Questions & Answers Feb 2013

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Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
Hello again fellow Pokemon Trainers, and Welcome to the latest Question and Answers post. We've had a great turnout of staff answering your questions and I'm sure this bodes well for the year ahead. Enjoy your answers. :)

Hello, I was wondering if a GM would be able to give out the number of S HR, S VR, S R, S C that are currently in circulation.
[CG]Fonty: Well across my player accounts I have about 20 shiny commons at most I'd say. So we can start the count from there.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Listen.. I just sit in front of my computer for 12 hours a day and write music. Also, I’m not a GM so I can’t really answer the question..
[GM]chocobo7: I couldn't say the exact numbers for what is ingame but after all these years its needless to say there are a lot of Shinies ingame now.
[ADM]Bluerise: We would not be able to get this information without turning off the server.
[GM]Puar: If you would like to know how many shinys of a specific pokemon there are in game I would not mind figuring that out. As long as it is a Svr, Shr, or Suc. For example figuring out how many Sarcanines there are in game would probably take me around 10 minutes and is a boring/tedious task. Finding out how many SPikachus there are in game would take me a few seconds.

Will be there any UO(unobtainable) pokes become available when new playerdex go live ? such as relicanth
[GE]KarasuroKun: If it’s UO, I want one.. I say all staff should have at least 1 UO. Can’t be used in battle, doesn’t gain exp, non-tradable, maybe it be just a big “LOL You can no haz.” Thing..
[GM]chocobo7: Some of the features have already been announced by Bluerise and from what I know, there are a number things to look forward to on it.
[ADM]Bluerise: There are changes being made to the Token Store though you will have to wait for those. We want there to be some surprises!
[GM]Puar: I certainly hope so!

When Hoenn and/or Sinnoh are included in the game, do you also plan on increasing the max level obtainable by Pokemon to provide a linear progression throughout the game?
[ADM]Jinji: We are debating various ideas for inter-region travel and game-play; so cannot provide an accurate answer for this at this time.
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Several ideas for inter-regional travel have been discussed, as Jinji said. PERSONALLY, I would consider it bad design if we had to go above level 100 to make the game work. There are several, better ways to accomplish this that have been brought up before. Other staff may not share this opinion, but to me... at this point of the game's development, such caps would just add unnecessary grinding.
[GE]KarasuroKun: “Hoenn and/or Sinnoh”? BAAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s a good one…
[GE]Vieux: I agree with Grumps, increasing the cap to over level 100 would be a bad idea. We've had several viable solutions on how to deal with inter-regional travel, but want to focus on completing and improving what we currently have first.
[GM]Puar: Like Jinji said there is a discussion underway regarding this and I believe we came to a conclusion on it as well. Just wait and see for yourself!

What is the next big update are you working on now and what's the first priority?
[ADM]Jinji: The long-overdue Playerdex Update is the main priority; but we're also working on storyline content for the game itself to provide more longevity to the game.
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: I feel like it's different per group. What may need to get done as soon as possible in one division might not be something another group can contribute to.
Case in point- I'm a composer. The new Playerdex is not of my concern unless I am asked to test something on it.
[GE]Aevero: As mentioned, different staff groups handle different updates. Personally, I'd say the new playerdex is priority.
[GE]KarasuroKun: The next big update I believe is Windows 8 Service Pack 1.. and the first priority is to eliminate all Vista computers of the face of earth.. … Oh you mean for PWO? Well you should have specified.
[ADM]Bluerise: Big update ehh? I'm working on the Playerdex update of course.
[GE]Vieux: As the rest said, its mixed depending on the groups. I'm working on tiny updates to existing maps that no one will probably notice.
[GM]Puar: My priority right now is trying to become a better GM by being reviewed on my performance and Focusing on improving my weak points. Also I like to participate in staff discussions on many topics.

How much money is donated per month by the community?
[ADM]Jinji: I'm not privy to this information.
[GE]KarasuroKun: I’ve donated like.. $20 to PWO so as far as I know? $20 total..
[ADM]Bluerise: Well I can say for the current month, we have had at least $100 in terms of donations.
[GM]Puar: Not enough, System keeps pming me saying she is hungry

Just to know, is there anything super-amazing we can expect from the new PlayerDex?
[ADM]Jinji: Ask Bluerise.
[GE] Aevero: It has been a while since i have seen the playerdex, but the new Mart in there is going to be a favourite for everyone.
[GE]KarasuroKun: It’s unconfirmed and I haven’t brought it up with the other staff but I was hoping that maybe we could set the background as a tribute to me. In my opinion, that would be super-amazing.
[ADM]Bluerise: Sadly Kara will not get that however there is stuff like status updates, about me section and the Mart returning. Super amazing depends on the person. You can change the colours of your profile headers if it helps. :)
[GM]Puar: I have seen images of the new Playerdex. An analogy:The current Pdex is weak sauce, New playerdex is duck sauce.

