Stayed awake 24 hours


New Member
Nov 26, 2014
7 am yesterday rolled around and I had already been defeated by Whitney so I figured i could train my pokemon and then change up my team and challenge her again come 7 am today. so I stayed awake all night working on my team and now When i went to go challenge her. she's still recovering? i went to view when i can fight her again and it confuses me. its today at least my computer says its the same day but its this number 14.16 is that the game time or Real time because if its real time its off and that means its not 24 hours of waiting to battle and doesn't that same number appear two or three times a day Why would you use the game Clock to judge when the battle was fought and lost, if it was done in the morning like It was with me then that means you may have to wait over 24 hours to fight the same gym leader. I'm sorry if this sounds upset but it is rather upsetting to me because I was going to battle her then go to bed but now I have to decide stay awake untill Whitney finaly realizes its been 24 hours which will probably be nearly 12 to 14 more hours of staying awake. oor go to bed without beating her. which to me isn't what i was told i would be able to do. If i stayed up 24 hours to fight this woman and get the third badge because she has a Milktank that can recover while most other people wont have any pokemon that can heal themselves in combat and you can't use items which is nothing like the handheld games. the first time the badge leader refused to refight me it got under my skin but i came to terms with the 24 hour rule, and Now it seems that rule isn't real either If this is a glitch please let me know. if its not and this is how you really are running it, please just change the fact people have to wait 24 hours to rebattle a gym leader to it could take up to 48 hours to rebattle a gym leader.


New Member
Jan 1, 2012
I had somebody check into that gym leader for you, and its properly set to 24 hours to rebattle, and you have so it seems already won.
The time displayed should be real-time not ingame, so 2:16 pm is the time you could rebattle it not 7 am.


New Member
Nov 26, 2014
But i had lost against her at 7 am my time and turned around and stayed awake until 7 am today to rebattle her, When she wouldn't let me i got frustrated and i logged out. I know what time it was because I wrote it down because of the first gym battle. I fought. I'm just going to say it takes up to 48 hours if you loose. because thats excatally what it did


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
Lyulf you have the badge and you can continue on with your game.

Sometimes the game glitches at the 24 hour mark, we are not sure why yet- this could lead to the player either having to wait again or automatically getting their badge. You are one of the lucky ones and now have the badge.

We are working towards changing wait times and we'll hopefully have that update ready very soon.