Questions and Answers: July


Aug 14, 2011
Hi there.

It's time for another set of questions and answers. Due to the number of questions and answers given, answers are now provided in spoiler tags.

Will Players be able to join teams, such as Team Rocket and such?
Zebras: Not currently planned, and if it DID ever get into the game, it would not be any time soon!
1. Would require extensive systems in place for such an option to be fun.
2. Would require major game updates.
You guys mentioned eventually adding Exclusive content, would that pertain to such things as exclusive pokemon/ staff-created pokemon?
Bluerise: Not in terms of what you're thinking.
Mad30: There are no plans for that at this current point.
crenel: Long ago, in the time before time, players were able to battle each other on behalf of the Red Team or the Blue Team in order to gain glory and prizes. A similar environment has been a point of discussion within the staff.
Can you buy tokens in the phone?
Bluerise: Nope, for now we would rather Paypal remain the only option. It's not as simple as just selecting another donation service.
Can you introduce me any awesome animes?
Bluerise: So random, I recommended following blogs and just searching around based on what you've enjoyed.
Zebras: If you like lighthearted girly anime, I really enjoyed Kamichu. :V But if you're expecting awesome action packed stuff, well..Don't watch that. Actually what do you even watch? Do you like serious stuff? Funny stuff? Romance? What? :V
Today and yesterday I have been looking far and wide on the Internet on anything about the maintenance of PWO online, and failed to find any information about it.
I only found some players say that there is a maintenance although when playing online it said it was a server "reset" or "restart".

Now my question is; could you explain to me why this information is not given?
What i would like to know is:
How long does a maintenance take? it has been roughly 15 hours now..
Is this done every week or month or anything els?
Is it always on a Saturday evening? Because this seems a bit unlogical to me, since most people like to play at that specific day and time
Bluerise: Any noted downtime that is for maintenance is noted on the 'Planned Downtime' topic. This will note the expected duration it's expected to take but we don't always meet it. At the moment for the account removals, the plan is to do them once a week - at the moment, we're splitting the accounts into 'groups' and deleting one group weekly. Ideally we'll be aiming to avoid weekends as best as possible for these.
Zebras: Different things happen at different times. There is a planned downtime topic and a twitter. If the server goes down/is reset and it's not mentioned on there, it was probably unplanned/last minute.
This is about donation tokens. The last time I donated $30 because there was a promo on donation $1:2 Tokens. When i checked it after my donation, it was only 40 tokens instead of 60 tokens - I was wondering what happened about the promo.
Bluerise: It was 10 bonus tokens for donations over $10.
Are there plans to improve BUG, Poison and weaker stat Pokemon to make them more contend-able towards the endgame? ex: Using a Bee-drill/Farfetched/Onyx (low attack)/Smeargle etc, as viable endgame Pokemon? In effect just balancing all the Pokemon a little more.
Zebras: The eventual goal is to represent them as accurately to the official games as possible. So if that means Farfetch'd still fails in official games, then it'll likely suck here in PWO too once everything is said and done.
crenel: We're going to stay fairly true to the Nintendo games in terms of battling.
When will they add the Hoenn league
Bluerise: I want to be evil and answer with 'NEVER'!
crenel: We ARE "they"; why would you call us "they" when you're talking to us? The answer is never because Bluerise just said so.
Hey, I've got question about registration code. How long I must wait to get registration code to create my account?
Bluerise: Registration keys are sent to a select number of accounts every half an hour. The requests made are cleared as well/
Will the HP that a pokemon is at ever affect how likely it is for that pokemon to be captured? I currently think it's silly that the chance to catch a pokemon at full HP is the same as when the pokemon is almost dead. Plus, it also makes it really easy to waste money...
Mad30: This was looked into about a half a year ago and a small adjustment was made. After extensive testing I did determine hp does affect the chance of catching the pokemon. With the many different factors that affect the chance, I determined that as the system currently is, it does the most good on higher level pokemon than on lower level ones, in part due to it's in theory easier to get a higher level pokemon to a low hp without killing it.
This is one of the many systems that needs to be redone in order to effectively work and even account for things like status effects increasing the chances of a pokemon being caught.

