Payments and in game suggestions


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
I had a few suggestions:

First, you guys/gals take pay pal payments, but I can not select the bill me later option (pay pals credit card). I was curious if this was something you all have chosen not to do or if its a pay pal thing (since the money is sent to a different pay pal account.) If it is something you guys can change on your end I would donate more.

Lastly, a few in game suggestions (more so personal requests),

1) Add bike capability to splitting river

2) If possible, I'm currently programming illiterate so i don't know if it is, add an option to turn off or remove the evolution screen after every win. It already takes a long enough to level up to maximum level. In the wild HR or Shiny hunting in an area where I get less than 1,000 xp per kill I don't want to have to click no, every single time. Not to mention that when I go to click no it opens a pm window with whoever was typing in the chat window. This feature since it has been added has been very frustrating, and i've seen other people complain about it as well. The only time it would be useful would be and I haven't seen it confirmed, yet, would be if you forgot to evolve at level 99. For example a few months ago I leveled a Shiny Tentacool to level 99 and was so used to clicking no, that I didn't evolve it and afterwards noticed that it was finally at level 99. There was nothing I could do about it after the fact. Since I had another one though I did trade or sell it don't remember which and started the long process over again.

I love the game and have had a lot of fun ( despite not encountering a single Shiny in a month and a half of membership :mad: ) in my time playing. That's my two cents on suggestions/requests. Keep up the hard work and thank you for your time and efforts.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Just adding to this rather than starting a new post.

First let me say i'm against the lowering of Shiny chance for members. The reason behind this is I've bee a member for 9 weeks since my last Shiny encounter, now if the money and xp were increased I might see lowering the Shiny chance but I digress onto the suggestions. I'm sure there will be plenty of people who are against this with valid reason but I think it would be a nice idea.

Shiny Safari: To be fair to all players, no membership status required but an entry fee of 1 or more million. No time limit but a 1 encounter limit, not 1 catch but 1 encounter. If you kill it or forgot to buy pokeballs that's you're mistake. To avoid massive complaining, no rats or bats. I don't know if it would be possible to code such a thing where everything on the map was shiny and had the equivalent encounter rate, but if it were might make the impending decrease of shiny encounter rate for member a little more tolerable.

Bikes: Why shouldn't we be able to bike on any outdoor map? Just as an example, Kanto safari you can bike, Johto safari " you can't use that on this map "

NPC levels: Could it be possible to make them progressive, I.E. the stronger your pokes the higher their levels? Or as a second option, include the passports. For example ( I know nothing of coding ) say you have a Johto Passport and you've just made it into Kanto, the npc's you encounter run a check for item Johto Passport and their levels increase accordingly, similar to but not equal to the increase of Gym NPC's, and vice versa of course.

80 Island: I've mentioned this in game as a joke when I was training a poke to lvl 99 for 3 million xp plus the -2million xp. I know the point of an mmo is to "grind" and have fun and its not supposed to be quick, but it tends to get a little boring and tedious when you only get 15k xp (if you're lucky) in the wild. Perhaps a new area, island, cave where levels are slightly higher than that of Dragons Den and Mt. Silver 5f.

Just my two cents. Feedback? questions comments concerns?

Go Team Rocket :D


Apr 6, 2012
That shiny safari is a terrible idea. Whatever wouldbe common there, it would be rendered worthless instantly.
I agree that bike should be available everywhere outdoors.
NPC leveling is already in the game. If you rebattle an NPC its levels will increase. But I agree that they should be increased more, because currently it only happens three times. NPCs could be level up much more, and their teams could change too.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Merse said:
That shiny safari is a terrible idea. Whatever wouldbe common there, it would be rendered worthless instantly.

Not necessarily there are plenty of Shiny Commons that sell for easily 100k or more. Not increasing the encounter rates just that they would be there.

Onto the second order of business, Let me say I am anxiously awaiting the new playerdex, every time i look at the images the more i want it now... :D keep up the great work.


1) A player bank, similar to the handhelds where you could give you're mom x amount of dollars and it would slowly grow overtime.

2) The ability to release pokemon from inside the pc.

3) The ability to organize poke's inside the pc


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
The last two suggestions are regularly brought up by players. The current PC Box system doesn't allow us to do these easily, so it would need a complete overhaul; but even many of us on the Staff have been eager to have those features.


New Member
Jan 22, 2014
Jinji said:
The last two suggestions are regularly brought up by players. The current PC Box system doesn't allow us to do these easily, so it would need a complete overhaul; but even many of us on the Staff have been eager to have those features.

Agree, So wanting these features. Would make all our life's easier :)


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
forgot to mention this one earlier but...

An npc that will buy pokes from players, not too much maybe 1/2 or 1/4 the cost of a poke'ball.


Can we please get a way to sell/trash/drop quest items that we no longer need, i'm looking at you moltres feathers. :mad:


New Member
Jan 22, 2014
ImGonnaCatchEmAll said:
forgot to mention this one earlier but...

An npc that will buy pokes from players, not too much maybe 1/2 or 1/4 the cost of a poke'ball.


Can we please get a way to sell/trash/drop quest items that we no longer need, i'm looking at you moltres feathers. :mad:

You can give items such as those to a npc in celadon department store. He doesn't give you anything but will remove them for free.