What's with prices?


New Member
Jun 10, 2012
I'm new in pwo and espesially in this selling/buying staff but still... I've noticed that prices seriously came down in a half a month. Almost in all sectors: cheap (most rares from 30-50K to 5-15K), to expensive (during chrismas and new year period such poks as jolteon, bagon, tyra, salo, slak were 5-7KK) nowadays they are 0,7-2KK. Even UC come down dramatically... Of cause there are reasons, like more and more people get access to DD and prices to salo and dratini fall, and people always have lack of pokemoney but still... Something should replace previous leaders in expensive segments... So can someone tell me what makes pokemarket in pwo so unstable in january? And what can we expect in future?


New Member
Aug 25, 2011
I think you cannot expect the prices of pokemon to be stable for any extended period of time. I think that there will always be a great deal of insecurity since movesets and battle mechanics are being updated quite often. As a result a very good pokémon may loose its battling capabilities quickly, and no one really wants to invest a lot of hard earned pokemoney in something so volatile. One of the reasons for the extreme pricedrops that we've seen recently may be the fact that from what i've understood a lot of pokemoney was removed from the game a while ago.


Jan 7, 2013
its not just that, if you ask me its mostly because of two things,
one, there's no market place as of yet, which makes it really hard for new players or even old players to know the base price of a pokemon,
for example everyone knows the prices of (S)Rares cause they're most wanted and hard to come by, but no one really knows the price of an (S)geodude, or any numbers of Hr's for the simple reason there's no base line for prices, and what happends is one person will sell lets say for example a snorlax for 1m when another guy that just came into the game will sell it for 500k to get his bike, i myself have seen people saying S>(S)golem 200k and a day later B>(S)golem 500k , there's no place until the auction house comes back to really see prices,
two, botters, there are people who use bots on multiple accounts 24/7 which makes prices drop, dont get me wrong gm's are working hard to ban them, but without anti cheat system, it's almost impossible, unless they can use Hwid bans which basically means if got hwid ban you cant play pwo on that pc anymore, sure there are ways to bypassit, but its much harder then simply changing an ip

just my opinion


New Member
Aug 29, 2011
A lot of pokemoney has indeed been purged from the economy, which I consider a step in the right direction for more economic stability, but I still believe there is a problem with an unbalanced coefficient between the amount of pokemoney and pokemon in circulation; as money can be invested or depleted by either purchasing it on commodities/services in-game/on the token store (or by certain bug-abuse attempts levying a player's pokemoney as a penalty), the increasing supply of Pokemon is mainly only allocated (by trading it from one account to another), but not purged; they're only suspended if one firmly goes inactive (barring those who give Pokemon to others before leaving) or banned. Even in the case of a banned a banned account, illegitimately obtained Pokemon may still cause harm to the economy, as Boora stated, if already put into circulation.

With all that currently underlies this economy, I believe there will always be an abundant amount of Pokemon, despite the future additions of money sinkholes to the economy. However, I also believe there should be more methods for one to generate Pokemon rather than selling Pokemon. Previously, players often needed luck to obtain a shiny or Horribly Rare pokemon to leap into the market, which is a gap between newbies and the norm that I found unreasonable. It is not nearly as bad now in my opinion, but there still are a few too many Pokemon that aren't negotiable without token trading - mainly shiny rares/VRs/HRs that have good battle potential (which should hopefully not be as bad when there are more secure and practical means of obtaining tokens, such as in the trading center in the forthcoming playerdex update).

Although the auction house may facilitate trade transactions between players, I believe prices will still fluctuate easily, due to the fundamental economic dynamics already explained (rarity changes, updates to the battle system that alter battle potential, reduction of pokemoney in the economy, etc...). It will be good to have more economic guidance on the auction house, however.


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
This is not a new issue, check out these topics from last year. No need to reply to them and wake dead topics- keep the discussion going here instead of spreading it out, just for a bit of history on the subject if you are interested:



There are others with less replies and going further back if you do a forum search, but do an advanced search and limit it to Topics not posts or you'll be there forever.