Kein Betreff!!!

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New Member
Jul 8, 2012
Nachdem ich viel mit meinem Partner über diese Angelegenheit sprach, konnte ich zwischen wichtigen Dingen und Gründen dieser Aktion unterscheiden. Als Spieler entschied er, etwas Zeit als Personal anstatt Spieler zu verbringen. Er weiß sehr gut wie das Personal operiert. Es geht nicht darum böse auf etwas zu sein oder zu wollen, dass PWO zerstört wird. Er erklärte mir, dass er eigentlich dem PWO Personal helfen und sie aus ihrem Elend holen wollte. Das würde zu vielen Bots,gemoddeten Clienten und Missbrauch führen. Das Spiel würde dazu gezwungen werden, heruntergefahren zu werden, bis du den Client und den Sicheren Server-Code besitzt. Allerdings könnte das seine Art zu helfen sein. Während ich persönlich die Ergebnisse dieser Dinge sehen kann, bin ich mir sicher, dass er diese auch sieht. Ich sehe ein totalen Verlust des Vertrauens des Personals und das der verwaltenden Entwickler. Er sagte mir, er habe nie die Chance gehabt, dich zu treffen um eure Meinungen und Gedanken zu analysieren. Es ist bereits eine Menge Zeit vergangen, seid die Produktivität auf Null gesunken ist. Als Personalmitglied hörte er oft den selben Spruch: "Wir können nicht mehr "DEVs" haben, weil Xan denkt, wir würden das nicht brauchen oder du siehst nie die Anwendungen.“ Shane und er sind beide sehr verletzt und enttäuscht. Er verliert den Glauben an das System und Shane wurde zurückgelassen wie ein Hund.

Nikola und Shane stehen sich sehr nah. Und beide wollen manchmal Dinge aus PWO vergessen. Doch das ist offenbar nicht einfach. Es braucht nur einen kleinen Funken, dass sie genervt sind, während sie Zeit für das Spiel aufbringen.... Er verbrachte Nächte um Systemfehler, Bugs zu beheben und Updates zu laden. Der Grund warum das passierte ist, ist das Shane nicht mit anderem Personal sprechen konnte, ist das er von diesem schlecht behandelt wurde. Du weißt sehr gut, dass Shane gesagt wurde, über das Forum, durch Bluerise, dass er nicht mehr an Aktualisierungen arbeiten soll.. Wissen das die Spieler? Ich kenn sie sehr gut... Und ernsthaft, heutzutage ist es nicht einfach, solche Leute zu finden. Es ist vieles wahr, was ich über PWO weiß... Personal wird manipuliert während andere anders behandelt werden. Das Beste Beispiel sind Shane und Bis. Ich kenne sie sehr gut und habe noch nie schlechte Gründe hinter ihren Motiven finden können. Ich hab so viele Leute gesehen, die gegangen sind mit dem Wunsch das Bluerise geht. Ich denke, ihr könnt die Situation sehr gut durchblicken.

Er hat zugegeben gegenüber mir, das er schon seit einer langen Zeit den Glauben an das System verloren hat. Auch während er GameMaster war, tat er es nur wegen der Community. Eine Person die sich aus seiner Gilde, dem Spieler-Status und anderen Dinge ausklinkte und sich nur der Mitarbeiter Rolle widmete als jemanden den ihr „jemand dem es egal ist nennt und der sich darum nicht kümmert“ zu beschimpfen ist das Letzte. Und oft ist er genervt wenn er daran denkt wie viel Zeit er verbracht hat, in der er andere Dinge hätte tun können. Was er in PRO gefunden hat, ist das gleiche was er für PWO gesehen hat, nur auf einem ernsteren Ebene. Es lenkt ihn ab, andere Dinge zu tun und anderen Leuten zu helfen... Und ich bin mir sicher, dass Shane sich genau so fühlt. In Ruhe zu arbeiten bis plötzlich jemand kommt um Unruhe in das ganze zu bringen, hilft nicht gerade.