How many active players (meaning: logged in at least once in the past 2 weeks) PWO has?
[ADM]Jinji: A total of 18,046 accounts were marked as being active at some point between 2013-01-28 and 2013-02-10 UTC.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Way to cut me out of the list of active players…

In average, how many accounts are deleted during the account clear ups?
[ADM]Jinji: I've never kept records of the totals, so I have no idea.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Wait let me get my calculator.. A LOT! (JK IDK)
[ADM]Bluerise: They usually happen every 2-3 days, each time I would say at least 500 accounts (I don't keep records).

To all staff member (except Jinji, everyone knows his answer): If you would be a Pokemon, which one you would be?
[ADM]Jinji: I suppose if people read the Forum, you'd probably be right there. This question was asked in a thread a long time ago and my answer remains the same.
[CG]Fonty: I don't really have favourites, but for the sake of making a choice I'd say mewtwo, since he is fairly humanlike and doesn't just say his own name. And just as importantly he has no master.
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Mew, because it learns transform just like Ditto. However, unlike ditto, Mew has more options in life. Ditto just gets left in a daycare forever. I would then turn myself into a luvdisc or dunsparce because nobody would want to catch me in the wild.
[GE]Aevero: Unlimited potential, sevenfold possibilty.
Tecknician: Tough question. I would have to go with alakazam even thought lapras is my favorite. As alakazam I would train myself to talk to humans through our minds and telekinesis and things to that nature I have always found to be cool.
[GE]KarasuroKun: If I were a pokemon I’d be.. AWESOME!
And Espeon.. because he has an awesome tail and can make you forget things that just happened.
[GM]chocobo7: I think I have a conflict of interests for this question. :p
[ADM]Bluerise: I don't want to be one, it means trying to escape from being caught! ;-)
[GE]Vieux: Mine always changes, but one that could fly would be awesome. Probably Swellow.
[GM] Puar: I would be an Onix, I have always been fond of them

Do you consider adding smaller regions, like the Sevii Islands or the Orange Archipelago to the game some time in the future?
[ADM]Jinji: It's something we're discussing.
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: The Pokemon Franchise is a huge, huge world with a lot of potential. Just about any area in the games or anime has, at the least, been playfully speculated.
[GE]Aevero: Yes. When is a better question to ask though. ;-)
[GE]KarasuroKun: 1. “Sometime” is one word. 2. I haven’t even made it past the first gym in Kanto.
[ADM]Bluerise: We consider many things, sadly not all is possible.

The economy of PWO is clearly in trouble. Do you have some action plan to fix it? The new Playerdex doesn't count because it won't have much effect on the main issues of the market.
[ADM]Jinji: Of course... but if we revealed it, it would only worsen matters.
[CG]Fonty: Personally I think the Playerdex Auction House will have some effect and it is worth waiting to see what it is.
[GE]Aevero: To be honest. I think the economy is the strongest it has ever been. Who would (or could) buy a Ninetales for 230m? People were doing that this time last year.
[ADM]Tecknician: I have yet to seen any factual, non argumentative, non opinionated support regarding why the economy is in trouble.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Don’t talk about economy… I’m taking that class for college and I hate every bit of it.
[GM]Puar: To be honest I think that the new playerdex will have a huge effect on the market. I think when the mart is available many of the problems (specifically deflation, and scamming) will sort themselves out

Do you prefer smoothies or milkshakes?
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Milkshakes yo! My favorite fast food place is only my favorite because of its milkshakes selection.
[ADM]Jinji: I haven't had smoothies for millennia...
[CG]Fonty: Freshly made almond milk banana smoothie. Nothing else is worth considering.
[GE]Aevero: Thickshakes.
[ADM]Tecknician: Milkshakes.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Milkshakes because the word makes me think of … brownies =_= ... yeah.
[GM]chocobo7: Milkshakes, its not even close.
[ADM]Bluerise: What's a Smoothie? (seriously)
[GE]Vieux: Banana maple smoothies, best!
[GM]Puar: If I have to choose then I say smoothies but I am not a fan of sweet things

What is the exact shiny chance in the token store?
[ADM]Jinji: Gengen gengar geh. Geh gengargen!
[GE]KarasuroKun: I want a shiny!!! DX
[GM]chocobo7: Shrouded in mystery and shadow.
[ADM]Bluerise: To (not) be revealed anytime soon.
[GM]Puar: Definitely something, We know it works I can say that much.

