Natures, New Game+, and Regional Story Quests


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
(The following idea is a programming nightmare, but it would be really healthy for the game IMO.)

The general idea is to have a system where players get new features, increase replay-ability of the game, and can find more immersive systems in story quests.

Currently we are in a dilemma of how to create a healthy system to implement natures, as well as to create an immersive player environment for old and new players alike. Currently there is a wall where old players sit in PC while new players are out in the fields mostly alone. This is a problem that needs to be addressed. There is also the problem of instant gratification vs grinding vs meaningful effort in the implementation of natures. Some people also have issues with 28+ ivs, but in my other posts I have addressed that and shown how moot that problem really is in terms of the difference between 20+ and 28+, aside from speed anyway.

Things needed:
1. new box system with multiple boxes
2. a progress based lock system on boxes while in a quest line
3. ability to reset gym leader npcs and quest flags
4. ability to selectively devolve and reset pokemon to level 5

The idea is that you take 3-6 pokemon (number to be discussed) and put them in a special box. This box would have a button in it to initiate a special quest and sequence. By clicking this button and engaging in the quest, you are then teleported to the starter town of whatever region you chose and in your party are nothing but the 3-6 pokemon you chose. These pokemon would have reset to level 5, and then a random nature could be given to them (or it could be chosen depending how hard you want to make this.) You would then proceed to go through the game and re-acquire the 8 badges from that said region. Your other boxes are locked until the completion of the 8th badge. After the 8th badge your other boxes are unlocked and you now have pokemon with changed natures.

Why do this? What purpose does it serve?
From the vantage point of the old player:
We spend most of our time sitting in a PC, battling, or waiting for events. This is due to the lack of replay value within the game. I started this game in 2009 and am often asked about quests, how to do them, and other things like that and cannot respond since I have forgotten from not playing the actual game in so long. Some people have multiple accounts just to play through the game again. This would give us something to do with a purpose and actually be fun in the process. I haven't been to Mt. Moon in years because I have no reason to go there. This would also allow old players the ability to work on and change their pokemon in a way that requires solid effort. The lazy need not apply. I would personally like a reason to actually go through the game again. This would be a much needed tie between PVE and PVP aspects of the game and how to relate to other players.

From the vantage point of the new player:
The new players often spend a lot of time alone in fields where no one else is located. Most of the maps in the game are rendered obsolete and lonely for new players. It is also hard to ask for help when no one is around or unwilling to help. If other players are in the area they would be more inclined to answer or to give accurate information. The old players sit in a PC while new players feel ostracized among each other. The concept of going through the game again would incline players new and old to interact and make more friends as they have more in common together in doing similar activities.
This would also create a system to where players without full 99 teams can be encouraged and interact in battles with old players because they are in the process of releveling together.

From a balance standpoint:
As discussed on the other thread, nature changes are crucial to the battle system but should not be easy due to the versatility of some pokemon. It also should not be added in a way that does not add depth to gameplay but instead should promote players interacting with one another.
This makes it an entirely new playing field for both old and new players. Old players have tons of old pokemon that they would need to update and it would take months/years to do so. It wouldn't be an instant gratification thing for them, and can't be something they just pay their way out of doing. It requires hard work to maintain those things they had for all those years, much like how in most MMOs you have to get new sockets or enhancements for gear when those come out however the work they have up until that point is not lost. The new players wouldn't experience this huge "wall-of-effort" because they do not have a bunch of old pokemon to catch up with, and instead would use their journey to catch new pokemon with randomized abilities and natures. They could then go on the re-visitation quest later on to change pokemon they particularly like or to re-do a pokemon if they went through the first time and realized the nature they chose is bad for that pokemon. Most people in this game are completely ignorant to what natures are useful. Most right now do not even understand what EVs to invest in their pokemon. This allows the game to make the learning curve hard enough to make you learn a lesson for mistakes, but manageable enough to not feel that you ruined your pokemon.

This could tie into another system that passes on egg moves and changes abilities more consistently. This would mostly be a way to educate people and introduce natures at a basic level. The system above would not pass on egg moves, event moves, or TM type things. It would also reset EVs. That could be designed to work together with this in a way that would allow customization, but it would get exponentially harder the more you wished to do so.