Wir wissen alle, dass wenn Dinge anders gelaufen wäre, dass es niemals zu so etwas gekommen wäre. Kompletter Verlust des Glaubens im System und wegen Dingen genervt zu sein ist das Problem. Es kostet auch nicht viel um sich hinzusetzen und wie ein Team, um zu reden. Du würdest eine Menge Probleme damit umgehen. Es ist wirklich nicht viel verlangt, einmal die Woche sich mit seinem Team in Verbindung zu setzen und zu fragen wie es läuft. Oder ihnen ab und zu Hilfe oder Unterstützung anzubieten. Es würde super funktionieren, für dich sowie für die andere Seite. Wenn jemand möchte das jemand geht, dann gibt es einen richtig guten Grund dafür. Aber du weißt das solche Dinge geändert werden können, setz dich einfach mit deinen Leuten für ein paar Minuten hin in der Woche. Frag wie es Ihnen geht, du würdest um einiges mehr Respekt bekommen. Informationen über Mangel an Updates, unglückliche Ereignisse. Freundschaften die kaputt gehen, verletzt zu sein, sind die Hauptgründe dafür das so etwas überhaupt passieren kann. Und oben drauf noch, wenn Leute sich beschweren kriegen sie nur unnötige Erklärungen, aber keine Veränderungen sind zu sehen. Sie werden einfach abgespeist. Wir wissen alle wo PWO im Moment steht. Wenn Leute nicht zusammen arbeiten können ist es am besten, den Kontakt abzubrechen, es ist nicht gesund aber wenn du sprechen kannst, dann tu es.
Ich schreibe dir in Deutsch damit du ein klares Bild davon hast. Ich hoffe dass, das Problem bald gelöst wird...
Persönlich weiß Gott wer Recht hat, aber ich denke das wird keinem helfen!!


New Member
Nov 9, 2014
With all respect;
I dont know what is happening with you guys staff of pwo

Sometimes, money can make your mind blank out.
Broke the friendship etc, but there is the thing.
Money run out time by time, but friends are not.

I think the key is be humble, throw your ego and everything solved


Jan 8, 2012
Now that source code has been released for public such threads will be less necessary. Wanted to let players know what happened today. However, this gave the opportunity to everyone to alter the client or use it for good or bad purposes and not just selected few and what I was talking about in my previous thread.
People may to improve current bots or create new ones as they learn about communication between server and the client while others can improve the client for everyones betters, or at least learn from this one while they are recreating new one in a different language.

It would be logical to assume that large amount of changes in both server and the client will be needed in order to prevent the access in the server on a way you don't want. However, core code would likely remain the same which can be another minus (might need rewriting). Speeding things up might happen however. On another side, it's just the client while server code was never shared for people to use. Sharing sever code and DB would be a lot worse and everyone would be able to create their own PWO in a matter of minutes until Nintendo gets pissed. People who owns those sources named above such as server code (newer one) that I know about are: Shane, PWO administration and development, Tecknician (most likely) and myself. I canßt remember ayonone else at the moment. As for users database and logs, those are larger archive files and not easy to be moved over. Logs itself are gigabytes huge. Some of them even got destroyed due to being so huge in size. That size could be from too much spawning of the money and HRs to players. If those spawned and duped stuff are to delete after being taken from active users, size would reduce a lot. < A bit of bad humor here. Donßt mind me.

IMO, this would be probably avoided if there was no badmouthing behind the scenes. From what I know, it was all fine and well until certain events and evidence triggered the reaction but wont go into details, what happened it happened. We were working normally last night as we are forgetting on past and moving on. But something always must happen to to make people to think about past events. Wish you merry Christmas and happy upcoming holidays.


Aug 25, 2011
I just don't have words to explain just how stupid this was, thank you for being the one that will cause huge amounts of pain to a game that many people have invested huge amounts of time into - both players and staff. What really was worth releasing this, because I cannot see anyone else who had access to the source code agreeing with this decision especially as from this side it looks like you just have a pretty big grudge against someone here.


New Member
Dec 20, 2013
Chocobo7 said:
I just don't have words to explain just how stupid this was, thank you for being the one that will cause huge amounts of pain to a game that many people have invested huge amounts of time into - both players and staff. What really was worth releasing this, because I cannot see anyone else who had access to the source code agreeing with this decision especially as from this side it looks like you just have a pretty big grudge against someone here.

Oh hey! When did you return!


