What Pokemon team would you want?
Post Pokes and reasoning (no legendaries)
Saw one of these lists on the internet, thought I'd share
Post Pokes and reasoning (no legendaries)
Saw one of these lists on the internet, thought I'd share
My Team
Metagross- Impervious to zombie attack (he crush them like bug) and psychic so he can clear a path just with his freakin thoughts...what can you do?
Dragonite- Flying flamethrower/electricity source/ personal transportation (at the speed of sound)/ water source/ all around beast.
Arcanine- My favorite Pokemon, keeping me warm at night...riding on his back at extremespeeds...making zombies into running candles...good times.
Chancey- Healing me and my pokes after zombie atack
Mr Mime- Can make barriers so I can sleep at night without worrying about immanent zombie attack, and while Chancey heals me, and my pokemon.
Gyarados- Zombies can't swim, and who doesn't like an angry zombie killing sea dragon? Let them try to bite through his scales.
Other notable mentions include:
Kazam (teleport/ psychic superpoke)
Espeon (loyal to the bitter end)
Onix/ steelix (for tunneling underground/ impervious to zombies, creating sandstorms to keep them away)
Lucario (intelligent zombie fighting machine)