Game: Updating spawns and rarity rates.


New Member
Dec 8, 2013
What to give the Price of Pokémon was Rarity find him.

Now I sell or buy Snorlax by price Caterpie ?

I Vote to Leave the Description of Rarity in /list.


New Member
Sep 16, 2013
I'm not here to suck up to anyone, so I'll say what I think.

It is a good idea, will change the market, etc.. Yes.

But I think, with all due respect, that the update should have been more complete, is quite vague.

I'm in Spliting River Hunting, how will I know the rarity of the Pokemon exactly? It is important to know, do not think hiding this information is interesting. There are people who does not care, it's just a collector, but I'll hunt to sell and buy other things, want to know the market value. I do not know if you have any marketing gimmick or something, but the principle is impossible to hunt, and how are various maps and other rarities, I think it will take time to fix, until then, I am with nothing to do.


New Member
Sep 16, 2013
And another thing to my view, is much worse.

Are taking the chance of small players, if a pokemon that is already VR and HR, has reduced the chances of catching dramatically ... I do not know.

Let's use an example: I have a Heracross, he was "HR", now he becomes "HR ²", almost impossible to find, for me, it will increase the price.

But for a person who is now, what are the chances of getting it encounters a "Heracross"? Practically nil.

Ie, those who already have many pokemons and an amount of money is being considered beneficiary, who has nothing, is being screwed over yet ..

And be careful not to do the same they did with the S Gastly, before the event is a max speed was 40-50m, 10m is today, if not max speed, 4-5m, it is a very drastic drop.

AT FIRST, I am against, I hope the next updates will change my mind.


New Member
Nov 22, 2012
Well for me i support this update cuz i find Some HRs are so easy for some players to find and to find again and again , I know that this can be considered luck but some other HR are really HORRIBLY Rare !
What i want now is to deal with Shinies ... i dont understand why People are finiding a lot Of Shiny VR when some of us even with Membership can't get a normal one ... Some Rare / VR Shinies should Be Rarer than others in the same category
I Really hope they work more on the Economy of PWO and The Encounter rates affect that .


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
Embrace the change don't hate it.

I personally like the concept of the new system and that I felt the old system was irrelevant and outdated.


New Member
Apr 3, 2015
This might not be relevant at all but werent the standard rates ditched for most maps released in the last 2 or so years anyway. Spawns on recent maps have already been spanning the whole range that they were able. Rares such as exeggcute, and rhyhorn are already at the higher end of the stated previous ranges and nowhere near the standard rates. Not saying any of this is a bad thing, its just an observation, I thought the whole range was already being utilised and youve kind of implied this is a new thing.


New Member
Oct 8, 2012
if this update is like how i think it is it should be good :p
is the system going to make us have completely random spawns like its mentioned above there wont be any 1/10/100/10,000 anymore..
would it be like one step poof common and suddenly hr? :p
either way good update :) thankyou teck ;P


New Member
Feb 12, 2013
well it seems legit.. hope the new structure can bring the balance which is missing right now ..vrs are sold really cheap where they should have been costly for being a vr and hrs pop out almost in an instant so yes thanks for the new update :)


New Member
Jan 28, 2013
With all respect teck I do not like the new idea for multiple of reasons, hope new updates will change my mind :-\


New Member
Nov 26, 2013
aiizen said:
Well for me i support this update cuz i find Some HRs are so easy for some players to find and to find again and again , I know that this can be considered luck but some other HR are really HORRIBLY Rare !
What i want now is to deal with Shinies ... i dont understand why People are finiding a lot Of Shiny VR when some of us even with Membership can't get a normal one ... Some Rare / VR Shinies should Be Rarer than others in the same category
I Really hope they work more on the Economy of PWO and The Encounter rates affect that .

i agree and disagree with you, yes HR pokemon are easy for some and hard for others, and for shiny pokemon its easy for some and hard for others.... idk how 2 say this w/o sounding like an idiot but for some reason finding these pokemon have something 2 do with coding and our luck. in the first 3 days of my MS i had caught 4 shiny pokemon but there all common pokemon not once have i seen a shiny RARE pokemon, VERY RARE, or HORRIBLY RARE pokemon even just a normal pokemon the only VR i can find like a common pokemon that a lot of ppl struggle with is PIKACHU. the only HR pokemon i have found is a chinchou on route 45 which makes no sense cuz i can catch it as a rare pokemon in the kanto region on route 20. the system is strange all the way but for some reason with 85% of the players playing this game find it very hard 2 find the pokemon they want no matter what its rarity is, some people could look for a common pokemon and find all the other common pokemon rather than the one they want which is usually really wierd. sorry if i dont make any since btw


Aug 25, 2011
The best way to give feedback is to say why you do or don't think it is a good idea, just saying "I like this" or "I don't like this" does not help us. Good feedback is vital to know what we could improve on.