More social interaction, adding depth to the gameplay, new game+ so old players can relive nostalgia with their old favorites, increasing activity between old and new players, promoting a healthy work environment for maintaining relevance.

inb4 rage from lazy show-off players who only want to brag about their stuff. grab the popcorn now guys.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I probably missed some key points since I was interrupted by server maintenance in the middle of writing this. Sylpharionz and I discussed this with Animagus for a while in-game earlier and this is what we more or less came up with.

I can respond to critiques or make clarifications where I forgot to post them.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
The regional story quests part referred to potentially adding more mainline story content. I forgot to put that in the first segment. This opens up new avenues for event concepts as well as ways to change the game to make it new and refreshing. It just adds a lot of creative potential to it.


New Member
Aug 21, 2014
Basically to sums up the idea above in terms of technicality:

1) We need a new client:
- Otherwise the idea will just stay as idea.

2) We need new regions (such as Hoenn, etc):
- The latest idea on implementation in order to play the new regions is that we need to somehow lock our current high level pokes and only allow low level pokes that's caught in that region to complete it, and then unlock them again once we complete the region.

3) We need natures (and other battle mechanics):
- With the global reset to level 5 (the first time that nature is implemented) and subsequent nature change system, players can now bring their current pokes into the new region (or any other region that they want to replay) and we don't need to worry about the locking/unlocking mechanism.

4) We need to add missed out events/features (such as Team Rocket):
- Replaying those regions will allow people to actually experience the new stuffs. There can also be a dynamic event system where a random quest will be given in every reset/replay, to make the replaying not too boring.

tl;dr version:
Release new client -> Open new regions -> Reset every pokes to level 5 in order to change their nature -> Replay those regions that includes new events/features -> Both old and new players will play together


New Member
Oct 11, 2015
As a new player i dont mind going alone in fields. And as for
Electrofreak said:
It is also hard to ask for help when no one is around
Well its not hard. Im guessing you just forgot or something because i see your joined date is~ Joined: 27 Aug 2011 03:31
But on the bottom right of the screen there is a chat box. And on this chat box are channels. And one of the channels is called "Help"
And in this channel you may ask for help at any moment in the game, when you need help. And believe Me it works. People are more than happy to help.

I have nothing to say about natures, we dont have that in game so yeah.

I do like the idea of "reset pokemon to level 5" but not for your reasons. There are some High lvl pokemon that are only high lvl and id like to have them as a low lvl.

Increasing activity between old and new players. As for PVP there is no point for a new player to PVP with a old player. Most of them have 32IV pokemon. So im staying away from them in PVP. As for hunting together ive seen like 10 people in the same place and no one is talking. So if you feel chatty i say talk to some random people in help chat. Seems like most people like to talk in the help chat, even tho they should be in "all" chat.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
Poisonivy said:
As a new player i dont mind going alone in fields. And as for
Electrofreak said:
It is also hard to ask for help when no one is around
Well its not hard. Im guessing you just forgot or something because i see your joined date is~ Joined: 27 Aug 2011 03:31
But on the bottom right of the screen there is a chat box. And on this chat box are channels. And one of the channels is called "Help"
And in this channel you may ask for help at any moment in the game, when you need help. And believe Me it works. People are more than happy to help.

I have nothing to say about natures, we dont have that in game so yeah.

I do like the idea of "reset pokemon to level 5" but not for your reasons. There are some High lvl pokemon that are only high lvl and id like to have them as a low lvl.

Increasing activity between old and new players. As for PVP there is no point for a new player to PVP with a old player. Most of them have 32IV pokemon. So im staying away from them in PVP. As for hunting together ive seen like 10 people in the same place and no one is talking. So if you feel chatty i say talk to some random people in help chat. Seems like most people like to talk in the help chat, even tho they should be in "all" chat.

I joined February of 2009. The forum change came later and it reset the timers.

You seemed to miss the point of my post entirely. I am well aware of the help chat, but there is also a lot of misinformation there, trolling, and general ignoring of basic questions due to people not caring to answer since they are not going through it at the time. You missed the entire focus being old and new players playing together and not from a distance. Help chat is not experiencing the game with people who are walking alongside you and could share your adventure with you.

