Shiny Alakazam Give-Away (Finished)


New Member
Sep 17, 2016
giving away new ivs alakazam,  (Sorry i posted it here.. but event section is dead)

For everyone that wanna participate, please read the info below!~

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
2)What's your favourite pokemon?
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?

Last question: What do you think of this event?  :blush:

i will pm the winner once this event ends which is next week.

Happy Pwoinggg...~

The winner of the give away issssss

CyberW0lf    !!!!! I will pm you soon! Congratulations ^_^



New Member
Sep 26, 2011
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
I have been playing PWO for 4-5 years but i stopped playing it 3 years ago and started to play it again for a week , it means i am a newbee actually :D

2)What's your favourite pokemon?
My favorite pokemon is shiny alakazam :p  lol it is dragonite actually :)
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
Chatting and improving my English language :) Also catching shinies :)
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
I just only want to see more people first of all . this is the most important for now .
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
Because it is awesome for me and from NYX , a gift :D love it
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
Actually i am new in this game after 3 years but i only saw PANSY in the chat as GM , she seemed sweet and helpful . can be my favorite :D

Last question: What do you think of this event? :D
Lol i forgot to answer this :D this event is great actually , some GM can see it and it would be usefull for them to improve the game . As i said my English language may not be great sorry if i make some mistakes :D The reward is awesome btw :D GJ NYX ! :D


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )its about 3 months from now...will continue to be more if a person like u is a player to help around
2)no favoritism..since u gotta catch them>>but i do have a liking for physchic types.
3)adventure..hunting..and not to forget events and challenges
4)more powerfull pokemon...mega evolution...more challenges..more gyms..more shinies
5)its one of the most powerfull pokemon in the pokemon world..and who dosent like shiny pokemon with a beard
6) one...because i dont know any of them..

exciting and the same time..joyful,it keeps u on your alakazam


New Member
Dec 16, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
- Ive been playing pwo for a week now because i started a new account but overall ive been playing for 4-5 months already.
2)What's your favourite pokemon?
- well my favourite pokemon would be Houndour because he looks cool. im not very knowledgeable when it comes to pwo but a houndour is a pokemon that iis very versatile against any opponent.
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
- well the most important thing in pwo that keeps me playing is that it is simple yet it is interesting that you wouldnt want to stop playing it and also it have the which serves as reference for new players like me when it comes to new maps and pokes.
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
- i would like to see live matches of the players because it gives more excitement for the game and also it teaches new players on how to play the game.
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
- I would liike an S Alakazam because he could be a great addition to my team and i would be grateful to train it.
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
- well I rarely catch admins/GMs ingame but i could say I like pansy because he checks whether the players are doing okay.
Last question: What do you think of this event?
- well this event could make old players play pwo again because i noticed that only few are in-game so these events could invite new and old pwo players to play again


Oct 3, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo? joined 03/10/2016 and have 825h
2)What's your favourite pokemon? Umbreon
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo? Friends
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo? more friends =)
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam? cause he is sooo cute =)
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why? pansy cause she is very friendly
7)What do you think of this event? actually this is good move from you to help many players good job keep this nice work to make pwo better community because she is already good community


Apr 11, 2014
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

 )How long have you been playing pwo? 
 since september 2012

2)What's your favourite pokemon?  
dratini its so cute :)

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo? 
respect everyone and get respected too.

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
spawn and new content  like mini game or game corner

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
i am a shiny collector and collect them all

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
rigaudon because she is so friendly and honest and she know what pwo need to be successful and pretty sure she do her best to bring pwo at another level.

good luck everyone :)


New Member
Sep 7, 2011
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo? - Wow, to be honest, I'm not sure exactly ^ ^p many many years... It doesn't even show my join date! Started back when you could hardly move some days!
2)What's your favourite pokemon? - That's easy, Mew! ( Not very manly I know xD )
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo? - That no matter how long I've play this game, it stays true to PWO roots but also adapts/evolves with the times.
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo? - Personally I hope more and more players, new and veterans start playing/keep playing. It will work wonders for the economy, chat, morale for the game etc and more players equals more money donations which always helps! $$$
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam? - Apart from having terrible shiny hunting luck (lol...) ever since I got my hands on pokemon yellow on my black and white gameboy, I've always had Alakazam in my team. Plus he somehow makes spoons look cool xP
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why? - To be quite honest, I've had minimal interaction with the new lot of staff besides Fonty and a few others so I can't really say.... They all seem to be doing an awesome job taking the game into the new era of pokemon.