crenel: In short, yes.
Well, here's my question.I would like to know why is the waiting time to rebattle NPC's so long.
Bluerise: The first few beginning NPCs in Kanto are 3-5 days, I can't recall if this is the case for Johto.
Mad30: This is also the case in Johto
Zebras: Near endgame there are a LOT of NPCs to fight. If the reset times were too short, it'd be very easy for people to level up. If the game was made too easy, people would have everything they wanted within a couple of months. And once people have everything they want, they tend to get bored and stop playing, which is no good!
crenel: It's an artifact of Kyro's original/ancient system that hasn't been re-examined on a large scale yet.
When will new areas of the Pokemon World be added?
Bluerise: Soon.
Zebras: ... n-Meme.jpg
crenel: Never, ever, ever ever ever ever ever again. Not really, but it isn't as though we don't want new content. We just need to have the means to support it first. It's not as though we can just flip a switch and everything automagically makes itself.
Also when will new Pokemon be added, I would really love to have an Oshwatt sometime soon.
LunaticJames: I would too but 4th gen needs to be fixed first before we could think about 5th Gen.
Zebras: Well, we need to make more regions first. Having too many pokemon crammed together in only 2 regions would be lame. Now, as for adding another region, that's a whole different can of worms that involves remaking map/client stuff...
crenel: Not until either the battle system is fixed or their natural environment exists in-game.
Since the game is in BETA stage, will users lose all Pokemon and user data when the official release is dropped?
Bluerise: This was somewhat of the plan, there was going to be two servers - one of which would be 'classic'.
What is the progress on Mt. Silver Cave?
Mad30: Still on target for a mid-late august release
LunaticJames: Some parts have been made and are ready to go, but more is still needed.
Zebras: Oh crap, that's what I forgot to do! ...Just kidding. It's going along nicely, I personally like how its coming out. The dang topic for it has like 106 replies in planning. >.<
What is the progress of scripting status and two to three round moves and recoil moves such as hyper beam, bide, and Jump Kick?
Zebras: Same progress with all the other broken moves, I'd imagine. AKA: Need a new battle system.
crenel: There has been progress made in regards to these subjects.
You don't seem very active with updating the game, Is it that the staff is somewhat inactive or that loads of updates are currently pending for a later time to make a big update?
And if there is a big one pending, how long will it take til' we get it?
Bluerise: Staff currently have a number of projects in development content wise.
Mad30: This is a topic I think many people have higher expectations than perhaps are realistic. The fact that we are all volunteer, fans of pokemon and not professional developers who work on this full time means we are going to be rather slow. We are a small staff group - (about 10 ges) with 1 active dev who currently is more focused on server stability. We are extremely limited as a content group by not having a large developer team support sometimes required for more extravagant updates. For those that were here last year when we had an increase in released content during the fall, you should expect the same thing this year.
Zebras: There are always many ideas floating around, but some get scrapped, others aren't possible, some need more server/client support, etc. If there are projects that we are sure we will be doing, they will be announced. You can also find some of the upcoming projects if you snoop around the forums a bit. (EG: New playerdex and mart). If it's not announced, don't expect it.
crenel: We are very active behind the scenes; the staff works on the project every single day.
When will Pokemon ability be implemented into PWO?
Zebras: Needs new battle system first. :V
crenel: We plan on implementing abilities and natures in the future.
When will the auctions be back?
Bluerise: By end of August. Got a number of other projects and real life stuff going on.
Will the actions have the option to sell items like metal coat?
Bluerise: You can sell a select number of items - including membership!
I was wondering if a Hoenn region map could possibly be coming anytime soon?
Bluerise: No, our primary focus is improving Kanto and Johto right now.
Zebras: *Sees another Hoenn question* Needs more client/server support and etc etc. So no, not soon.
crenel: As we have been saying for months now, Hoenn will enter the game at some point after the server can support its many map quirks.
Is there a possible chance that the bikes and surfboards be sold for less in the game anytime soon?
Bluerise: Number of options have been discussed with regards to items and it's a wait and see.
crenel: Transportation and how players navigate the world have been points of discussion within the staff.
I noticed that there are only two type of characters for boys and girls, which are May and Brendan, in the future will we have the choice to choose either Leaf or Red as our character to play with?
Bluerise: I was looking into something but my idea isn't possible right now/
Zebras: Everyone, including most staff, want character customization. It's just that such an update would take a lot of work, and that other things are taking priority right now.
crenel: Character customization has been a point of discussion within the staff.
Have you guys considered, a "restart" system, like lets say, I finish Kanto and then go on to Johto - now here is where the restart system plays in, we get a whole new starter pokemon and we can then choose whether we want to continue Johto with all new pokemon or the pokemon we caught in the previous region.
Bluerise: It's been somewhat considered but not the way it works out in your question.
Zebras: Yes, actually, was mentioned for quite some time. If you do some digging you can see different people's ideas about how regional travel should be done.
Have you guys thought about installing a pokemon league?
Mad30: Not speaking for the rest of the staff, but just for myself I am fully against the idea of implementing a pokemon league in pwo as it makes less sense from in a mmo than a single player game. I've been exploring ideas to have similar type content added into the game (like battle tower from pokemon crystal) and other tournament type things that would fit into a story line revolving around collecting badges.
crenel: The Pokemon League has been a point of discussion within the staff.
Sometime in the future, have you thought about implementing being able to buy Shiny Pokemon with Tokens?
Bluerise: There is a currently a shiny chance but that's all you will get for now.
Zebras: My own personal opinion is that there are some things money should not buy instantly. Extremely rare shinies are one of these, especially since shinies in this game have all uber stats. Imagine all the IRL rich people buying slakings, with it being literally impossible for normal players to catch up to their progress. The beauty of PWO is that you can get rich if you try hard enough and you never have to donate. I want it to stay that way, and buying shiny pokemon straight from a store just ruins that. One could argue that you could just purchase one with enough Tokens/Salamences/whatever, but it's still a completely different feel.
crenel: I am firmly against undermining or damaging the rarity/sparsity of Shiny Pokemon more than we already have.

