it has the exact same type of story as any of the official games. What do you want?
What I *Don't* want is a duplicate of the official games. That is literally "unoriginal", and if I want that I can just play the official games. That's a part of why new players quit.
This is not how an MMORPG Pokemon game should play. We should be allowed free roam, to go where we want, when we want. But what happens is we have to follow an extremely linear story line that constantly blocks off routes to new areas until we do some mundane, boring story stuff.
The Gyms need to be entirely revamped. I already have the blue prints on who to change the gyms to make them more MMO story based and it would take 100s of hours to complete. But, there would also be swarms, events, and side quests that would distract the player, so players would end up with 1000s of hours of game play before actually completing the story.
There would be 1 Gym of each Type. You could join a Gym, and they'd give you a starter of that gyms type, and you could get access to special hunting grounds for pokemon of that type to fill in your team. Then, you *DEFEND* the GYM, not attack it in order to gain enough Rep at that gym to be considered a Senior Member. When you reach a high rank, you're allowed to Attack Other Gyms, and once you have defeated all Other Gyms, you can challenge your gyms leader, who will have a FULL Team of level 100s. Once you have done ALL of that, THEN you get that gyms badge.
Just for starters. Also, there'd be side quest type stuff which would allow you to get jobs, like Ranger, or PKMN Breeder, Pokemon Scout, Picnicker, Scientist, Expert, etc. and would change your sprite appropriately.
Events could potentially be huge things that could be stuff like fighting a forest fire. Gathering players in a spot where they all have water type pokemon and are all using Squirt Gun and the map changes from the forest fire map to the after the fire map, and eventually goes back to a normal map. Such disasters would effect pokemon spawns. And after a natural disaster, the pokemon rangers would need to re-stock the supplies of pokemon, and they would have to get the pokemon from breeders. And the entire community would have to work together to achieve rebuilding the natural habitats.
I do believe all of this, and more, is possible given the current technology and some updates.