Recent content by cooler198

  1. C

    game client

    well whenever i itend to run pokemon world it always says that my dpi settttings arent set to default 96 and i got my computer this year few weeks/months ago
  2. C

    game client

    i cant seem to be able to play on pc microsoft windows 8 guys is it possible to get a client out that works for windows 8 or is there some way to use the other clients
  3. C

    People unaware about the Negative XP glitch.

    i understand the glitch but it whould be perfecy if they should remove it and at the same time increasethe exp you get atall
  4. C

    pikachu catching

    is there a easy way catching pikachu i cant get anytokens and just started playing is there a way i can cheat the game or get pikachu easier normal whayi spent two days looking for it now in the viridian forest
  5. C

    Questions and Answers: June

    this was a great article but one thing that whould be good a special information window just for the pkm you have