PWO Unofficial Quitting Assistance Program (PUQAP)


Mar 12, 2013

PWO Unofficial Quitting Assistance Program (PUQAP)​

What is PUQAP? It’s a drama-free, 100% confidential, final method of quitting PWO. You irrevocably and unconditionally transfer all your pokemon, Pd, and other assets of value to me, to help remove any incentive of returning.


PWO, like most MMORPGs, is highly addictive for certain people. You may have noticed PWO having unwanted effects on your real life: perhaps your emotional, social or overall wellbeing, or it is simply too time-consuming and taking away from more important commitments. But due to habits and willpower, your sunk time cost, or other factors, you feel unable to quit, or to trust that any quitting attempt would be permanent. Not everyone can go Full-Shodan (cold turkey) without help.

This is where I come in. I present to you a chance to move on from PWO, anonymously and 100% without drama, if you want to.


Simply PM me (copy/paste) the following, either in-game, on Discord or the Forums:

“PUQAP me please. I request your help quitting PWO. I hereby give all my PWO assets to thundercla(a)p, understanding that I can NOT get them back under any circumstance. In return I demand full confidentiality and no drama. No questions asked nor explanations given. I have reached this final decision fully informed and without any outside pressure.”

To which I will respond: “Ok, I'm truly very sorry to see you go. I trust you have fully decided and realize this cannot be undone. Meet me at Saffron”.

(Alternatively, you can just say “I need a dust filter for a Hoover MaxExtract® Pressure Pro, Model 60”).

Once you use the PUQAP there is no going back. It is final; no matter how hard you beg, how close of friends we were, barring staff intervention I will not return your assets. Be sure that you intend this action to be final. I will not ask questions or try to persuade you to stay; I assume your decision is already thoroughly reasoned and fully considered beforehand. It WILL pain me to see you go, and be especially painful if a friend seeks to revoke the agreement. However no decision is final if there is a way to undo it. Such is the service I offer. Cold and final.


You must give me ALL your remaining PWO assets of personal or economic value, any and every pokemon or item that is nostalgic or valued by you in any way. This will help ensure the finality of your quitting.

Like the Disney Vault, I will secretly and anonymously hold all personally-identifiable assets for one full calendar year, with my profile hidden at all times. After one year your assets can, fully at my discretion, be sold, traded, advertised, released or dispersed through giveaways/philanthropy. If asked where I got any pokemon/assets (after the year has elapsed) I will simply say they were a gift, without specifying from who.

Nobody will see your former pokemon/assets for at least one year. You will have zero control over how or whether these assets will be dispersed; this is to create a final act of quitting and complete disassociation from PWO and any tendrils of attachment.

Nobody will know you have used the PUQAP – it will be equally plausible that you got abducted by aliens. If asked I will flatly comment “I cannot confirm nor deny any potential PUQAP participants”. This extends forever, even after the 1 year period has ended.

Why give my things to you?

Releasing pokemon is reversible. Giving things to your friends means you are publicly quitting, meaning people will try to persuade you to stay, maybe even successfully! But you want to quit! And without drama! Furthermore, Friend-giving can easily become Indian-giving: it opens the door for unpleasantness (and drama) if you later change your mind and want the things back. Other than getting yourself banned, there is no other permanent way to achieve a clean break. By giving your things to me, you at least ensure your things will be valued by a longstanding, dedicated player, and not wasted.

PUQAP can be done drama-free in minutes. Nobody will ever know you have quit PWO unless you tell them. The PUQAP will be final, 100% confidential, with no questions/explanations/messiness, and entirely non-reversible. It is your chance to move on with your life, if that is what you want. This is the PUQAP Thunderclap Guarantee™.

Disclaimer: I absolutely do not wish anyone to leave. Even though this service is (admittedly) partly fueled by greed, I believe it serves a legitimate greater need. As such I will never encourage anyone to quit nor promote/publicly discuss the service beyond this initial forum post. Feel free to ridicule this post or to call it disgusting, damaging, or destructive, however deep down you probably feel better knowing the program exists, and that you yourself can quit PWO drama-free any time.


At this time, only players with 700 or more in-game hours are eligible to use PUQAP. Only those most hopelessly addicted souls of greatest need.
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Aug 10, 2014


Apr 11, 2014
wow - thats all i had to say xD what in the world did i just read xD
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