New Member
Nov 27, 2013
The problem with most pokes is not the rarity, most forget that some pokes have horrible base stats while others are above the normal, IVs are the only thing ATM that boost stats. I did not care for the rarity system to begin with, cause I only saw a few pokes that actually had great stats to be considered HR. I never sold pokes or bought any, so the change in the naming of rarities will not affect me. The only reason shinies are sold higher then other pokes is because they have a better IV balance, were finding regular ones with such IVs is hard. Even if the encounter system changes a bit people must know that there is more, you can always do PvPs to let time pass, so you can then get back to hunting.

All I can say is that some pokes like smeargle need some fix on their moves, maybe allow it to learn some moves, since sketch is broken and all, also ditto should never have been a HR like Smeargle as well since their moves never worked IMO. Look forward to seeing how this change works for people, since we will not know which poke we can see more of then others. So some people will be hunting for a long time, and they will have to see for themselves the rarity of each poke in a certain map. Well here is hopin people will not complain a lot and give the new balancing system a chance, and then judge based upon their encounter experience.


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
BoboTheClown said:
This might not be relevant at all but werent the standard rates ditched for most maps released in the last 2 or so years anyway. Spawns on recent maps have already been spanning the whole range that they were able. Rares such as exeggcute, and rhyhorn are already at the higher end of the stated previous ranges and nowhere near the standard rates. Not saying any of this is a bad thing, its just an observation, I thought the whole range was already being utilised and youve kind of implied this is a new thing.

Nothing actually changed- the rates were always ranges it's just not what players were told by staff. That is one of the misconceptions this update is hoping to change.


Jan 7, 2013
Finally , been waiting for something like this for ages....
i'd just ask if there's a time table for this update +-
and on a side note, i really do hope you'll tell us the new rates for once, i mean atm, like bobo said, we know that eggs,rhy is harder to get then s abra for example
but we dont actually know the rates, the reason i think we should know the rate is that with this new "revamp" there will be chaos in-game in the market at least,
so if we'll know the rarity of a pokemon we'll know its worth (since both licky and stantler are rare and dif between then is 50m), and not just that, collectors and hunters will know which pokes are obtanible (as a shiny) and which will take ages to get, same goes if i'l get a (S)VR (callin it vr for now no new name yet) , so i'l go to the site (example) and check if my vr is really hard to get or only a bit higer then a s rare.



New Member
Sep 28, 2012
Lady Teck you genius! -spams love at- Sneaky. I knew you guys were cooking something up. Love it! Don't care what you guys do with it! Since however, you're asking for opinions..for when you're changing whatever it is you're changing. Names..rates..etc.

I am btw, super duper DUPER excited for all of this! I won't mind seeing Pokemon Lvls, rates, map positions, changed. Especially since none of the rates mattered for us before anyhow! -always thought the map placement of some pokes was odd as well-. I'm glad the names will be changed as well (HR is still horribly rare for me!) Honestly..whether or not people know the rate's of a Pokemon. People will still hunt specific ones. The market doesn't even play into it as heavily as battling and collecting does. After all, who buys from the sellers? The consumers. It might change "Where" they hunt, but it certainly wont change "What" they're hunting. Especially if they aren't hunting at all.

A few thoughts of my own, for when/how the changes do go into effect.

What rules the Pokemon World? Depending on the types, there are three, and they are all vitally different.

PVP Battle Pokemon Iv's and Shinys. Can also be really Op or reaaallly low Type disadvantage. (Slaking anyone? S Stars? Scizor? Sabeleye?)
Gym Beating Pokemon - Can be anything, and be total CRAP, but must win against gyms. Usually high lvl freebies.
Collection Pokemon - Must be Shiny, HR, UC, etc. Maybe trying to get all Pkdex. Or all of a rarity type in S form (All S R's, all S Vr's.) Iv's don't matter. Either because it's just there to be collected, or because it's an S!!

Rarity Rates Across Regions: Can this be fixed? Safari zones may be excluded. Safari's should also maybe see an update, some new attractions to the zoo? Removals of old pokes? (Like Scyther, Rats, etc.)

