Recent content by Caliphate

  1. C


    I am pretty sure there are fonts that will make your glow easier to read.
  2. C

    Old Music??

    You can google up the older client and extract music from it. You can replace the music and files as well as editing the ini file.
  3. C

    Johto Spawn Testing (give your feedback here!)

    You might want to make Quilfish little easier. Shuckle rarity can stay but Quil is no where close as Shuckle is viability wise.
  4. C

    Arabic Language

    If you have some template or something, I will be happy to translate.
  5. C

    Pokemon Natures

    You are beating around the bush Zooks. That is correct. New players are turning back even without ability to change natures. I can imagine what will happen when that ability is given. You are suggesting that someone quits the game once they beat all the gyms. I am positive that late game is...
  6. C


    Your font style is disgusting and very painful to read. Can you please change it to something proper so people can actually read the stuff up.
  7. C

    Arabic Language

    Is it possible to change language to Arabic on the forum? Is there plans to have multilingual system ingame? I can offer Arabic translation if needed. Thanks :D
  8. C

    Pokemon Natures

    Natures should be randomized properly. Do them properly or don't do them at all simple as that. We have like what? 50 players active or even less. Ability to change natures won't benefit to new players in any way it would be one of the major obstacles to them. Ability to change natures would...
  9. C

    ساعدونى ايها الاخوه المسلمون

    انه ليس واضحا لى لماذا حذفت الصوره الخاصه بى؟ هل فعلت شيء خطا؟
  10. C

    Is this game over ?

    I am yet to see someone talking in the game. No one is talking and when I hunt I hunt with botters around me. :) Peace
  11. C

    Possible new player

    Looks promising thus far!
  12. C

    Rate My Team

    You came to a wrong place. Try with showdown. Luck.
  13. C

    Rig Project Changelog

    So many blocks. Could have a hotel built by now.