Sick of the direction PWO is going...

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New Member
Jul 5, 2012
I don't really care about what happened with Michael, you should not repeat that name or justify my comment because you're 100 % wrong Canibus. I'm just being honest, if being honest means to be a bootlicker then don't count me. You were just the PERFECT example for these that were saying that banning accounts means everything. I know that you did a good job, don't forget who was the guy that promoted and trusted you in the past because you were gold in a mine of fools... and I didn't say that you were not doing a good job. I simply said the bad things with some hopes of seeing you thinking about it to correct it instead being angry to start a war against me or whoever said something else about my comment... that's what I am talking about, you have too much power now, you are not the same or thats what I feel. And the jokes, im still against the jokes, for the simple fact that you should give an example, and the community watch is not a good place to make jokes or laugh, some people takes a bann very serious and with that actitude they would get stressed, just think about it. When michael got banned you told me '' Oh hi mati, I just banned your friend'' wtf does that mean or what kind of answer were you trying to get from me ? Im glad to see lots of banned accounts and I know that you worked hard to catch every botter around, but no one is perfect. Sorry* if I said something that hurts you (Im not being sarcastic) but you should think about it instead being angry man. Keep up the good work, after all; who am I to correct you? ;) peace...[/quote]

You're not really taking into account what kind of person he might be. His job isn't to be a forum soother. There is quite a verity of people suit for certain tasks.
And for someone to honestly want to sit there and actually do that work all day. Can't be nothing more then for the lols and Justice.
I don't care, id hope from mt silver. then to starter region and ban all the bots struggling to start. and let the people on the other side the keyboard rage.
Why because its funny, and if someone crys on forums because they got caught cheaper boo hoo. thats the risk you took when you downloaded the software.
So suck it up.

GM is a role that needs to be enforced harshly in order to second chance botters from doing it again... anytime soon.


New Member
Oct 22, 2011
To be honest, I see everyone's points here.

I am in the help channel most of my time, chatting yes but helping also.

I don't think you could put someone straight into a GM position. The weight of it will just crush them.

Now, I'm not particularly clear on what the other staff members do, so I apologize if I am wrong in what I'm about to say.

This post is simply on my experiences with other games. Nothing is implied to happen with PWO.

In one post I saw that someone thought dea7th was suggesting to let the botters run rampant until the next client.

I also saw 'letting duplicate items stay in game' mentioned.

I have been around the internet a fair bit. I have played many games.

One such game I will not disclose the name of, had a forum and a very lively community. It was the game that really showed me the internet.

They had, say, about 10 staff members. I reckon at it's highest point they had probably about half of PWO members. But their server was smaller, their game was awful (but people kept playing it) and their forum community was brilliant.

Now, the staff had just been thrown in; They had American, Swedish, Dutch, all over the place. Anyway, one day, someone found a hack which allowed duplicate items to be made. Thousands of them. This was about three years into the game starting. The staff couldn't cope so one went rogue, about 3 more simply vanished, one abused their power. The game was trying to be fixed by the remaining staff but they didn't do anything about the forum so it wasn't long before trolls, flame wars, nudes, irl info being posted, new players not welcomed or helped. These all ran rampant. If you were a solid member of the community then it was a great time for you, but if you weren't one of the elite then it was a horrible time.

The were lucky to see a member of staff online once a month. The creator vanished for months on end, the remaining staff deserted the project under the pressure and the pit escalated; people found more bugs, glitches and hacks. One guild hacked the database and got everyone's info.

Now, eight years after it was created, the forums have been closed, so has the game. A new server was started but I do not know what it is like. A new forum emerged a year or so before shutdown and showed promise, however in the last year it has rapidly declined into a few members and one corrupt moderator.

Well, let's not give that game too much time. Since I don't think PWO will be as drastic as that.

I think PWO staff are doing a good job with their resources and the BA shows that.

Simply thought I'd share my experiences for whatever benefit they have to this discussion.