How many people are able to restart the server after a crash?
[CG]Fonty: Depends on when the crash is.
[ADM]Jinji: These are all answered on the Forum. Search Is Your Friend.
[GE]Aevero: All [ADMIN] and [DEV] can.
[GE]KarasuroKun: From my knowledge? 1 or 2..
[GM]chocobo7: Admins and DEVs can, every other staff member cannot so you don't have to keep bugging us about it. :p
[ADM]Bluerise: Myself, Jinji, Thugie and Teck.
[GM]Puar: I can crash it if that is what you are asking... Is it?

Do you plan to add an autorestart to the server?
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Well I could try, but being a Composer that has no knowledge about coding...that probably won't end up pretty!
[CG]Fonty: My understanding is that it has been tried before and failed, cannot be done currently and is not planned anytime soon.
[ADM]Jinji: These are all answered on the Forum. Search Is Your Friend.
[GE]KarasuroKun: That would be AWESOME!
[ADM]Bluerise: If we had one, I would have never fixed the cause of a few crashes a few days back.

What is the cause of so many crashes?
[CG]Fonty: If there was just one cause it would have been fixed by now, so I guess there is no one answer to this question.
[ADM]Jinji: These are all answered on the Forum. Search Is Your Friend.
[GE]Aevero: Faulty Server coding... And Puar :l
[GE]KarasuroKun: You! :D
[GM]chocobo7: There are a number of causes ranging from faulty coding, NPC errors, problems with the server and even things like people using bot programs can have a negative impact on the server.
[ADM]Bluerise: Number of different issues, hence why whenever it crashes - we have a look at the finer details.
[GM]Puar: Server can be a fickle mistress.

The server is located on a PC, so do you plan to move it onto a dedicated server?
[ADM]Jinji: This is entirely incorrect.
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Your info is off. There is a dedicated server. =]
[GE]KarasuroKun: Well.. when you think about it. A dedicated server still has every component as a PC. It’s just that a PC is smaller and easier to manage..
[GM]Puar: Please check your sources.

Can you tell me the current progress on fixing the recovery moves? Like recover/roost/softboiled and the attack moves like Absorb/Mega Drain/Giga drain/Drain punch?
[ADM]Jinji: I believe this is Tecknician's area now.
[ADM]Tecknician: Well, these moves could possibly go in game, however there is a bug with how the server/client is written so that your pokemon needs to take damage before your client updates with previous healing moves. I have determined I will not be able to fix this issue.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Those moves sound like they could be OP in the wrong hands…

Can you tell me which moves are likely to be fixed in the near future and which moves will have to wait on the new client/servers?
[ADM]Jinji: I believe this is Tecknician's area now.
[ADM]Tecknician: Depends on the problems with the moves.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Short answer? No. Long answer? Nu’uh.
[ADM]Bluerise: Any moves will be fixed when possible.
[GM]Puar: All of them are being painstakingly being fixed as they are brought to the attention of Teck. If you find any bugged moves please report it Here

Any idea when the new playerdex and Auction House will be open to everyone?
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: Keep updated on the "Playerdex 13" topic and Bluerise's twitter.
[ADM]Jinji: Ask Bluerise.
[CG]Fonty: When the testing is phase is over I imagine.
[GE]Aevero: It would have been out already, except Cloudflare.
[GE]KarasuroKun: There’s a new Auction House?! :O
[ADM]Bluerise: It will be open for testing at some point - most likely next month but i'm not setting any confirmed dates. In the meantime, my Twitter (@PWOblue) will have sneak peeks of the Playerdex and you'll be in the comfort of knowing you'll be getting free Tokens due to the delay.
[GM]Puar: Soon, It is behind schedule but I assure you there is a good reason why it has not been released yet.

