What is the state of PWO currently?


New Member
Aug 1, 2012

I used to play this game a very long time ago and left and now want to play some pokemon again. However, before returning can someone please tell me what the state of the game is? Information on things like in game population, how are the staff, do updates happen frequently, are there plenty of hackers/scammers etc would be nice.

One other question I had was does PWO now have character customization and breeding?

Thank you.


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
I think the fastest way to get these answers is to actually play the game and talk to other players ingame. Depending on how long you've been gone you will find a lot of changes to the game- in fact we just had a major update which you can find the details of in the Announcements forum.

I had to edit your post slightly due to breaking our rule about not advertising/discussing other pokemon MMOs.


Sep 7, 2011
I suppose...let me start this off by saying my opinion is going to be very biased. Like Fonty says, you should really see for yourself if this game is for you. You're asking people who play PWO about their opinion of PWO, after all. I'm only going to answer the stuff that might not be immediately obvious.

PWO takes a different approach to development than other games. For community, the staff are generally transparent about design decisions, will chat with you ingame, and have organized change logs. PWO has definitely come under "New Management" in recent years and are much much closer to having a healthy and frequently supported Pokemon game than its past iteration imo.

PWO prioritizes quality over quantity, which means the updates go through a more meticulous/rigorous process. BUT, because the past-year's updates are carefully thought out and somewhat tested, features are not "taken away" after introduction due to them being broken/poorly planned, as other fanMMOs have had to do.

As for your other questions, PWO does not have character customization and staff are looking into a system for ability/nature modification. Whether that will end up as a sort of breeding system is yet to be known. Scamming is low, and we have a very strong anti-bot/anti-hack system; use common sense, read up on Pokemon rarities, keep records etc and you'll be fine.

I like to think that ultimately PWO will end up as the most balanced fan-game. This is primarily due to the PWO staff's high priority for balance and long-term planning regarding every existing feature with incoming updates. Butnosrsly just try the game out, see if it's your cup of tea.

If you want to see the game's progress in the past few years, check out these forum sections:



That should answer most of the questions that aren't immediately obvious by logging in for an hour. Hope that helps!