Good day : )


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
dea7th said:
Who cares, the guy helps out the server and his been pretty much the only one besides hitmonty paciently answering every question that pops up in help
He answers all of his PMs and is kind. He genuinly feels bad, and ^^^^^^^ people like you making him feel worse. A lot of great people with potencial start off as trolls Simply because they are smarter than the rest and get bored easily. But once you get caught in the mindset of guilt and repentance youl never find a more devoted person for you team

Suck up your distrust and move on, its beta game we and need risks to be taken with proper actions without the need of stalling. Your server is flooded with bots, Iv got many many many reports from the last night with an included 20+ bot names. Its quite serious that there is not GMs online pacific time so when its 12 am here its 3 am elsewhere and 4 am and what not. No staff are gareteed to be online at that time banning bots, you just don't see it happen ever. If you want control over the bots your gunna need GMs that are online within a time frame of at least 2 hours between each other. its rediculious for chocobo and bluerise to pick up all the slack from the dead GM accounts that hardly get touched. What are the new players supposed to think when they ask for a GM ( even tho a GM likly would have to answer) and hear that there is hardly GMs online. Their going to lul at all you, and download a bot and use it because they THINK they wont get banned.

THATS the real isssue here.

You don't even understand what I posted. I said some of the staff, not me. I'm around Naero moreso than you are; I have my own opinions about him, which I can tell you right now are not negative. I'm not trying to "bring him down", I'm giving you a reason why some of the staff may not agree with having him as a member.

risks to be taken

Regarding that, PWO has already taken risks. One of which almost got PWO shutdown for good, had Xanatus not had a backup. There have also been other corrupt staff members, most of which were before my time. Not saying this applies to Naero, because most likely it doesn't.

Your server

I'm not staff.

its rediculious for chocobo and bluerise to pick up all the slack from the dead GM accounts that hardly get touched.

Bis and Dovee do a lot of banning behind the scenes.

You should really get your facts straight before you start criticizing me and others.


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
im aware of what they do. But they are only online for a faction of the time that the servers are up is my point.
Im generalizing their activity as inactive because a huge majority of the time im on forums, they arnt on.

So i don't know where your coming up with this idea that you think you can just discredit my oppinion on the community watch
When i can clearly see a number of threads still left unanswered. If they were active they would of been answered 24 hours ago.

So your saying a lot of talk to try to make it seem like its not as much of a problem and the server is fine.

And the remark about you not being staff????? i don't care. thats irrelivant. This is as much your server as it is mine.


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
and i clearly don't need a GM status to be a tyrant on this server. Because every last botter is going to reconize my name. When they see me posting a vid of them in community watch.


Aug 14, 2011
dea7th said:
im aware of what they do. But they are only online for a faction of the time that the servers are up is my point.
Im generalizing their activity as inactive because a huge majority of the time im on forums, they arnt on.

So i don't know where your coming up with this idea that you think you can just discredit my oppinion on the community watch
When i can clearly see a number of threads still left unanswered. If they were active they would of been answered 24 hours ago.

So your saying a lot of talk to try to make it seem like its not as much of a problem and the server is fine.

And the remark about you not being staff????? i don't care. thats irrelivant. This is as much your server as it is mine.
There is such a thing as appearing online anonymously, aka not appearing online.

Also, if a thread is unanswered, doesnt mean it isnt being handled. Either its on going, or there is no case, or its been solved and the GM just logged it in his logs and forgot to post in CW. Good day to you sir.


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
I'm not discrediting your opinion on the Community Watch, nor am I saying that the server is 100% fine. A lot of the GMs don't do Community Watch for whatever reason. They still ban a lot of people on the server if they're doing something against the rules; a lot more than you would think. The problem is, a lot of people conclude that staff is inactive because they aren't on the forums. Do you know how many players aren't on the forums? I'd have to say at least half of the playerbase doesn't use or maybe even know about the forums.