Are there any new Events planned and if so what events and when?
[GE]GrumpyOptimist: What's the point in answering? Say there was one. Wouldn't that spoil everything in the first place?
(Jinji mimics GrumpyOptimist's response using only his laughter and the syllables of "Gengar")
[CG]Fonty: So far I believe all Events have not been announced officially or unofficially until they are just about ready to go. That is still the policy, so as GrumpyOptimist said that is not a question that can be answered at this time.
[GE]Aevero: I would rather have more permanent content than focus on events.
[GE]KarasuroKun: I VOTE FOR EPIC COMPOSER DAY!!! An event where players are forced to sit in 1 room and listen to all of the PWO rejected compositions. >:D Mwahahahahahaha.
Anyone left alive or last one to remain in the server gets to leave with his pokemon.
[GM]chocobo7: Now that would be spoiling the surprises...
[ADM]Bluerise: <-- out of the loop, it's so easy getting lost. Maybe finding my way back can count as an event....
[GE]Vieux: Next weekend we will open a map full of Shiny Mews and Eevees. Get excited! But really, we wouldn't tell you - springing events on the players is all part of the fun.
[GM]Puar: There are new events suggested pretty much every week, It is a long process of organization that requires multiple groups to work closely. That being said we are constantly developing ideas and discussing events, So sit tight!

I heard a long while back that the team was working on a re-haul of the battle system to make it more like the original games. Have you progressed at all with that? Or is it on hold for now?"
[ADM]Jinji: It's still being worked on.
[CG]Fonty: I believe that would require at least a new client, if not a new server also.
[GE]KarasuroKun: I heard awhile back that Nintendo planned to take us down. Hasn’t happened.
[GM]Puar: Should come with the new client that is being worked on.

Has there been any headway in making an update for the map editor to allow hoenn to be possible?
[ADM]Jinji: This is not a priority at present.
[CG]Fonty: I believe the current client could not support the required changes to the map editor so the client development must come first.
[GE]KarasuroKun: I remember I had modded the map editor once.. imported an entirely new tileset.. it was awesome.
[GE]Vieux: It's not an update to the Map Editor that we need in order to make Hoenn and Sinnoh possible, but rather a complete overhaul of the current tiling system. Think of places like Fortree City in Hoenn and Sunyshore City in Sinnoh, where you have bridges that cross over paths - we can't make maps like that at the moment. As Fonty said, client development must come first.
[GM]Puar: I dont think that is the problem that is holding Hoenn back...

I won a few days membership and I didn't get any shiny pokemon, I want to know if it is a bug in the game or just lucky, because all membership get it sooo easy and not me.
[ADM]Jinji: Nope, it's entirely luck.
[CG]Fonty: There is no bug. Some people are luckier than others, and in a game this size there will certainly be some who are very lucky and and equal amount no doubt who are unlucky.
[GE]KarasuroKun: LIES!!! I’ve had membership twice and not once did I ever find a shiny pokemon.. I WANT A SHINY!!! DX
[GM]chocobo7: Finding shinies is always down to luck even with membership you are not guarenteed to find one, it just makes it a bit easier.
[ADM]Bluerise: Lol @ Kara. It's all based on luck, fear not - for we haven't sent Mantis on you to destroy any chances of shinies showing up.
[GM]Puar: Like I said Server can be a fickle mistress, I too know the dispair of an unfruitful MS month.

Does PWO have a Ventrilo server?
[GE]Aevero: Vi sitter i Ventrolo och spelar pwo. Unofficially it might have one. Unsure.
[ADM]Jinji: We get this question surprisingly often. And the answer is no.
[ADM]Bluerise: No plans to as well.

I would like to be in the arts division of pwo but i am just wondering if there will be any advantages of working with pwo in the game. Also for the image i have to send you to prove I'm good enough, does it have to be pokemon related and what has to be in side of it? Also if i do get offered a place in it, what jobs will i have to carry out?
[GE]Aevero: I constantly browse the ART forums (Especially the showcase section) Looking for potential new ART interns, work hard and make yourself noticeable, I would expect more than one image. Show your range of skills :3
As an ARTist, you can be expected to work on anything from icons, to website design, and even random requests from other Staff members. The advantage of being on the staff team is you will be working with a team, as a team. In my opinion, experience is worth more than gold.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Lol. The first time I read this question, I didn’t read it as “arts division”. I was like Wha?! Da- OH!!! Arts! Ok.. yeah no.. no one is “Good Enough” you’re either great, or horrible.. Show me your work and I’ll let you know which one you are.