I've never quite understood how/why the rarity of Pokemon -whatever they have been- varies so much between regions, Zones, Towns, etc. Why one Pokemon is VR or HR in one area, and yet Common in another? (Growlithe and Horsea for example.) Now this would make sense, if it only applied to Pokemon specific to, or only able to be found/caught in, said region. If of course it is specific to the region, then shouldn't it be equal rarity across the region? To 1: Keep mass people from hunting in a tiny area for 1 Pokemon (Snorlax...), and 2 give people a reason to move through the region. Traffic flow and all that jazz. If it's the same everywhere, even if it's only region specific, then players will be everywhere. Instead of pacing in small areas. (Daycares excluded).

Pikachu for example. Why is he HR on Rt. 2, and yet VR in Powerplant? (Even if the measurements are meaningless or skewed) The natural answer is because 'duh Elec poke in the Powerplant', but if that's the case why put him in Viridian forest at all? You certainly don't need it to beat Brock or Misty. (Unless this has something to do with the GBA Versions story line.) Has he been caught there? Absolutely, but who would waste the time when he's far easier to spawn in another area. Most other players knowing this, would advise against hunting him seriously there (and there are some serious hunters). When they are more likely to spawn one, or an S version, in the Powerplant. Especially since there is also a chance to find and catch Elekid in the Powerplant, should you miss out on Pika.

Broken Pokems and Commons:
Part of what makes PWO what it is. Besides the wonderful community. Is the Pokemon themselves. Not only 'how rare is it?', but also, 'how well does it do in PvP?', 'do any of it's moves work?' and let's not forget'is it Shiny?'. Sometimes the market plays in "How much is this worth?" Though the market is known to change rapidly; always in flux. No matter the Pokemons rarity, if it's broken. It's broken. The only people that will actively seek it out, are Collectors and Hunters looking to sell to Collectors.

A Ditto for example, unless shiny, will go for nothing on the market. The same goes for Sneasles, Slowkings, S Rats, etc. Do they go for something? Sure! As much as a wanted shiny Pokemon or a decent gym/pvp battle pokemon? Nope. Heck people give away S Bats and Rats for free! They are..that terrible.

A Horsea and Mareep for another, two common Pokemon. Go for different rates. Why? Because Mareep/Amphros is undesirable in PvP battles (compared to other elec types) unless of course, it's Shiny. Horsea/Kingdra, is a much better PvP battler, more people want it for that purpose and so it goes for more, but ONLY if it has decent IV's, or is Shiny. Even when both of them are Shiny however, the price is different. S Amphs can go for much more than an S Kingdra. Less S Amphs exist, even though both types are Common. Likely because more people actively hunt S Horseas (PvP, and Selling purposes). Maybe also because less people are actively lvling, Daycaring in Mareep areas? Though it also seems to be that less S Mareeps are encountered than S Horseas; even when actively hunting them.

HR Rating:
HR, whatever the rating of it. Isn't always effective. I've seen players multiple HR's spawn in an hour. While a person in the same area will encounter 0 within a multitude of hours. Maybe it's luck? Maybe the rates are odd? Maybe it's bots? Who knows! What we do know is that MS does not/never has/will(hopefully) increase catch/spawn rate. Only Shiny encounter rate. So MS cant be the problem, and if the spawn/catch rate is stagnant, then it can't be the problem. So the system is obviously wonky, needs some changing. How does luck, and random map generation factor in?

Which reminds me: Types of Players.The Community.

Collectors/Hunters: The collectors want..everything..Every stage of every Pokemon in every color of the rainbow that this game has to offer. There are exclusively players who seek only to catch/own what everyone else says is impossible. All S rares, all S Vr's, even All S Hr's and UC's (if it were possible). The collectors aim to keep. Hunters often aim to sell. Especially if they get something good with good Iv's. Heck, sometimes even if it has bad iv's. (They enjoy having/Donating for Membership!)

Daycare's/Levelers: People who's sole purpose is to level their own, or other Peoples Pokemon. All they do is level, to whatever level desired, in whichever areas are best for that Pokemon type. You'll almost always find 'em where the best exp is given. (Npcs, Gyms, Mt. Silver, DD..etc.) They don't care about encountering Pokemon, so much as they care about killing em. Not that they won't catch the occasional S or HR..Though I've noticed some of the most desired S's, and HR's are also in some of the areas that give the best exp. Clever! (They also enjoy having/Donating for Membership!)

Battlers : They want the HIGHEST Iv's, the SHINIEST shiny's, the best fighters in the game! (Which depending on move sets, broken moves, availability, change frequently.) The battlers have a big hand in changing buying market rates. They're as much a consumer as collectors are (unless collectors are also hunters). They're the players kicking out the money to purchase poke's, hire Daycare's, buy those elusive super shiny pokes, and put in the time to get them to lvl (whichever) if they can't afford a daycare afterwards.