Why do my reasons matter to you if you want to keep them high level? If you want to keep them high level it is a choice, not something mandatory. That is exactly the point behind this method, it is all voluntary.

Why do you find that new players shouldn't pvp with old players? Where do you get your numbers that "most" old players have 32 iv pokemon? Most players in fact actually do not have 32 iv pokemon. Why do you assume 32 ivs are so oppressive that it automatically makes old players too overpowered to fight? If you read my post that I was referring to in the main post, you would know that the difference between a 20 iv and 28 iv pokemon are marginal at best. I saw your post complaining about event NPCs being too hard. This leads me to believe that you just not played long enough to understand the battling mechanics and to make a balanced team capable of adaptation. That being said, can you please explain mathematically and logically your reasoning behind why you think new players have too low of a chance to not even bother with putting in effort like everyone else?

Furthermore I would like to ask why a player who has only played for a few months, in a MMO environment, should be just as prepared as someone who has been at this game for years from what it seems you said above? What balancing issues does this type of instant gratification give? What does this say about the depth of the game? Does this view not also ignore the apparent difference in understanding and player skill involved as well?

Also keep in mind that I am talking about pre-level 99 battles in that section. When your pokemon is level 15 and you battle, that is not a serious battle and is for fun. When you fight a trainer in Viridian with a leveled down version of one of their battlers, it would be a neat experience and not just be getting facerolled by a level 99. Players below level 99 often have a really hard time getting 30 PVP wins because they do not have a full team of 99s yet. This would encourage low level battles more frequently as people are releveling their stuff, or downgrading on purpose for level 30 or 50 teams.

Again, not to be rude, and I am not trying to gang up on this, but it just makes no sense. It just seems to be blame-shifting and lack of appreciation for someone else's effort and knowledge rather than accepting the effort and learning curves given in the MMO environment. Knuckles is a perfect example of someone who has knowledge of the game, has some shinies but mostly his battling teams are just epic non-shinies, and completely decimates most people in the properly working switching battles. Sylpharionz ONLY uses non-shinies and collects epic battlers. He is a normal player that just acquired useful pokemon over a long period of time. That should be heavily commended and respected. However he also works as an example of how a normal player can stand up and compete in the top tier of battlers without needing shinies at all. Ironically his max speed epic salamence is more useful than the shiny ones people use due to them belonging to the highly contested speed tier 100.

For the last section you seem to miss my point yet again. The point is not that everyone isn't talking, but rather it feels isolating when no one else is on a map with you and you are mostly having a single-player experience with a chat box at the bottom. I don't actually hunt that often but I hear complaints about not seeing people around the maps, aside from the major hunting ones. This would give more life to the game in general and have less people just standing around the PC like bums circling a trashcan fire.

I look forward to a response and hopefully I may have just misunderstood your intentions, but as it stands I don't really see any sound objections at all to the general flow and purpose of the idea or message.


New Member
Oct 11, 2015
Poisonivy said:
id like to have them as a low lvl.
Electrofreak said:
Why do my reasons matter to you if you want to keep them high level?
I find this funny ^-^

Electrofreak said:
Why do you find that new players shouldn't pvp with old players? Where do you get your numbers that "most" old players have 32 iv pokemon?
Well i think i ment to say new players should be cautious of PVP from a old player. They most likely have 32IV pokemon. As for me i dont want to PVP with them. As for Numbers of "most" it was just an assumption. just like your assumption that. "most dont" Its not like we can go and look into there PC and look at all there pokemon. But ill tell you this. The 32IV pokemon come from the old players. I guess i may be wrong that most of old players have them, i guess rich people who can buy TS and stuff dont have a problem of making a crazy offer to old player to get them. Not that i hate them for it, they are keeping the servers going. So i guess rich and old players have them.

As for the 1st event NPC you had to fight during the event. I still stand by what i said. He was to hard. I only beat him because i got lucky. I didnt have lvl99 pokemon. i had 90+ Now i didnt have water pokemon at the time witch alot of people was saying you should have. I even went out of my way to get some lvl 15 pokemon and use Stones on it and TMs and still lost epicly to it. Witch is why i dont see someone winning if they dont have 90+ pokemon and being lucky. I wasint the only one having a problem with that NPC eather. But GMs said thats how thay wanted it so we all just had to deal with it.