Apr 6, 2012
As much as I would like progress in the game, I have to agree with Choco, this was maybe the stupidest thing ever done. And definitely the most harmful to PWO, even more harmful than Shane revoking the rights to use his code...
Your step basically knocked out the game for at least a month - a blow the community will barely survive - then there will be so many wannabe PWO projects and messing up with the code that the game will be unplayable for a long while, and botters will be everywhere. I'm not sure you thought through the consequences of your actions...
(On the other side, Blue & Co. really deserved a punch into the face like this for last year's actions)


Aug 25, 2011
Th3~Om3g4 said:
Chocobo7 said:
I just don't have words to explain just how stupid this was, thank you for being the one that will cause huge amounts of pain to a game that many people have invested huge amounts of time into - both players and staff. What really was worth releasing this, because I cannot see anyone else who had access to the source code agreeing with this decision especially as from this side it looks like you just have a pretty big grudge against someone here.

Oh hey! When did you return!
I never left, I just stepped down for now :p


New Member
Sep 16, 2011
I warned Jinji. These people....their ideals. They will be the end of PWO. Shane holds a grudge against PWO far bigger than people seem to realize. PWO most likely won't be around for much longer at least for the players, because of this idiotic decision. That's how the cookie crumbles at this point though...


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
Gawerty said:
I warned Jinji. These people....their ideals. They will be the end of PWO. Shane holds a grudge against PWO far bigger than people seem to realize. PWO most likely won't be around for much longer at least for the players, because of this idiotic decision. That's how the cookie crumbles at this point though...

Our ideals are that we want people who are efficient ant talented to work within a reasonable time. We cant sit idly by and watch a fan made rendition of a game which 2bh are many of our favourite game series go down the ****ter because its ran by people who know absolutely **** all about pokemon.

I come on here every other day to check whats been going on and yet all i see is retarded attempts at engaging with players. Its cool for people to try and do that of course but for **** sake make the chat at least meaningdul. Not about 1 attack which (for all intents and purposes) in PWO ot would just work as it should if u gave it its original parameters, and not 'nerfing' like has become apparant over the last year.

I used to love PWO. The game peaked in 2012 for me. Everything was OK. Sure most noves didnt work but we had cool things like an INGAME auctionhouse (thats right, ingame...where an auctionhouse would belong). And dont come to me saying that wasnt poasible. Before shane left he actually added the ingame auctionhouse back, was just awaiting proper NPC linking, the ability to trade in every pokecenter, the ability to just walk into a pokecenter and then insta-heal. Those were good unique traits that PWO had. Now its just an empty shell of a game thats too stuck in its ways, having discussions about stuff that doesnt need to even be discussed about. A staff structure that stifles innovation because maybe 1 person doesnt like an idea. (And dont come to me saying i have no idea about the staff structure btw). Ive been on both sides of the fence and believe me its no picnic. This game is just about dead now. With some luck whoever released the source has hammered the final nail into the termite infested coffin that PWO sits in.

Edit: There is one thing i have to thank PWO for though. It gave me the courage to learn a new skill. How to make pixelart. Unfortunately u cant polish a turd, it will still be turd. At.least i get to put what i learned here to.good use


New Member
Dec 8, 2011
This only happened because you ****tards still kept badmouthing shane to this day, and rage banning anyone who opposed you. You internet warriors keep thinking youre untouchable and keep running off at the mouth. now you just got punched and are crying foul. get real. Team England made their bed now you have to lay in it.

No one gives a **** if you or lees or zebras "hard work" are now ruined because all you guys did was spit on everyone elses work.
Furthermore you lot dont give one iota about the players. you're just upset that someone else will make their own version and do it better. You know, people that actually know about pokemon. You guys are upset that you no longer can use pwo as your own personal back yard, and run **** how you want. You guys give 0 ****s about the players. in fact, the players dont lose from this at all. Qualified people can now try and make a better PWO (not that it matters, PRO coming out soon anyway)

Normally i'd have tried to stop shane but after you buffoons forum and in game banned me with 113 tokens on my account cuz you were butthurt someone called you nazis (nice job proving me right btw) you lot can rot.

-General Eastwood


Apr 6, 2012
The fact that this thread has only this much posts, indicates better than anything how dead this community already is...
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