Can you say already which new pokemon will become catchable?
LunaticJames: You mean like Larvitar in Mt Silver? Or like <Redacted> when <Redacted> <Redacted>?
crenel: New Pokemon will become available for capture in the future.
Are you working on multi-line evolutions right now (as for eevee)? If yes, can you say already when they will be implemented?
Bluerise: No we're not currently focusing on these.
crenel: Branched evolution has been a point of discussion within the staff.
I've been reading on the forums that you guys (admins,devs,etc.) needed some help. I thought i could help because i know my around c++ and linux so i put in an application to join the scripting team. I found out later that a lot of times the application isn't read and is "deleted". What am i supposed, because i really want to help out when i can. Do i resubmit the application after a few days, contact a forum admin, what?
Bluerise: I assume you're referring to Dev applications in which we don't delete them unless they're not applications for applying for DEV.
I think many players would like to participate in the development of PWO. How can they help your work the most effectively? Is it possible to become part of the development team and continue to play PWO?
Mad30: There are two parts to the development of pwo, Game Editors and Game Developers. Game Editors(GE's) are responsible for in game content like quests and game economy balancing. As a GE the best thing players can do is provide feedback and start discussions revolving around the game on the forums, as well as continue to update the wiki. Things many players have issues with aren't always known to staff members, one such occasion was a CG brought up the point that it was difficult to obtain pokeballs to catch pokemon early on in the game. Now knowing this is an issue it is something that will be worked on and see what improvements can be made. Things like that we would like players to bring up for discussion.
Zebras: Well, for now you can apply for artistic staff positions, such as GE: Music division and GE: Artist Division.
crenel: Players can most directly assist us by contributing to and maintaining the quality/integrity of the PWO Wiki.
The Wiki says that with Membership "your chances of finding the rarer, different-colored Shiny Pokemon increase by 300%". Some of us says this means that your chances are multiplied by 3, some of us say they are multiplied by 300. Who is right?
Mad30: Multiple by 4. The wording it what confuses a lot of people, when we mean increase we mean on top of what is already there. If your paycheck goes from $10 an hour to $20 an hour it INCREASED by 100%, but doubled. The membership bonus has an INCREASE of 300% but actually quadruples (x4).
For those that would like math:
2^11 = 2048
2^13 = 8192
difference = 2^2 =4
8192/4 = 2048