And the remark about you not being staff????? i don't care. thats irrelivant. This is as much your server as it is mine.

I said I wasn't staff because you made it sound like I was when you said "Your server". It's not our server, we don't own it.


Apr 6, 2012
dea7th said:
im aware of what they do. But they are only online for a faction of the time that the servers are up is my point.
Im generalizing their activity as inactive because a huge majority of the time im on forums, they arnt on.

So i don't know where your coming up with this idea that you think you can just discredit my oppinion on the community watch
When i can clearly see a number of threads still left unanswered. If they were active they would of been answered 24 hours ago.

So your saying a lot of talk to try to make it seem like its not as much of a problem and the server is fine.

And the remark about you not being staff????? i don't care. thats irrelivant. This is as much your server as it is mine.
You're starting to fall over the edge...


Aug 25, 2011
This whole topic keeps coming back in circles, you make points that seem justified and reasonable from the knowledge you have availabe to you, but when you can see everything the staff know then major flaws become visible. There are reasons why staff members are carefully chosen, its not secret that there have been numerous bad staff in the past and they have all brought varying degrees of problems to the game and people are always quick to change their tone when the game is down for a month or more. Again, there are reasons for the change in how we deal with CW topics, though it may seem worse for the game from where you sit, and although we do not publically release a lot of the why we can see that it works.

I can see a lot of people adding 2 and 2 and getting 5, blaming the increased numbers of botters on either staff inactivity or the lower amount of IP bans being given, and yes these will have had an effect but this effect is only a small portion of the why. What if I told you many of the botters in the past admitted only doing it because a) A 'revenge' for the harshness of the bans given, or B) They saw it as a challenge to avoid them. The bigger reasons are the easier access to the game, you're comparing a time where at most a few hundred accounts could be made a month - if any could at all, to a time where its possible for as many people who are willing to go through the membership system will get in, this means more players and with it more cheaters. Which is another point, of course with more people online there are going to be more botters, say 5% of all online people ever have been botters, 5% of 200 is 10 where 5% of 2000 is 100 botters, make sense? Then you have publicity of botters, people knowing who and what to look for in botters, as informed or otherwise their ideas might be, means more people are seeing them as they stand out form the normal players like never before, whose to say the people you used to see weren't botting and you just never noticed at the time? A final factor is Community Watch itself, with it being open to view on these forums it acts a giant beacon to "Look at all the botters there are!!!!1!!one!!", on the previous forums these weren't vieawable apart from to the reporters and certain staff members so things were a lot less open to the average player and less people knew how to spot bots. If you compare the main reported bots then (these will be simplified for obvius reasons) - mainly people who moved at impossible speeds to a legit player - and now - people who don't answer PMs and walk around in a semi-distinct pattern - which are more obvious? Do you think players were aware of people botting like this 2 years ago, I doubt it.

My point is not that this is the end of PWO and the botters have ruined us all or reversely that its not a problem in the slightest, its that you shoud know that not everything is black and white and that things are happening where players can't see and peopel shouldn't jump to conclusions just because nothing seems to have happened.


Aug 25, 2011
Several people mentioned IP banning and I would like to clear a thing up.

IP Banning does little more than just banning every account the player has. Reason is that it is very easy to get around it. Not going into detail the only people it stops are people who are clueless about how IPs in general works and those not so tech savy, and those people usually aren't using bots.

This being said, IPV6 looks like it might provide a more effective way to ip ban in the future depending on how service providers assign addresses.


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
that sounds great. And max im pretty aware of how an IP works and how to change it. The point isnt that its supossed to stop them for good.
Its supossed to set back their progress to ground zero on all toons. Some people need to have it done to them many many times before they give up and they move on to another game to hack.