What do you think of this event? - What this game needs more of xD


New Member
Jan 8, 2017
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days

2)What's your favourite pokemon?
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought, "Nah, forget it."

Last question: What do you think of this event?  undefined
– "Yo, home to Bel-Air."


New Member
Jan 20, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?

I've been in the game since 2014 with Max01ONE

2)What's your favourite pokemon?

My favorite pokemon is rhyperior and metagross, I love those pokemon

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?

For me most important always to make friends and meet authentic people, I always liked to help new players, to be friendly and funny, I have great friends thanks to that not many are still in pwo, I can give pokemon to a person who considers that it is Truly my friend is the pokemon that is, could be the price to meet someone, pwo was for me in many aspects of my life and I love pwo. (
[size=medium]I am Latin and I try to improve in my English.)

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?

That are placed the two maps that already have a time without updating, more publicity for pwo to grow, but above all the support of all the old users to take care of pwo.

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?

Previously I had several S alakazam, now I do not have, I remember that S alakazam was my first pokes shinys years ago, it always brings me beautiful memories and I know I would take care of it.

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?

I am not a user who has had many experiences with the admin, but I think out of everything, everyone is strict and kind when the situation requires it as good controllers.

[size=medium][font=arial, sans-serif]I think it's a great opportunity to help another player, it's exciting and it helps keep you going.


New Member
Nov 5, 2015
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

Nyx~ said:
giving away new ivs alakazam,  (Sorry i posted it here.. but event section is dead)

For everyone that wanna participate, please read the info below!~

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
since novemberr 2015

2)What's your favourite pokemon?

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
have a good pokes to battle only with pokes that u find

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
I want to see more players

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
because in my opinion is the best psicic poke and I like him so much heheheheh

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
I don't know admin/GM... but they usualy help when I need

Last question: What do you think of this event?  :blush:
nice to help improve the game

i will pm the winner once this event ends which is next week.

Happy Pwoinggg...~


New Member
Aug 2, 2014
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
   - since 2014

2)What's your favorite pokemon?
   - L U C A R I :heart:

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
   - hunting some good, epic, shiny poks and helping players 

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
   - Add some Items, Abilities, new Continent, mega evolution, new poks and to many players playing PWO  :idea:

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
   - I take care of it since i like collecting poks :sleepy:   

6)Who's your favorite Admin/GM and why?
    - hmmp it is hard to choice i say its fonty ive seen him many times i choice him because his friendly, chatting players and etc..  

Last question: What do you think of this event?  
    - for the last question  - it will attract new players and to old players to return in PWO.. because of the give-away :idea:    



Nov 15, 2011
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

[glow=green]Some day I must have a good turn of luck...[/glow]

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
[glow=green]I joined in November 2011, but only really started playing in 2012.[/glow]

2)What's your favourite pokemon?
[glow=green]Garbodor! :D But I like all Poison-types... and Charizard ^-^ [/glow]

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
[glow=green]Makeing friends and haveing fun :) [/glow]

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
[glow=green]More stuff to do that be open to everyone, whether that be story stuff, or events. The last event be cool but the high requirements to start such as 50 Fishing stopped the event being open to everyone.[/glow]

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
[glow=green](shudders) Lots of Ghosts haunt PWO, and I want something strong to protect I... (I start to stink more out of fear)[/glow]

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
[glow=green](shudders more) If I say Jinji, do I be safe?

Just kidding. Jinji be cool - I like Staff members who play jokes and do not mind I playing some back. But I feel the real greatest Staff be Donar and Bluerise for all the hard work each do :)

Last question: What do you think of this event?  :blush:
[glow=green]I like events that teach you things ^-^ [/glow]


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo? Uh, since 07, so..12 years?
2)What's your favourite pokemon? Pidgeotto<3
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo? The community and making it fun and funny ;p
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo? Tbh? None lol, but I'd love to see new events constantly and hoenn! xd
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam? Probably to complete my pvp team!
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why? Pansy! She's less strict and takes the time to understand us players and help with our game problems and ofc because she's Pansy<3


Apr 6, 2015
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
Since 2015.

2)What's your favourite pokemon?
Depends. Unown for the background, Latias as a legendary, Chroma Mew as an urban legend, Cyndaquil as a starter and Mudkip because he's my son.

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
In the good and bad way, players. They choose by their actions and reactions if the channels/global/pms/forums/playerdex are comfy or rough.