2048 + 2048 (increase 100%) + 2048 (increase 100%) + 2048 (increase 100%)= 3, 100% increases = 100 x 3 = 300%.

LunaticJames: Neither of you.
  • 100% increase = 2x
  • 200% increase = 3x
  • 300% increase = 4x
crenel: The normal Shiny Encounter Rate is 1/8192 (or 0.000122%), while the member Shiny Encounter Rate is 1/2048 (or 0.000488%). Membership has been a point of discussion within the staff.
If there were any people interested in being apart of a moderating team, to help prevent scammers from scamming ppl from there money, pokemon money, or pokemon would this be possible to make some sort of application?
Mad30: No
Zebras: Nay. It's hard to make an effective application sheet for trust, honestly, and clear judgement. Could it be done? Maybe. Could we focus on other stuff by just searching within staff and get more done instead? Yes.
crenel: Only certain staff teams accept applications. The GM, CG, and ADM teams do not, while only certain GE divisions do. Only the GE:ART and J teams are accepting applications at this point in time.
will there be any tokens given to members for the recent downtime? If not, what is the average downtime that grants members tokens? Don't mean to sound annoying, but just wondering.
Bluerise: I've recently set up a script so membership is extended by 30 minutes if downtime (unplanned) is over an hour.
My question is do u have any plan on auctioning off the pokes from banned accounts as u did in the past ? Rather than just let all the good pokes people get scammed for on there accounts to get deleted ?
Mad30: We did this several times in the past and every time we decided that it wasn't worth the staff members time, who was then doing something other than his/her job. Or it was causing problems.
I think it's best if we do not do that again.

crenel: It is my personal opinion (therefore I am not speaking on behalf of the staff or on behalf of PWO) that such auctions did not accomplish anything tangible. They are a lot of work and are very time consuming, while the result is often negligible beyond making rich players richer and excluding/ostracizing poorer or newer players. It does not help to foster a healthy community.
Will they add critical damage to the game?
Zebras: Some day, far away, the battle system will actually work correctly.
I noticed the issue with branching evolutions (Eevee being the biggest culprit) and then noticed the Token donation for such Pokemon. Wouldn't it be fairer to the players if an NPC was put in that would exchange for these evolutions instead of charging tokens to cover up a bug in the game itself?
Mad30: This is currently not possible in game.
crenel: NPCs do not currently have the capacity to take Pokemon from players, nor do they have the capacity to assign stats to Pokemon. Barring these two limitations, yes.


Content maker
Sep 23, 2011
narutofoxLT said:
Jinji answered some of my queries about regions, looking at these might decrease the amount of questions about maps and regions, maybe?
Maybe, but I doubt it. People ask questions and these are our official standpoints for them.
Not saying your topic doesn't provide anything useful, but it is 7 months old and these are more up-to-date. Which is why we have a Questions and answers topic monthly.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
LunaticJames said:
narutofoxLT said:
Jinji answered some of my queries about regions, looking at these might decrease the amount of questions about maps and regions, maybe?
Maybe, but I doubt it. People ask questions and these are our official standpoints for them.
Not saying your topic doesn't provide anything useful, but it is 7 months old and these are more up-to-date. Which is why we have a Questions and answers topic monthly.
7 months old, but what I heard, nothing lot changed. So that old, but info slightly out of date.