And look. i dont have a problem with pokeon 20IVs or 28IVs.(yes i know 28 is old) ive bought and sold some already. I have a problem with 32IV pokemon. And i dont even see why i need to explain why i have a problem with a 32IV pokemon. It should be very obvious why anyone would have a problem with these pokemon.

Electrofreak said:
Furthermore I would like to ask why a player who has only played for a few months, in a MMO environment, should be just as prepared as someone who has been at this game for years from what it seems you said above? What balancing issues does this type of instant gratification give? What does this say about the depth of the game? Does this view not also ignore the apparent difference in understanding and player skill involved as well?
i didnt say a new player should be just as prepared as someone who has been at this game for years. & I dont think i even played for a few months might just be 1-2 months. Took like idk few days to get all badges. And as for being in a "MMO environment" Ive been in many. This game is not balance. (no offence to people who are fixing up the game)The whole point im making is 32IV pokemon are unfair and i dont want to battle them. But IMO no one seems to care about the 32IV pokemon, only the new players who plain on playing the game alot.

Idk about other people but every battle is a serious battle no matter what lvl. A serious fun battle. I would think that lvl 99 battles would be harder to get 30PVP wins than the under lvl99 battles. I had no problem getting 30 wins for the dragon quest. LVL99 battles would be harder for 30wins.

Idk Knuckles but from what you said that person seems like a skilled player, whos played for a long time. I dont have a problem with it. i only have a problem with 32IV pokemon.

As for the last part i dont understand why someone would complain about not seeing someone next to them on map. Seems like they just need more friends online. I mean your gonna be talking to them on chat box anyways, so it shouldnt matter where anyone is. Its not like we are all running around with different sprites, other than old players. I think that be the only reason to want to see someone ells on the map. Is to look at some kool sprite.

Also i dont know about this "people just standing around the PC" I only go to PC to grab a pokemon or go next to it to heal pokemon then im out of there.
I dont stand around the PC so i dont know about people standing around the PC lol. but i dont see the problem if people want to do that. ???

If a new player wants to battle a old player fine by me, but im gonna try to stay away from them in PVP. They are the most likely people to have 32IV pokemon. I dont understand why they dont just put them pokemon back in the game in some way. Just make it rare to get.
But no. it seems we are just gonna have to deal with it. We new players wont be getting awesome sprites or 32IV pokemon. Only for old players. and i guess 32IV pokemon are for old players and rich players. New players are Forever to be at the bottom of the food chain.....what a great MMO where you cant get around the top because you didn't play the game early enough.
Whatever i guess. im just happy to play a pokemon game.

I guess only thing i can do is save up and over pay and get one of these stupid 32IV pokemon.
whats that old saying? if you cant beat them, join them.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
First part:
I am glad you find it funny, but I am still waiting on a refutation. Please provide one. If you just want something high level for no reason other than running around and having something to handle NPCs, how does my idea negatively impact you?

Everything else:

I am going to say that to anyone who has any experience in the marketplace and knows generally what exists from being around so long, 32 iv pokemon are not that common. I also stated that 32 often doesn't matter. You are asserting that 32 iv is the difference in a match when the only time 32 matters is when it is a 32 iv speed pokemon vs a 31 iv of the same pokemon. EVEN THEN, that only applies if they both have the same EV spread, the same nature (once that is in), and then taking into account status moves that hinder speed, secondary effects of moves, and other situations that are unlikely. The likelihood of that 32 mattering is abysmal at best, and is nearly obliterated from ever occuring once you consider the switch feature.

You are ignorant of the information available to the players who have been here a while to assume that I don't actually know how rare 32 ivs are. You assume that players don't keep track of who has such things or generally how many of each exist. Most battling players know very well what the other people they often fight against have. For instance, there are only 3 shiny salamence in game and a lot of us old battlers know exactly who has them. One of them doesn't even play anymore. I also only know of 2 shiny gyarados with 32 speed, and even if there are 1-2 more it doesn't matter because they are not in the hands of active battlers that would effect me in any way.