Hi. I'm just wondering about the function of 'anchor' on topic threads; what they do and how to use them.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Anchor… Anchor.. this is for BBCode? Hang on a second..
[ADM]Jinji: An anchor in a web page determines a part of a document you can "jump" to. For example, a lot of websites put an anchor named "top" at the top of the page; then throughout the text, there might be "Back to top" links linking to "#top", which would take you back there.
The anchor tag on our Forum lets you set jump-points in your own posts and name them. Then you can direct people to specific parts of the post, by copying the link to the post and adding #name to the end. So for example, if I had put [anchor=bacon][/anchor] in this post, you could jump to wherever I put that tag by putting #bacon at the end of the topic link. I actually added this BBCode to the Forum myself, mainly for the Chain Game. It also replaces the "IURL" tag from the old SMF Forum, that doesn't exist in this one.

[GM]chocobo7: Its usually used for making links on the same page, so if someone has a long post they can put anchor tags in to allow people to jump straight to different sections.

If I get an IP ban..can I make a new account? Can you explain the different types of bans?
[GE]Aevero: If you get an IP ban, you cannot make a new account, no. As for the type of bans, there are:
Temporary - minor offense, probably would have been a mute if a GM was ingame at the time.
Permanent - This means the offending account itself is banned, and can no longer play. You can still make a new account though
IP Ban - This is severe, you can no longer make a new account, and are no longer welcome to play PWO anymore.
[GE]KarasuroKun: IP stands for “Internet Protocol” in other word’s it is the address that your router sends to Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. in order to connect to their servers. So yes! You can make a new account. Log into PWO client? No.. no you can’t..
[GM]chocobo7: IPbans are reserved for special cases, be it people who have commited an offense serious enough to warrant one or someone who simply doesn't learn after having an account banned previously. Simply put it means you and your accounts are no longer welcome to play PWO. Aevero has accurately described the types of bans so I won't go into that.
[GM]Puar: In laymans terms. An IPban is a message from staff and the community at large that your actions have placed you in a position where you are no longer welcome to be a part of the PWO community or enjoy the lovely game we play. So no.

I just wanted to know what the chance of finding a Dratini Skin was.
[GE]Aevero: I heard it was publicly mentioned by tecknician in his updates, at 1/1000
[CG]Fonty: The rate is definitely 1 chance in 1000 while fishing in the pond on route 45.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Dratini Skin? That poor Pokemon. And here I thought there weren’t any poachers in PWO. :|

Sometimes, me and my friends play with same internet connection in same house. Is that allowed? Also, can we battle and trade while on the same internet connection?
[CG]Fonty: There are no restrictions on different players connecting from the same internet connection. You can all interact freely with the game and each other within the rules.
[GE]KarasuroKun: Sounds like an excuse to multi log accounts.. Strangely, I see nothing wrong with this.
[GM]chocobo7: As long of you are each on your own account then this is fine.
[GM]Puar: I have never banned players strictly for being on the same IP. Though I must admit it raises suspicion and causes me to inspect the accounts on the IP. Most of the time no rules are being broken and I move on. Sometimes I find that the other accounts online are using a bot/macroing. When that happens I inspect the accounts, find the main one, See if there are signs that the main account is recieving pokemon from the accounts that are used to bot/macro then ban them all.

I have Blastoise, but i want to have Charizard and Venusaur too. Can I make three accounts, play them through and in the end transfer the starters to my first account?
[CG]Fonty: You may transfer pokemon from one account to another, including starter pokemon, if you do so with a go-between player and do not have two of your own accounts online at the same time. What you cannot do is make a new account JUST to get the starter from it.
[GE]KarasuroKun: trade? maybe? is that even possible?
[GM]chocobo7: No, if you make an account for the reason of getting a pokemon from it that is a bannable offense, you are allowed to trade pokemon between accounts but they must be accounts you legitimately use.
[ADM]Bluerise: Creating accounts just for the purpose of getting other starters is against the rules (plus you're wasting resources).
[GM]Puar: No, But you are allowed to create three accounts if you want to go through the game with each. Sometimes its nice playing on accounts that noone knows is you, and a new starter just adds to the fun!