Aug 25, 2011
dea7th said:
that sounds great. And max im pretty aware of how an IP works and how to change it. The point isnt that its supossed to stop them for good.
Its supossed to set back their progress to ground zero on all toons. Some people need to have it done to them many many times before they give up and they move on to another game to hack.
Unfortunately it's not that easy. There are many things to consider when determining if a person is guilty and what the sentence should be.

Perhaps the biggest issue with players being disgruntled with the staff currently is they would like the GMs to ban more people while the GMs want to be as certain as possible this person is guilty. From my time as GM I received many false accusation reports. If there was one thing that players simply do not understand that creates the most negative feelings towards staff is the process GMs have to do when looking into player activity. Most players seem to think report "evidence" wait for GM to look at evidence then the GMs immediately ban them. Very few cases are that easy. Thinking about GMs in real life situation Gms are the police officers, the prosecutors, the judge, the jury, and the parole officer.

The worst GM is a hasty GM that takes everything at face value because that leads to innocent players being wrongly punished.


Aug 14, 2011
Anyways, measures will be taken to ensure we are on top of this cheating business. We have heard your cries, and we will step up our efforts. As of now, we have added a new GM to our ranks, and that is the player named Puar. Me and Dove will take him under our wing, and make him into your new white knight. Dont be too harsh with him, or you'll have to deal with me. We will continue to bolster the efforts of the GM team, whether it be recruiting or increased activity.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Bis_Eastwood said:
Anyways, measures will be taken to ensure we are on top of this cheating business. We have heard your cries, and we will step up our efforts. As of now, we have added a new GM to our ranks, and that is the player named Puar. Me and Dove will take him under our wing, and make him into your new white knight. Dont be too <img src='./images/smilies/censored.png' alt='Censored'> him, or you'll have to deal with me. We will continue to bolster the efforts of the GM team, whether it be recruiting or increased activity.

Thank you GM's for listening to my concerns/Opinion's really glad that we have a new GM to deal with all these botters/scammers And Congratz Puar! =D


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
Bis_Eastwood said:
matileo19 said:
Ramensnoodle said:
To bad Bis isnt as active anymore, loved that he did in a few hours what it seems the other gms get done in a week last time he was on.

Being a GM is not all about banning accounts. If I were a Head Admin and I had to choose between Dovee/mad/Choco/stank/etc and Bis, I would choose any exept Bis, to be honest and comparing what I saw from each one. Don't take it bad Bis, I like you, but your attitude has changed, I don't know what's wrong with you, saying things like ''the ban hammer has taked action, the ban hammer is here, the ban hammer never sleeps'' lol looks like if a child of 10 years old were in your account acting as such, come on, you should act respectfull and give an example to the community.
Getting back to what I was saying: Being a GM is not all about banning accounts and I know better than any player that they're working all the time (No, im not a bootlicker and some of the staff members know it....I said SORRY to Dovee lots of times, sorry xD). If we don't see what they do, doesn't mean that they are doing nothing, if you think like that then you're wrong.
If its not all about banning accounts, then what else is there? The GM group is simply a moderation group now. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm not here to hold anybodies hand through the gameplay anymore, I'm a head hunter whose main purpose is to keep the game clean. I've been staff since 2009, and I have over 4k bans under my belt. For a good while, I felt like I was a machine than an actual person, since every day it was the same hunt and generic response. I was going out of my mind, because for a good while I was the only active GM (overworking myself + college is part of the reason im inactive now. Plus the fact many people constantly criticized me for either banning too much, or the uninformed claiming i dont do anything like sarks.) So I decided to become more human, and make remarks in community watch to entertain myself and the community.

If me making a few ban hammer jokes only during this month for like 2 weeks tops makes you choose any GM except me, then I honestly dont care about your irrelevant opinion and would not want to work for a head admin who discredits one of the most hardworking GM's in the past 3 years moderation wise. For all I know you're probably mad i banned your friend MichaelLeroi. I will not be respectful to a bunch of people who like to cheat on games then lie and cry when they get caught. If you dont like that, then cry me a river.