New Member
Sep 16, 2011
Narutofoxlt, what you heard doesnt matter, whats in this thread is the latest, even if not much has changed, 7 months old too now? i think this is more up too date... :-\


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Gawerty said:
Narutofoxlt, what you heard doesnt matter, whats in this thread is the latest, even if not much has changed, 7 months old too now? i think this is more up too date... :-\
Yeap, but answer not fully about Hoenn and give info about other regions, for people will want know now.
Okay stop discuss lot about that, staff again fink about me, like annoying person. That can be bad for new encounters project, because not yet get decision from Jinji about example. So no more post about that, if that is not really need.


Aug 14, 2011
If people wanted to know about other regions, they always had the chance to ask for themselves.


New Member
Sep 22, 2011
i ve been here for over a year now, and been told then that hoenn was near then , yet i haven t seen any sign of it , so i believe i can safely say that it would take years for hoenn to be released


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
There will be new regions in the future, but my response in naruto's linked thread about the issues preventing Hoenn's inclusion is in fact still accurate; and right now, we want to focus on improving our existing regions as well as implementing features that will allow us to support any future additions better before we go on to adding a new region.


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
What people don't seem to understand about all this Hoenn hype is that specific maps have a different kind of layering that is not introduced with PWO's map editor. For example besides Fortree City, think about Victory Road. If you know those bridges you can walk on but can also walk under, that kind of layering doesn't exist for the the PWO map editor. It would take someone who knows good programming to help improve it before people can start questioning on Hoenn's progress. Also it was stated how the staff wishes to remain true for a lot of things in relation to Nintendo. So for them to alter Hoenn maps so it could work without the intended layering in the originals, wouldn't be a true move to do.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Jinji said:
There will be new regions in the future, but my response in naruto's linked thread about the issues preventing Hoenn's inclusion is in fact still accurate; and right now, we want to focus on improving our existing regions as well as implementing features that will allow us to support any future additions better before we go on to adding a new region.
Jinji I know that some month ago. And that what say now its helpful for people who want to know.


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
I know what you mean, Naruto. But the others have a point as well. Even if the information is still accurate today, it's easier to believe it if someone said it lately rather than weeks or months ago; and even more so if it came directly from the source.


Sep 7, 2011
The first response in this topic I did was meant for the Team Rocket question, just to clear up confusion. :V


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
CheckeredZebra said:
The first response in this topic I did was meant for the Team Rocket question, just to clear up confusion. :V
I corrected that for you.


my question is, isn't there a chance in which u might lower the rebattle time with a gym leader? i understood perfectly the answer given before about all NPC's but gym leaders are different because you can't go on with the game and you get stucked till the time passes. i've heard a lot of people complaining about this and i include myself as i've been for the last 48hs doing silly things such as trainning or battling lower lvls because the second gym leader in jotho won't let me fight her again.


how about adding tm/hms. or a move editor from the playerdex so we can teach them moves that they dont get through evolution but could still learn?


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
matakncervro said:
my question is, isn't there a chance in which u might lower the rebattle time with a gym leader? i understood perfectly the answer given before about all NPC's but gym leaders are different because you can't go on with the game and you get stucked till the time passes. i've heard a lot of people complaining about this and i include myself as i've been for the last 48hs doing silly things such as trainning or battling lower lvls because the second gym leader in jotho won't let me fight her again.

Earlier today it was just discovered that there is a bug in the gym leader wait time, so I think the staff is probably handling this right now. Best thing you can do like anyone else is just be patient. :)


New Member
Aug 1, 2012
Baroness » 02 Aug 2012 05:37

what is the forecast for the server back ?? plssss