I just want to know if the item Dragon Scale can be dropped from any horsea at any fishing place, and if you could, the drop rate.
[GE]Aevero: Horsea has a chance to drop a dragon scale everywhere but whirl islands, where it has a chance to drop a Horsea scale used for the end quest of Johto. I forget if the drop rate is public for the scale, but its 0.75% or 1/133
[GE]KarasuroKun: I can ride the Horsea? :D

What is the rate of tokens you receive for donating. (is it like 1 token for 1 dollar, or what?
[ADM]Jinji: That's correct, but this may change in future updates.
[CG]Fonty: Currently, at the time of this post, for a 1 US Dollar donation will receive as a gift 1 Token.
[GE]KarasuroKun: That’s is a good question..
[GM]Puar: The rate is 1 token for 1 dollar, you are not mistaken.

There is a guild that i used to be in, and i really liked it. but the leader abandoned it and left. Is there any way someone else could take charge of the guild?
[GE]KarasuroKun: Someone like you? Doubt it. Make a new one?
[ADM]Bluerise: For the Playerdex update, we'll be making it so you can apply a backup leader or 2. They would have a few powers and will be able to take over as leader if they're recorded as inactive after a period (of which hasn't been decided on yet).

Is there any difference between evolving a pokemon sooner or later?
The Pokemon that evolves later have more attributes than one that evolved earlier?
If I had evolved my Pikachu to Raichu at level 31, would he learn more skills if I had evolved at level 50?

[CG]Fonty: The difference between what the unevolved pokemon and the evolved pokemon varies with each evolution. You can check the moves of each pokemon on the Playerdex Pokedex. If you have a pokemon like Raichu that learns no moves however you can still teach them the moves their previous evolution would learn at that level on the Playerdex for 500 Pokedollars per level of the pokemon. So for example while Raichu does not learn any new moves after level 1 on the playerdex you can teach it Thunder at level 50, when pikachu would have learnt it, for 25,000 pokedollars.
[GE]KarasuroKun: I ask myself the same question.. but then I realize, I don’t have a Pikachu!


Apr 6, 2012
Well, this was.... Interesting...
The first thing what surprised me that I got response to all my questions. Not necessary an answer, but responses nevertheless ;D
The second thing was how the attitude of the staff and the questions changed since the last Q/A. I mean, there are answers which are only about mocking the player who asked the question. Ok, you may think it's a silly question, but then either don't answer it, or leave the question out completely! In the previous Q/A when you asked a question, you may be sure that if it's on the list, you will get a serious answer. Now about 50% of the answers is about "how should I insult the player who asked this without saying anything serious?" Whats the point of insulting players? Couldn't you just skip the question, or just shut your mouth and not answer anything? Q/A supposed to be about informing playes about various things in the game and the staff, not about mocking those who dare to step forward and ask a question!

If Q/A is an unnecessary burden to you, don't do any Q/A, or don't answer the questions. If you do a Q/A, take it seriously.
With this Q/A you're just painting a negative image about the staff.

And thanks for the serious answers :)


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Merse said:
Well, this was.... Interesting...
The first thing what surprised me that I got response to all my questions. Not necessary an answer, but responses nevertheless ;D
The second thing was how the attitude of the staff and the questions changed since the last Q/A. I mean, there are answers which are only about mocking the player who asked the question. Ok, you may think it's a silly question, but then either don't answer it, or leave the question out completely! In the previous Q/A when you asked a question, you may be sure that if it's on the list, you will get a serious answer. Now about 50% of the answers is about "how should I insult the player who asked this without saying anything serious?" Whats the point of insulting players? Couldn't you just skip the question, or just shut your mouth and not answer anything? Q/A supposed to be about informing playes about various things in the game and the staff, not about mocking those who dare to step forward and ask a question!

If Q/A is an unnecessary burden to you, don't do any Q/A, or don't answer the questions. If you do a Q/A, take it seriously.
With this Q/A you're just painting a negative image about the staff.

And thanks for the serious answers :)

I highly doubt that any staff member answered a question with the intention of mocking a player. There are several answers that are meant to be taken lightly and as joke (all of karas for example).

However if more players agree with your stance on the issue, I will be glad to raise up with the rest of the staff to approach it more seriously.


New Member
Jul 26, 2012
Ehh, I thought most answers were serious enough to be considered actual answers. And I personally liked some of the humorous responses from the staff.

All in all, it was informative enough for me. So thanks for the answers!