So what if I cracked a few jokes? I do it to give people something to talk about. Just because im trying to raise the spirits of the community thats been ravaged by botters in my absence, means I'm a bad GM then so be it. I dont really care. Its not my job to care about how you feel about me. I know what I've brought to this community and project, and I'm glad to see some appreciation shown towards me for once in this thread. While you were all out battling and hunting, I spent hours upon mind numbing hours being a machine and cracking down on cheaters. What did that get me? grief from most of you all, and grief from certain staff members. Now you're all here complaining about the lack of punishment towards botters and etc.

Like I said, all your hate seems to be coming from your friend michaelerois ban appeal. Thats cool man, I understand. But dont sit here and say that what I've done for this community isnt more than what stank choco or dove has done. Sure they may be nicer about it (stanks a real maybe with the "no's") but nice doesnt get you anywhere.

Anyways I rather be a hard working true to my role staff member, and a complete <img src='./images/smilies/censored.png' alt='Censored'> who nobody in the community likes, than some suck up kiss <img src='./images/smilies/censored.png' alt='Censored'> who doesnt do anything around here like certain people.

I wont ever be corrupt, and I've put in a lot of man hours into this game. If you want to persecute me because I crack jokes and make light of the garbage I get rid of, so be it. Your opinion is irrelevant to me. I was a one man GM crew for most of the beginning of my tenor, basically doing more work than 3 GM's in one, dealing with cheaters, scammers, and a group of players constantly complaining about me and trying to get me demoted. When you go through that, then you can lay your irrelevant opinion on me.

Anyways as a PS since I wont be responding in here after this, I do believe we need more than 4 GM's as well. I left for inactivity thinking 3 gms would be able to keep on pace with what i was doing, but everyone else succumbed to inactivity as well. Hell, if theres anyone worth trusting that the staff finds, ill come out of inactivity and train you myself. ( But god forbid you pick up my mannerisms, there doesnt need to be 2 Bis's. Not enough hate to go around.)

First hello all i want to say something thing to the canibus guy the guy of latinos channel who always insult players in spanish i have some screenshots when he told to olman , daniel0629, and other guys things like "chupa mis guevos" something like lick my eggxecute o.o in the past and latin guys can say much because u are the gm and u can ban or something also u always doing this serius so he cant be a joke, correctly me if im wrong?

Second one thing its because mati know u bis and other its because its my friend its 2 diferent things if i see he with bot i will report he so its diferent things, he know me and trust me i dont use nothing but well,dont try to use mati its mad because u banned me u are the mad here because alot of old user know you


(my english sucks but atleats i dont use translate)

To puar gm decision its a joke? in the past he was reported for make racism comment to daniel0629 nice pwo we will have a new racist staff (no ofense puar)

with love MichaelLeroi

Have a nice day and u can ban me now :)


Aug 25, 2011
Have you shown those screen shots to anyone? You can always report staff members to admins who job include looking over other staff members.


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
mad30 said:
Have you shown those screen shots to anyone? You can always report staff members to admins who job include looking over other staff members.

thanks i will make a decent report and send to the adm and lets see what we can do :))


Sep 29, 2011
Puar GM ?
It's the first time that Im not happy with the choice and desition that you have taken... The staff should not have a guy that hates 'Poor Countries ... The situation was worse anyway.

But bleh, gratz ??


Aug 16, 2011
thank your mati for the congratulations, and for the record I am not a racist. I was annoyed that Brazilian players had kept beating me and was also suspicious that many of them had been using bots (you and Daniel included) at the time that i made those comments i was not myself and have given sincere apologies.

that being said I think you and the rest of the community will be pleasantly surprised with the work that i will be putting forth.
-I dont plan on targeting players that dont speak english
-I most definitely will be providing more then enough evidence before banning
- will look at each case as a plea from an individual

:3 if your still upset then i would suggest some icecream... that normally puts me in a better mood.
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