General Populace: They're usually very new, and here for the fun of it! They don't necessarily care about the market..catching, hunting, S's. They just wanna beat the game! Get all the gyms, do all the quests..and then what? Leave usually. They played the game, they beat what there was of it to be beat; they might come back occasionally for an event, but that's it.

Token store and Existing Pokemon:
It should also be noted that Token donations, and what kind of Pokemon are available in the token store. Have some hand in this. If you are looking to effect the market, etc.

Crobats(what is a soothe bell for?) , kabutos, omanytes. Hitmonlee's, Chans, Makuhitas. etc. Not UC? In the game in multitudes? Keeping them in the Token store would only make sense if there were none circulating in game. Maybe have token store 'special releases'. Umbreon for example, is in game now, shuppets too. How low do they go? Only the Iv's know. I know better than to donate if I can get one another way though. If you take them away from token-donation however..and re-release them later? -shrugs- Maybe only take out certain pokes during event/quest times? Then put em back out when they're done and over with.

It might give people incentive to look at the forums, announcements..Remember what a wiki is for..

To keep things interesting. Maybe consider removing completely Broken/Useless Pokemon from token store. Unknowns for example, a collector might donate for one, might even donate for a S version. That's one type you're drawing in, but the rest of the people? What would they want with it? Maybe along with removing, and doing special things with some Pokemon in game (Snorlax, Kabu, etc) You could also remove totally broken Pokemon from the game. Until such a time as their moves are fixed/they have a purpose/event/quest/etc. (That does not include totally broken pre-evolutions, such as abra. Which becomes usefully after training. Unlike Ditto, Smeargle.)

Though I do understand keeping them, for the collectors....Maybe throw em into the safari in place of Rats?

Also..and I do realize, that the spawn rate and catch rate are two completely different things. One determines the amount of a type of poke that shows up in any given area..and the other determines how difficult they are to get. If you're gonna change one though, why not change both? Simultaneously? Shouldn't a catch rate reflect upon the rarity of the Pokemon? It shouldn't take 20+pkballs to catch a rat of any kind. It should take double or triple that to catch something even more rare. If that thing spawns at all..or overspawns in some cases.

For anyone who has fears of market issues, catching/Spawn rate issues,etc...I wouldn't. If we never truly knew the rarity rates (which according to Teck they've always been off, and we never knew. Oh The Lies!!) Then if they make changes to them, whatever they are, they wont effect us any more than not knowing the rates before effected us. Heck, who knows if we'll even notice! They also wont be likely to effect the market any more than an event does. A good free market is a self regulating one, laissez-faire and all that. Since there is no government to regulate and set our prices. All of that stuff is player set.


New Member
Dec 11, 2013
I think a quick fix would be to lower the encounter rate for all pokemon in general, thus making R/VR/HR actually rare. Shiny commons would even be more rare...<3

This would be more realistic for an MMO

Solving two problems, the rarity problem and the no repel problem (unless there is repel I'm still a noob)

Of course you would have to buff the experience and cash give outs to make up for it.

Another thing I have noticed is the lack of a challenge by NPC's (besides gyms) there just annoying and not difficult at all, defiantly when you leave kanto/jhoto and go to the other, they are still all level 20.. Also the 9th, 10th, and 11th gyms are relatively easy compared to the other 13 gyms.

furthermore, I think the last few gyms should be level 100 seeing how easy it is to buy a team of common 99's in trade and considering this is an MMO that is suppose to take months to beat the story line. ( I would even consider making kanto the default starting point that way you can make the jhoto gyms all level 100.) You would have to make the other 3 starters available somehow tho, and possibly change the last 2 or 3 gyms in kanto to be a bit higher.

Unless you have a killer end game ide try to make the story line take as long as possible.
I would also like to be able to re battle the gyms, this would make a new group of people (PVE cgroup)


New Member
Dec 14, 2013
I agree with SpartacusBrah, but I'd also like to add a suggestion for fishing.

Right now there's no incentive to level fishing at all, it's really difficult to level fishing and for what? There are no pokemon specific to fishing, everything can be caught for a messily 100k Surfboard. Can you guys put some pokemon into high level fishing and fishing only to make people want to level it. Otherwise as it is now it's a useless part of the game, not to mention the tedious grind getting from 1-20.

Pls respond



New Member
Dec 15, 2013
I agree with both SpartacusBrah and Ghostbro. These changes would definitely propel this game to a new and needed level of competitiveness.