >> 1502.55) 2-1 Towel (1400 >> 1397.45)
8/2 lWtRl (1502.55 >> 1513.96) 1-0 str8trainer (1400 >> 1388.59)
8/3 AsianKid (1400 >> 1411.52) 1-0 Grivin (1300 >> 1288.48)
8/3 Grivin (1288.48 >> 1309.45) 1-0 whisMEAT (1400 >> 1379.03)
8/3 lWtRl (1513.96 >> 1524.05) 1-0 whisMEAT (1379.03 >> 1368.95)
8/3 AsianKid (1411.52 >> 1425.57 ) 1-0 whisMEAT (1368.95 >> 1354.90 )
8/5 lWtRl (1524.05 >> 1532.82) 1-0 whisMEAT (1354.90 >> 1346.13)
8/7 lWtRl (1532.82 >> 1544.03) 1-0 AsianKid (1425.57 >> 1414.36)
Week 2
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Aug 14, 2015
by OU do you mean every single restricitons on smogon?
No, just the regular restrictions set out in the current tourney. That said, I’ll leave any addition or subtraction of the clause to the discretion of both parties. Any battle is valid if both agree to the conditions - just think of the current restrictions as the default.


Jr. Trainer
Oct 8, 2011
Sounds great of course that's a slowdown ladder basically. I really like it and it's already approved. Whenever any of this events are held in the future, I'll hopefully be a part of.


Feb 16, 2013
What if someone disconnects in a game? I believe no. of DCs has to be counted or even DC = a loss, especially one might disconnect just to avoid deduction in elo.


Aug 14, 2015
What if someone disconnects in a game? I believe no. of DCs has to be counted or even DC = a loss, especially one might disconnect just to avoid deduction in elo.
Disconnects will automatically be considered a loss unless an agreement can be made to either conduct a rematch or nullify the battle - all within good reasoning.


Aug 14, 2015
Since the pool of participants has reached at least 10, I am glad to announce the release of the AOK PvP System!

But what is a PvP System without its incentives and prizes? Henceforth, every current and future participant will have their share of the weekly 1.5 million Pd prize pool, as shown below:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - given to the battler who gains the most net-Elo points by the end of the week.

Serene Grace: 100,000 - given to the battler who loses the most net-Elo points at the end of the week.

Scrappy Scrafty: 200,000 - given to the battler who completes the most battles at the end of the week.

Participation Bonus: 1,000,000 - divided between all participants that battled (at least once) by the end of the week.

If 4 participants have battled, they will receive 250,000 each; 6 participants, 166,667 each; 8 participants, 125,000; and so on, and so forth.

Additional One-Time Signing Bonus: 250,000

Once I find the time I will tidy everything up and design some visuals for the standings and add "Total winnings" as one of the columns. Until then, here are the starting Elo ratings and I look forward to hearing about your results!

whisMEAT [1400]
Darren~ [1400]
lWtRl [1600]
Fadoka [1600]
Georgelzr [1400]
ShinyMuskyEZ [1400]
DeZoLa [1400]
Towel [1400]
Grivin [1000]
The-Joker [1400]
AsianKid [1400]
str8trainer [1400]

I will discuss details about inactivity and Elo decay at a later time. Report any battle results to me either in-game, on Discord, or simply post here. I'll update ratings whenever I can. Also anyone is free to join in on the action at any point. Each week ends Monday 12am UTC - so it's 8/8 12 AM UTC. Good luck battlers!
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Aug 14, 2015
Week 1 has concluded!

Prize distributions are as follows:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - lWtRl

Serene Grace:
100,000 - whisMEAT

Scrappy Scrafty:
200,000 - lWtRl

Participation Bonus:
200,000 each -
[Grivin, lWtRl, str8trainer, Towel, whisMEAT]

Week 2 begins now, and will end Monday 8/15 12AM. More exciting developments and potentially decent formatting coming soon!


Aug 14, 2015

Week 2 has concluded!

Prize distributions are as follows:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - Grivin

Serene Grace:
100,000 - whisMEAT

Scrappy Scrafty:
200,000 - whisMEAT

Participation Bonus:
200,000 each -
[DeZoLa, Grivin, Fadoka, lWtRl, whisMEAT]

All participants may collect their earnings at any time (will also include the 250,000 Pd signing bonus). Just contact me.

Week 3 begins and will end Sunday 8/21 11:59PM (UTC). Good luck!
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Aug 14, 2015

Week 3 has concluded!

Prize distributions are as follows:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - Fadoka

Serene Grace:
100,000 - Darren~

Scrappy Scrafty:
200,000 - Fadoka

Participation Bonus:
200,000 each -
[Darren~, Fadoka, Towel, whisMEAT, xLolaMontez]

All participants may collect their earnings at any time (including the 250,000 Pd signing bonus). Just contact me.