Again, I am sorry but your argument from generally being unaware and "don't feel like it" isn't going to cut it here. If you don't even have 99s to test the battle system or spent months to acquire a balanced team, then why should I trust ANYTHING you say about what is and isn't overpowered? You have not shown any merit or reasoning as to HOW they are overpowered other than constantly asserting your opinion, which is not even validated by your reputation as you admit that you don't even have a full team of 99s. By your own admission, if you don't even have a full team of 99s yet, then you aren't even in a position where full stats matter. 32 iv does not matter and is not the main problem if you are not even battling at your full potential yet. Trying to force your assertion of an opinion without backing it up is less than fruitful, and I am trying to have a fruitful discussion.

Look, I want to discuss this, but baseless conclusions and emotional arguments help nobody. There cannot be a discussion if all you intend to do is continually just assert your opinion over and over again. Calling my post an opinion simply because you are unaware of the facts does not dismiss that they are actual truths. I did raise that is common knowledge by most players who have spent any reasonable amount of time here. It's fine to say 32 IVs are bad as your opinion, but I'm not seeing this backed up in your post with full consideration of how these actually play out in the game. Until you do so, I will merely access your posts as nothing but opinion and respond as such.

I would suggest first getting 99s of normal battle pokemon, EV training them, and practicing before trying to assess a metagame that you are still learning the basics of.


New Member
Aug 21, 2014
Poisonivy said:
32 IV this... 32 IV that... too long...

I only see your entire argument is based solely on this number 32. Like what Electrofreak has mentioned, a difference of 1 IV (between 32 and 31) has no effect on the battle at all. The only time that it matters, is if both of the players send out the exact same poke at the same time (mirror match), with both pokes having moves that can kill/affect the other poke (only few pokes can do this), and that 1 IV difference is in Speed (not any other stats). What are the chances of this happening? I can only think of lead pokes, but again for current metagame lead, the 1 IV in speed for lead doesn't matter at all since their job is doing something else.

If you have a problem with 1 IV, then you have not been battling properly all this while (not switching, not knowing how to counter poke, not knowing status moves, etc etc). How many pokes you actually have with 31 IVs that will have problem with 32 IVs? Please list them down so I can tell you that you've been using them wrong (do you even have that many 31 IVs pokes to begin with, as those are the ONLY ones that should make you complain about 32 IVs, not any other IVs less than 31). If you keep sticking to this mentality that 32 IV is everything in winning the battle, then your comments will just sound as ignorant as that number is.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011

The only pokemon that could potentially matter with 32 ivs in speed is Kingdra (Know of 3 and only 1 active), Gyarados (know of 2), Gengar (know of one and its non-shiny), Alakazam (know of 1) and Crobat (know of 1 but inactive). I haven't seen anything beyond R rarity with a 32 in speed and good enough ivs to carry it's weight beyond a 20+ max speed one. Even then only a small handful of the ones I listed exist, most of which are inactive or owned by non-battlers who dont even use them. :/


New Member
Aug 21, 2014
Electrofreak said:

The only pokemon that could potentially matter with 32 ivs in speed is Kingdra (Know of 3 and only 1 active), Gyarados (know of 2), Gengar (know of one and its non-shiny), Alakazam (know of 1) and Crobat (know of 1 but inactive). I haven't seen anything beyond R rarity with a 32 in speed and good enough ivs to carry it's weight beyond a 20+ max speed one. Even then only a small handful of the ones I listed exist, most of which are inactive or owned by non-battlers who dont even use them. :/

Yea but still they are only applicable if they face against the exact same poke in a mirror match (or lead battle) and are both sent out at the same time (double knockout from life orb for example). Who would send out a Kingdra against another Kingdra (or any other pokes) halfway through the battle lol, there are better counter pokes to switch into. And on top of that as you already mentioned, those 32 IV pokes are rare enough today that it's not enough to create such paranoia that Poisonivy is having :)


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
Sylpharionz said:
Electrofreak said:

The only pokemon that could potentially matter with 32 ivs in speed is Kingdra (Know of 3 and only 1 active), Gyarados (know of 2), Gengar (know of one and its non-shiny), Alakazam (know of 1) and Crobat (know of 1 but inactive). I haven't seen anything beyond R rarity with a 32 in speed and good enough ivs to carry it's weight beyond a 20+ max speed one. Even then only a small handful of the ones I listed exist, most of which are inactive or owned by non-battlers who dont even use them. :/

Yea but still they are only applicable if they face against the exact same poke in a mirror match (or lead battle) and are both sent out at the same time (double knockout from life orb for example). Who would send out a Kingdra against another Kingdra (or any other pokes) halfway through the battle lol, there are better counter pokes to switch into. And on top of that as you already mentioned, those 32 IV pokes are rare enough today that it's not enough to create such paranoia that Poisonivy is having :)

I agree, but I was also just posting to elaborate and give PoisonIvy some information.


New Member
Sep 5, 2013
Ayy..Keep dreaming bud, we aint gonna see any of this *censored* in three years or ever. This game pretty much dead. Nice suggestion btw.

4. ability to selectively devolve and reset pokemon to level 5
Wtf is that crap anyway ? Some kind of Digimon thingy or already exist on Pokemon handheld game? Seems like desperate suggestion to fix your shiny collection.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I.Am said:
Ayy..Keep dreaming bud, we aint gonna see any of this *censored* in three years or ever. This game pretty much dead. Nice suggestion btw.

4. ability to selectively devolve and reset pokemon to level 5
Wtf is that crap anyway ? Some kind of Digimon thing or already exist on Pokemon handheld game?

Actual breeding would break the game due to spawning infinite amounts of HRs in new eggs and all that stuff. The idea more or less is that you can start over your quest chains and play with whatever starter you want, meanwhile it gets a new nature and stuff to make it worth the time to retrain it.

We need a way to edit pokemon natures which is the bottom line. We just can't have it be on playerdex for balancing purposes and for gameplay value. People complain about nothing to do as is.

However, I would ask that if all you are going to do is say the game is dead or just try and generally be negative, I ask that you leave the thread. There has been more work done in this past year than in years prior so the complaint of nothing getting done really has no foundation compared to other years. The thread's intention is to produce a fruitful discussion, not drag down the game or the people who update it. If they don't use the idea, fine. I am just making the point from my latest posts that natures are something that need to happen because of how ridiculous battling is at the moment. I dislike that you can just use 6 tanks and easily win in the current metagame. This won't be changing until we get natures, and even then it's mostly just a big drop in the bucket of the problem. The stall problems aren't fixed entirely until mega evolutions.

Edit: As noted in my first post, you need to read the posts I made on the other thread to get the context behind why I am making a suggestion for natures. This is not simply about adjusting my "shiny collection." If you want the math behind natures and why they are so important, I have made that available to you in the other thread. Just check my post history. If this was all just to be able to edit my pokemon, I would not be sitting here arguing that it shouldn't be easy, just saying.


New Member
Sep 5, 2013
Ayy ok now i get it. Well whatever. *thumbs up*


New Member
Oct 11, 2015
Electrofreak said:
First part:
I am glad you find it funny, but I am still waiting on a refutation. Please provide one. If you just want something high level for no reason other than running around and having something to handle NPCs, how does my idea negatively impact you?

First of all i didnt say i just wanted a high lvl or that i wanted a high lvl just for runnning around to handle NPCs. And yes i found that one part funny but you still dont seem to get it. You posted that you wanted reset pokemon to lvl 5. and that was the one thing i was agreeing with. But i only wanted low lvl becuase there are pokemon that you cant have as a low lvl. Lets saaaaay Dratini. i think you can only catch one in dragon den and them pokemon are like 40+ or 50+ And id like to reset it to lvl5. And here you think i was saying i want high lvl pokemon or something.

I found this funny because its the opposite of what i was saying, i mean just look.

Poisonivy said:
id like to have them as a low lvl.
id like to have them low lvl....low not high.
Electrofreak said:
Why do my reasons matter to you if you want to keep them high level?
here you say high......its like...i dont really know what to say other than laugh. I dont mean to offend or anything like that.
Well anyways thats how i see it.

