Raceway, Battle Search Feature and PC Filters


Jan 25, 2013
Would like to have the raceway back in business or some other form of entertainment, I'll think of something if staff has nothing in mind.

Battle Search feature. Sometime people don't use chat to accept request and it would be nice if the battle search system had custom options and regular options. By custom i mean players can set their own rules, by regular i just mean basic handheld battling rules.

To keep other players from stalling in battling perhaps use a system timer to auto select a move or just a clock that has a set battle time.

PC filter for playerdex and ingame. The two major helpful search features would be Item search and Species search and perhaps level search. I find the playerdex filter not so helpful and confusing at times.


Aug 14, 2011
Hi Sweetboi

Could you confirm what Playerdex filter you find not helpful / confusing?


Jan 25, 2013
I get confused with the "sort by filters" Like combining levels and dex number, I can't tell if it's working or not. The rollback is a little frustrating after I unrelease something or after I add something to the market. It could also add some new filter options like a Moves filter, an Aplhabetic filter and an Item filter that helps find pokemon holding onto items. I think the player should be able to switch their search mode - They could either switch to pc box mode where the player searches by using their PC Boxes or Elimination mode that searches for a player's pokemon based on the descriptions they choose.

I think the only confusion i had was the filter options and the rollback. Which isn't helpful is that I would like to spot a pokemon easier when it comes to held items and it would help if i could somehow find the same species of pokemon on one page.


New Member
Feb 7, 2016
Sweetboi said:
Would like to have the raceway back in business or some other form of entertainment, I'll think of something if staff has nothing in mind.

Well, as no one else has addressed this I will.

I am not 100% sure what the history of the raceway is. I believe at one point it was a money exploit and has been a caused for other issues. Most likely this is why it's not currently in game. We are currently updating our scripting language to be more dynamic and stable, we are going from an home grown scripting language that had many pitfalls and limitations to a 3rd party language that has a lot more support (I can google questions! Any programmers out there? Imagine not being able to google....). With this change we may be able to add the race feature back and have it be more stable and less exploitable, that's the good news.  

Here is the bad news: you are the first person to really bring this to my attention and therefore it's actually lower on the priority list. Everyday we spend with this transition to the new language more we add to the project list and we get back up. Project frostbite is the next major thing we are going to do, after that it becomes a mess. Now, back to good news, you can actually do something about this. Get more players to voice their desire to have this feature return and it will move up the priority list. Also make a statement as to how much you think this adds to the game and provide reasoning why this should be a higher priority and something that is highly liked and desired by the community. This goes for anything, more something is discussed more we, the staff, can judge how we should be doing something? Don't like a particular part of a quest, make a topic ranting about it. We will then try to not repeat that functionality and if hated enough, change it. Love something about a quest? Make a topic and have players voice support and we will do more quests that incorporate that feature/functionality/design.

You have taken the first step in getting the raceway back into game, I will bring this to other staff members attention to see if I can get more information as to why this is in game, and see if it's something we should add back and prioritize it on the list of things to do.

PS: I didn't proof read or spell check this post so sorry for mistakes.


Jan 25, 2013
I see so pushing an idea can help get it into this game. I will think about putting in some Poll threads, is the a way i could push the idea without spamming in-game chat too much?


Nov 26, 2013
seeing an idea is really wanted helps, but you have to remember that it doesn't matter if a project would really be nice or is necessary...all if it requires work.

So remember that Raceway in particular would be competing for a priority spot with the likes of...say, Sevii/Hoenn/Spawn project.