Week 4 begins and will end Sunday 8/28 11:59PM (UTC). ¡Buena Suerte!


Feb 22, 2012
View attachment 7333View attachment 7332

Week 3 has concluded!

Prize distributions are as follows:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - Fadoka

Serene Grace:
100,000 - Darren~

Scrappy Scrafty:
200,000 - Fadoka

Participation Bonus:
200,000 each -
[Darren~, Fadoka, Towel, whisMEAT, xLolaMontez]

All participants may collect their earnings at any time (including the 250,000 Pd signing bonus). Just contact me.

Week 4 begins and will end Sunday 8/28 11:59PM (UTC). ¡Buena Suerte!
ak i think u missed my report in 16th august in discord


Aug 14, 2015

Week 4 has concluded!

Prize distributions are as follows:

Rising Staryu: 200,000 - Darren~

Serene Grace: 100,000 - Grivin

Scrappy Scrafty: 200,000 - lWtRl & whisMEAT

Participation Bonus: 166,667 each -
[Darren~, Fadoka, Grivin, lWtRl, Towel, whisMEAT]

All participants may collect their earnings at any time (including the 250,000 Pd signing bonus). Just contact me.

Week 5 begins and will end Sunday 9/4 11:59PM (UTC). Bonne chance !


Jr. Trainer
Oct 8, 2011
I've got a little suggestion but it's important. What made me think about it is because I've seen online people not responding to battle calls when posted on battle chat when they are registered in AOK system. This is to avoid battling certain people and potentially lose points but that's not how a real ranked ladder works at all. You're registered, you click "find battles" you get caught by whomever good or bad one out there without having the option to avoid anyone.

This leads me to the suggest of losing cash / getting penalties or disqualifications when not facing people except the same ones over the weeks or when proves are presented that someone tries to avoid some battle requests from battle chat while being registered in the AOK system.

Also somehow reduce the point gained when guild mates battle one another or see what you wanna do about this. Just keep it in mind. But it's not that I'd battle any decoy from my own guild to get my 1 battle done in the whole week. That's an abuse in my opinion.
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Aug 14, 2015
Not wanting to dissuade the already small group we have here, I will not implement such a penalty unless something egregious occurs, and that would require substantial proof. This to be a legitimate concern and I appreciate the suggestion. That said, I’m just a numbers lad at the end of the day. The AOK System heavily relies on an honor system, where the pool of participants are tasked to remain accountable; not just to oneself, but to each other.

I like to trust members of the PvP Community (and PWO as whole) and offer the benefit of the doubt. But no doubt does that leave me vulnerable to be taken advantaged of. However, I do my best to alleviate any concerns and remove any barriers that may both plague our minds. I do not wish the devil on your shoulder to whisper sweet temptations that you actively attempt to “scam” me of my virtual currency. I’m going to transition to a bit of detail and lecture on, so feel free to stop here if you’re uninterested.

Not matter what we want to do, there are ways to cut corners. There are legitimate methods and not so legitimate methods. The framework I’ll be discussing to supplement my position is the Fraud Triangle. In short, the three predicates for most instances of (corporate) fraud is pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. Now, I will extend this to the PWO setting.

Pressure: The motivations to obtain a rare Pokémon, win battles, obtain prize money, to be “the best”—you feel that you gotta catch ‘em all. A lot of pressure is self-imposed, but we often feel trapped by our situation. Guild expectations or perceived status within PWO can lead a trainer astray. To combat this, I make the bare minimum requirements to obtaining prize money where any result is a good result.

Opportunity: If you have the capabilities to get away with something, why not? “They’ll never know.” Generally exploitive activity falls under this category—scam new players, farm starter Pokémon, generate millions of Battle Points to spend in Battle Tower. Looking for loopholes and taking advantage of inadequate monitoring or ineffective restrictions can tempt an individual to commit fraud. The AOK System is not backed by some machine learning algorithm to detect match-fixing/avoidance; it’s an Excel sheet. While I’m sure things can get past my scrutiny, I’m not your average narcissist lad. I will make improvements where I can.

  • “I mean if everyone else is botting, I should be able to do it too!”
  • “It’s for a good cause and no one gets hurt.”
  • “I’m not scamming, I’m just a good business person.”
We sometimes align our dishonest actions with faulty reasoning and justification. Please don’t try to rationalize cutting corners. Contrary to what you may have read on the Forums, by in large, most members of the PWO Community are kind and want to do the right thing. The collective efforts of their wonderful actions just aren’t publicized enough.

To build a community of trust means to make accountability commonplace. I will always do my best to uphold a standard, but I’m not perfect, for I too, fall into temptation. Which is why I make this statement to encourage keeping each other accountable. You may not like being made accountable but do not take it as an aggressive act against you as an individual. That said, you must understand that not everything is black-and-white and to enter any discussion with an open-mind, open-heart, and an open-Playerdex.