Electrofreak said:
I am going to say that to anyone who has any experience in the marketplace and knows generally what exists from being around so long, 32 iv pokemon are not that common. I also stated that 32 often doesn't matter. You are asserting that 32 iv is the difference in a match when the only time 32 matters is when it is a 32 iv speed pokemon vs a 31 iv of the same pokemon. EVEN THEN, that only applies if they both have the same EV spread, the same nature (once that is in), and then taking into account status moves that hinder speed, secondary effects of moves, and other situations that are unlikely. The likelihood of that 32 mattering is abysmal at best, and is nearly obliterated from ever occuring once you consider the switch feature.
Saying thats the only time 32 matters. i dont think so. If you have 32 on pokemon in PVP it matters alot. And yes the other stuff matters alot to. in fact eveything you do or have in PVP matter.
And your right there not common but i see 32IV pokemon around every 3 days or so it seems, and when i see them others sometimes start to show them off.

Electrofreak said:
You are ignorant of the information available to the players who have been here a while to assume that I don't actually know how rare 32 ivs are. You assume that players don't keep track of who has such things or generally how many of each exist. Most battling players know very well what the other people they often fight against have. For instance, there are only 3 shiny salamence in game and a lot of us old battlers know exactly who has them. One of them doesn't even play anymore. I also only know of 2 shiny gyarados with 32 speed, and even if there are 1-2 more it doesn't matter because they are not in the hands of active battlers that would effect me in any way.
Look if you know some people who have them ok. but knowing all??? no way. Not everyone who has them goes around showing off saying hey look at me i have 32IV. And again, its not like you can go in there PC and look. And as for the salamence and gyarados. I find it hard to believe there are only that many. You know? i mean how do you know if there is not 1 more of them?? or more for that matter. How do you know this? or is that just what you have seen?

Electrofreak said:
Again, I am sorry but your argument from generally being unaware and "don't feel like it" isn't going to cut it here. If you don't even have 99s to test the battle system or spent months to acquire a balanced team, then why should I trust ANYTHING you say about what is and isn't overpowered? You have not shown any merit or reasoning as to HOW they are overpowered other than constantly asserting your opinion, which is not even validated by your reputation as you admit that you don't even have a full team of 99s. By your own admission, if you don't even have a full team of 99s yet, then you aren't even in a position where full stats matter. 32 iv does not matter and is not the main problem if you are not even battling at your full potential yet. Trying to force your assertion of an opinion without backing it up is less than fruitful, and I am trying to have a fruitful discussion.
People dont need full team of lvl 99 pokemon to go up against a team of lvl99s. And you cant say i dont or do have a balanced team. And i can't say you do or don't either. I dont see why i even need to explain why 32IV is OP...i mean its 32 <.< And here your really defending this 32IV thing......i bet you have alot of them dont you. >.> Anyways this isint my 1st pokemon game just a FYI.
Also i dont know what these words mean that you used: merit, fruitful. My meaning for them are not the same it would seem, because of the way you used them.

Electrofreak said:
Look, I want to discuss this, but baseless conclusions and emotional arguments help nobody. There cannot be a discussion if all you intend to do is continually just assert your opinion over and over again. Calling my post an opinion simply because you are unaware of the facts does not dismiss that they are actual truths. I did raise that is common knowledge by most players who have spent any reasonable amount of time here. It's fine to say 32 IVs are bad as your opinion, but I'm not seeing this backed up in your post with full consideration of how these actually play out in the game. Until you do so, I will merely access your posts as nothing but opinion and respond as such.
Emotional arguments..I wouldnt go that far. Im just stating my opinion. we all know 31IV is better than 30IV. But at lest everyone in game can catch a pokemon with 31IV. And im not saying 32IV is bad, im saying there good... there way way good. As to how these things "actually play out in the game" I believe i dont even need to explain it. Would be about the same as to arguing about why 31IV is better than 30IV. But at lest thats fair because we all can catch them.

You know what ill just sum my whole argument about this: 32IV OP and Unfair. Why? because you cant catch them anymore.
thats it. thats all i have to say, thats all i need to say. Everyone knows its true.