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Again Q&A back and answers lots. There was some good questions and answers, there was funny Q&A too. But answers for one Q was killer of game, don't rise level cap over 100, that ridiculous. That means last and little entertainment will be Hoenn in future and that be for couple days. And Sinnoh, Unova, 6th Region will be same and only 2 differences will be Pokemon and Badges. So 1/2 regions (3/6) will be boring... So re-consider level cap. By that way, thanks for new Q&A


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
I feel it's naive to assume every Pokémon will be allowed everywhere... in fact, just to make a point, when Ash went to Hoenn in the Anime, he left behind all of his previous Pokémon except Pikachu; making his party's previous levels irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that the Anime isn't very respecting of levels anyway nor is very strongly canon, so perhaps this doesn't really matter.

This is besides the point, though. The point of the answer we gave, was that we don't want PWO to go against the standards of Pokémon unless it's necessary or makes for a better experience; but we will consider every possibility to work around limitations and provide a solid game-play experience while keeping as in-line with these expectations as possible. In the case of the level cap, no-one is saying we may never go over Lv100; but what we are saying is, we'd prefer to keep to the standard; and if we ever DO have to raise the cap above 100, there would have to be a very good reason for doing so.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Jinji said:
I feel it's naive to assume every Pokémon will be allowed everywhere... in fact, just to make a point, when Ash went to Hoenn in the Anime, he left behind all of his previous Pokémon except Pikachu; making his party's previous levels irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that the Anime isn't very respecting of levels anyway nor is very strongly canon, so perhaps this doesn't really matter.

This is besides the point, though. The point of the answer we gave, was that we don't want PWO to go against the standards of Pokémon unless it's necessary or makes for a better experience; but we will consider every possibility to work around limitations and provide a solid game-play experience while keeping as in-line with these expectations as possible. In the case of the level cap, no-one is saying we may never go over Lv100; but what we are saying is, we'd prefer to keep to the standard; and if we ever DO have to raise the cap above 100, there would have to be a very good reason for doing so.
I know you never say that, but other staff members say that and I didn't like it. And this is PWO and this game in future will have all regions. And no game ever have, thats why level cap in original games is 100. Point is this: for PWO in future will need level cap over 100. BTW: someone can finally add 1 level to level cap and do game with 100 levels for now?


Apr 6, 2012
I was thinking a lot about raising the level cap before, and I think several things support the idea, including the longer time to reach max level. Of course, getting 50 millions to gain only one level would be irrational, so it would require to recalculate and redesign the whole exp system, but I still think it worth the effort.
Plus I really want to beat the Hoenn leaders with my Charizard :)


Sep 7, 2011
narutofoxLT said:
Jinji said:
I feel it's naive to assume every Pokémon will be allowed everywhere... in fact, just to make a point, when Ash went to Hoenn in the Anime, he left behind all of his previous Pokémon except Pikachu; making his party's previous levels irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that the Anime isn't very respecting of levels anyway nor is very strongly canon, so perhaps this doesn't really matter.

This is besides the point, though. The point of the answer we gave, was that we don't want PWO to go against the standards of Pokémon unless it's necessary or makes for a better experience; but we will consider every possibility to work around limitations and provide a solid game-play experience while keeping as in-line with these expectations as possible. In the case of the level cap, no-one is saying we may never go over Lv100; but what we are saying is, we'd prefer to keep to the standard; and if we ever DO have to raise the cap above 100, there would have to be a very good reason for doing so.
I know you never say that, but other staff members say that and I didn't like it. And this is PWO and this game in future will have all regions. And no game ever have, thats why level cap in original games is 100. Point is this: for PWO in future will need level cap over 100. BTW: someone can finally add 1 level to level cap and do game with 100 levels for now?

So you really want to do this for several more hours:

"Move left. Move right. Move up. Wait for battle. Click a few times, wait a few seconds for battle to finish. Repeat."
and once in a blue moon:
"See an HR/shiny. Catch it. Continue leveling."



New Member
Oct 28, 2012
Jinji said:
I feel it's naive to assume every Pokémon will be allowed everywhere... in fact, just to make a point, when Ash went to Hoenn in the Anime, he left behind all of his previous Pokémon except Pikachu; making his party's previous levels irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that the Anime isn't very respecting of levels anyway nor is very strongly canon, so perhaps this doesn't really matter.