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
Natures, abilities, more items and of course Orre.

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
I don't want it, Alakazam is a pokémon that I dislike (not as much as Pikapoop tho). But it's still fun to participate.

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
Rigaudon, because you asked.

Last question: What do you think of this event?
It's not in the right section.


New Member
Dec 26, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
Not long, only 51 hours.

2)What's your favourite pokemon?
Tough question, but i will say torterra.

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
The friendly rivalry and the interations between the players.

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
More events, more features and a greater dificulty if possible.

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
Because its rare and one of the first shinys i ever catch as a abra, so it a bit of nostalgy.

6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?
Can't say because i not long enough in this game to know them.


New Member
Dec 12, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

Nyx~ said:
giving away new ivs alakazam,  (Sorry i posted it here.. but event section is dead)

For everyone that wanna participate, please read the info below!~

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?from 2015 but this is new account 
2)What's your favourite pokemon?i like every poke  :D mostly Umbreon
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?to make friends and enjoy the game 
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?to get easily t5 pokes and with 3d version game  :heart: :p  
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?because i like shiny pokes 
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?my favourite admin is Bluerise because he helps the player he helped  me when the game was not playing with direct3d error and he is friendly 

Last question: What do you think of this event?  :blush:  good  ppl  will be excited  to win it  :heart: :D

i will pm the winner once this event ends which is next week.

Happy Pwoinggg...~


Jr. Trainer
Jul 14, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

Nyx~ said:
giving away new ivs alakazam,  (Sorry i posted it here.. but event section is dead)

For everyone that wanna participate, please read the info below!~

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
2)What's your favourite pokemon?
3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
6)Who's your favourite Admin/GM and why?

Last question: What do you think of this event?  :blush:

i will pm the winner once this event ends which is next week.

Happy Pwoinggg...~
1. Since June 6th 2016 :cool:
2. Charizard ( I bet nobody knew that ;) )
3. Friendships, my friends here are like my family, I spend more time with them than anybody. I also wish everyone could be more friendly to others. So many players have a chip on their shoulder here and fail to realize that we all come here to get away from life and and enjoy ourselves. The last thing we need is people ruining our good time here. Lets help to build each other up not bring each other down. OFC, some toxic players on here deserve no mercy but as long as somebody has wrong you or another lets just get along. :sleepy:
4. Mainly the disposal of toxic players that seem to enjoy tormenting others (this is quite common with a select few older players that seem they always have to bully and push around newer players). New content would also be nice but I understand that we have just a small staff and of that small staff only about 60%-70% actually work on stuff so I'm fine with patience. :)
5. I just wanted to participate :blush:
6. LOL :huh:


New Member
Oct 28, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
Around 4 months

2)What's your favorite Pokemon?

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?
To make New friends and Share ur daily chat with them plus i need a stress buster to get rid of my 12 hours of daily grind from work plus i like to help the new comes by giving them free info and free Pokemon and freebies like EVO stones TMs i feel proud after that

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
Mega evolution , Master ball , Mini games like soccer or some shooting game or racing with friends in free time plus the feature of viewing the IVS of the wild Pokemon if front of us this will hugely help me any every player in PWO

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
Because i don't have any good psychic Pokemon at the time and my team is waiting for it so please give it to me fast ;P

6)Who's your favorite Admin/GM and why?
I Don't talk with Admins usually but Rigaudonhas helped and every one me a lot whenever she is online i am a hobbyist Graphic and Interface designer i Design 3d Models and 3d Animation but this is not a 3d game LOL and i also design themes for windows here is my work >>
And if PWO makes me the member of staff i will promote and advertise the game for free i will surely increase the website traffic


New Member
Nov 15, 2011
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

thelegend2 said:
1 )How long have you been playing pwo?
A few yrs on and off (i take long breaks) Only have around 140hrs play

2)What's your favorite Pokemon?
As me name suggest. Its Mew :)

3)What is the most important thing for you in pwo?

4)Which changes would you like to see in the future of pwo?
@ least a few legendary pokes being usable by players

5)Why do you want this S Alakazam?
Think only got 3 s pokes since me played and cant remember when me  found my last 1 :(

6)Who's your favorite Admin/GM and why?
Arnie or Blue. They have been the most helpful to me. Usually ask for their help when me need an Admin/staff. Like and respect all the PWO staff. The game wouldnt be where it was if it wasnt for ALL of  them


New Member
Sep 17, 2016
RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away

The winner has been announced at the front page!! Congrats =). =X