Electrofreak said:
I would suggest first getting 99s of normal battle pokemon, EV training them, and practicing before trying to assess a metagame that you are still learning the basics of.
i was EV training some of my pokemon from the start. and thanks for the suggestion but you dont necessary need all lvl99s to win. But you throw a 32IV poke in the mix, it becomes unfair.
I played many pokemon games.


New Member
Oct 11, 2015
Sylpharionz said:
I only see your entire argument is based solely on this number 32. Like what Electrofreak has mentioned, a difference of 1 IV (between 32 and 31) has no effect on the battle at all. The only time that it matters, is if both of the players send out the exact same poke at the same time (mirror match), with both pokes having moves that can kill/affect the other poke (only few pokes can do this), and that 1 IV difference is in Speed (not any other stats). What are the chances of this happening? I can only think of lead pokes, but again for current metagame lead, the 1 IV in speed for lead doesn't matter at all since their job is doing something else.

If you have a problem with 1 IV, then you have not been battling properly all this while (not switching, not knowing how to counter poke, not knowing status moves, etc etc). How many pokes you actually have with 31 IVs that will have problem with 32 IVs? Please list them down so I can tell you that you've been using them wrong (do you even have that many 31 IVs pokes to begin with, as those are the ONLY ones that should make you complain about 32 IVs, not any other IVs less than 31). If you keep sticking to this mentality that 32 IV is everything in winning the battle, then your comments will just sound as ignorant as that number is.

Yeah he really went at it with the 32 thing so i went at it to. Now we are off topic and talkin about 32IV. Tho the main thing i was saying was that the reset was a good idea, but it seems he didnt get that. I have my own reasons for wanted to reset pokemon to lvl 5 tho.

As for you saying only thing that matters about 32 is if you are in a mirror battle. Thats not true. No idea why you would think thats the only time it would matter. 1 IV does matter. it give you more points in whatever its in. 1 IV more in HP means more HP. 31 is cap. for everyone. but people have 32IV pokemon, and some have more than one 32IV. You guys seem like your saying its fair to have use to be fair till idk what happened and now people cant catch them. I dont see why its a big deal that i say there unfair. It should just be obvious why they are unfair.

And yes i do have pokemon that have 31IV as do most people i bet.

Sylpharionz said:
Please list them down so I can tell you that you've been using them wrong
this, this is funny. But nty. i dont really want to waste my time listing anything just so you can say i been using them wrong.
What are you even saying here? are you typing what you are thinking atm? like: "hey im just here to troll, list something so i can say your doing it all wrong"??? wtf XD
I should have just went and caught some lvl 9 pokemon with IVs around 10 and say here is my team just to mess with you and watch you go crazy on that but im not cruel. XD

And idk whats up with people putting words in my mouth. I never said 32 IV was everything in winning a battle. idk where you even hurd that. I feel like im talking to a kid, so i think im done talking to you.

And if anyone has something to say about what i said of the kid thing i have this to say. there are very few kids that are even worth talking to, thats why i dont like talking to most, no offence....well....maybe just alittle. or maybe not.....yeah no offence to the kids. O:)

Edit: deleted a word that didnt need to be there.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I now notice you throw out ad hominem attacks simply because you cannot back up your statement with damage calculations where the extra IV actually matters. I also notice how you tried to strawman me by saying it is getting derailed when you were the first one to mention how 32 iv was unfair and you didn't like it.

If you cannot back up your arguments then don't bother trying to tear other's arguments down. I provided math and you have not. This is apparent. You have not conclusively shown why an extra point matters in damage calculation and as such you are dismissed.

Please refrain from posting in this thread since you continue to refuse to actually make a post with any substance to them and instead just want to keep repeating your opinion.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011

D8a7YnX.png about that...the 1 point of difference literally didn't effect anything. (The calculator does not allow 32, but the mathematical difference is the same.)
I don't care how emotional someone gets, if you can't back it up then don't bother trying to make yourself seem relevant. I even tested something with a super effective multiplier of 2x to make the difference more drastic in case of a change. If you want to call me a child, big meanie, or biased go ahead. It doesn't make you any more right about your position.