I like this idea, have all the players leave all their pokemon behind in there PC and start fresh in Hoenn. But if they do that they will be given a Hoenn starter to start their journey. The only way to get back to Kanto/Johto would be till the player gets 8 badges and has acquired FLY.

Thanks for the Q/A got my question answered.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
The Q&A was actually quite well-rounded!

Hmm, I wonder when the next one will be.......


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
Gage said:
The Q&A was actually quite well-rounded!

Hmm, I wonder when the next one will be.......
We're attempting for monthly Q&A posts; but the actual schedule for them will depend on the quantity and frequency in which questions are received; as well as the availability of Staff to answer them (though since all staff are entitled to answer a question, the latter shouldn't present much of a problem). Also, we reserve the right to reject questions which are considered inappropriate, have obvious answers, or are just plain dumb; which may influence the overall time-frame.


New Member
Mar 31, 2012
ive got a question
why is the server locked today and yesterday


New Member
Aug 29, 2011
Shahar said:
ive got a question
why is the server locked today and yesterday

If the server is undergoing maintenance, twitter typically gives a brief rundown, and that's where news/updates come first in regards to maintenance.


Aug 14, 2011
Shahar said:
ive got a question
why is the server locked today and yesterday


New Member
Sep 16, 2011
CheckeredZebra said:
So you really want to do this for several more hours:

"Move left. Move right. Move up. Wait for battle. Click a few times, wait a few seconds for battle to finish. Repeat."
and once in a blue moon:
"See an HR/shiny. Catch it. Continue leveling."


The reason I'd assume the *cough* writer *cough* was going for hinges on the linear progression aspect of the game. Traveling from Kanto to Johto and then battling level 6 pokemon trainers was the tedious part. Starting fresh would be fine IMO, but that's a side-ways step. The level cap in the handhelds is 100 because there's absolutely no reason to train higher than that with so few elite trainers (elite 4, gym leaders, etc). I was just curious to see what the staff had thought up, thanks for everyone that answered :D


Aug 15, 2011
narutofoxLT said:
Jinji said:
I feel it's naive to assume every Pokémon will be allowed everywhere... in fact, just to make a point, when Ash went to Hoenn in the Anime, he left behind all of his previous Pokémon except Pikachu; making his party's previous levels irrelevant. Of course, one could argue that the Anime isn't very respecting of levels anyway nor is very strongly canon, so perhaps this doesn't really matter.

This is besides the point, though. The point of the answer we gave, was that we don't want PWO to go against the standards of Pokémon unless it's necessary or makes for a better experience; but we will consider every possibility to work around limitations and provide a solid game-play experience while keeping as in-line with these expectations as possible. In the case of the level cap, no-one is saying we may never go over Lv100; but what we are saying is, we'd prefer to keep to the standard; and if we ever DO have to raise the cap above 100, there would have to be a very good reason for doing so.
I know you never say that, but other staff members say that and I didn't like it. And this is PWO and this game in future will have all regions. And no game ever have, thats why level cap in original games is 100. Point is this: for PWO in future will need level cap over 100. BTW: someone can finally add 1 level to level cap and do game with 100 levels for now?
I'm rather against this until the exp system gets sorted.
No way in hell that I want to go through 6-7m of exp for one level.


Apr 6, 2012
As long as the new client isn't finished, it is unnecessary to increase the level cap. It cannot be done, and it is pointless, as the whole point is to make Hoenn challenging for veterans too.
Personally I would prefer an increased level cap with a redesigned XP system than not allowing me from using my beloved team against he Hoenn gymleaders. It also would make Hoenn a possible first region.


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
I don't see how the level cap has anything to do with Hoenn personally. Since the 16th gym in either region is level 80-90 pokemon to consider making Hoenn sequentially higher levels as Johto was would be in a word- ridiculous. Even with a 'fixed' experience system you can't really expect to gain levels above 100 for anything less than millions of XP, so grinding to level 110/120 or higher to beat all 8 gyms in Hoenn would just be a mindless chore rather than a challenge.

I'm all for raising the cap personally, but not by 10s but by single digits after level 100 to keep the game challenging for PvP and certainly some quests/high level NPCs should always be around to challenge the highest level pokemon. (and I think since the new client and XP system is a long way off I would prefer to see the cap raised to 100 sooner rather than later) But the level cap shouldn't be connected to the Hoenn release, it just doesn't make sense.
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