Natures and Abilities


Sep 7, 2011
Got bored. I like data and numbers, so have some data and numbers.

Current system, 0-31, ignore 32 for now cause I forgot:

1/4096 = an all 31 IV common "old" shiny.
1/1,000,000 = an all 31 IV common "new" IV shiny
1/244,140,625 = a 25+ IV common non-shiny
1/2,441,406,250,000 = a 25+ IV HR non-shiny

With Natures/Attributes found in the wild:

1/66,562,776,075 = chance to find the perfect COMMON pokemon. This accounts for IVs, Natures, and Attributes. This means if there is nothing but Dragonite on the map, and they appear every few seconds, that would be your chance to find a perfect common Dragonite.

If it's one of the "new" shinies, that chance becomes 1/4,800,000,000, assuming every common is an for some reason.

If old players were given the chance to choose their attribute and were randomly given a non-neutral nature, the chances for that perfect Pokemon would drop to near 1/20 due to the amount of near-perfect IV shinies already ingame. The newbies would get a 1/66,562,776,075 chance or, if magically always shiny, 1/4,800,000,000.

So simply said, there's no way that picking your own natures AND abilities would work for the future of the game. That gives older players a 90-100% chance for something perfect. Many of us old players had odds of 1/4,096 to begin with, so its not like we don't have the advantage to start with.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Zebby, that's exactly why I and others keep suggesting that EVERYONE be allowed to change the ability and nature of the Pokemon they own. We recognize that just giving this privilege to veterans would be unfair, as you described above. However, at the same time, not allowing anyone to change natures or abilities makes the odds of finding the perfect Pokemon nothing short of impossible, even on a map where the Pokemon you're hunting is the only spawn. This isn't an issue in the handhelds because the breeding system allows a player to hunt for IVs, nature and ability separately and then breed each one into the perfect battler. PWO does not have this option. As such, the alternative is to allow ALL players to be able to change nature and ability on the Playerdex. This way, hunting for a good Pokemon doesn't become a nightmare.


Jr. Trainer
Oct 8, 2011
I'm afraid that your suggestion isn't healthy for such an MMO plus you are making people claim what is already their. Also in my opinion letting us change those is optimal.


Aug 14, 2011
CheckeredZebra said:
Got bored. I like data and numbers, so have some data and numbers.

Current system, 0-31, ignore 32 for now cause I forgot:

1/4096 = an all 31 IV common "old" shiny.
1/1,000,000 = an all 31 IV common "new" IV shiny
1/244,140,625 = a 25+ IV common non-shiny
1/2,441,406,250,000 = a 25+ IV HR non-shiny

With Natures/Attributes found in the wild:

1/66,562,776,075 = chance to find the perfect COMMON pokemon. This accounts for IVs, Natures, and Attributes. This means if there is nothing but Dragonite on the map, and they appear every few seconds, that would be your chance to find a perfect common Dragonite.

If it's one of the "new" shinies, that chance becomes 1/4,800,000,000, assuming every common is an for some reason.

If old players were given the chance to choose their attribute and were randomly given a non-neutral nature, the chances for that perfect Pokemon would drop to near 1/20 due to the amount of near-perfect IV shinies already ingame. The newbies would get a 1/66,562,776,075 chance or, if magically always shiny, 1/4,800,000,000.

So simply said, there's no way that picking your own natures AND abilities would work for the future of the game. That gives older players a 90-100% chance for something perfect. Many of us old players had odds of 1/4,096 to begin with, so its not like we don't have the advantage to start with.

Your numbers and opinion are severely irrelevant, as the plans for the game once it exits beta is for a completely clean server. What new players "feel" or what isn't in their advantage isn't a big priority on a glorified demo. If it makes the majority of the community happy, it should be put in place. Once the game exits it's beta stage (since staff keeps guaranteeing game wont die without shane), newer players being "hindered" or at a "disadvantage" in exchange for a more enjoyable game will be a moot point.

A smart business man knows, if his product is great, future prospective clients will come in regardless. You never, however disgruntle your existing clientele base, for future clients that do not exist. Especially since "new players" could just trade for the "old players" shinies and such.


Sep 29, 2011
Tjolf said:
that other option with having old and new players choose the nature for every single pokemon - new and old - i dont really see the point in that. almost everyone is going to end up picking the same natures for the same pokemon. makes no difference if there are no natures or if everyone has the same nature really.

You're wrong, the kind of nature a player is gonna choose will depend of 2 things:

1- The stats that a pokemon has.
I'm not going to waste a nature that increases spd on a sala with 5 ivs spd and max atk, for example... So its not like you say .

2- Your own strategy.
In showdown I have a Sala with max Sp.atk which is something that works as a surprise element against my opponents, because no one expects a Salamence with Special moves.

Think about it, this change will completely change the battle scene in pwo.

I vote for the option C and I agree with HOF69, I couldn't have said it better.


Old players , old players... OLD PLAYERS

You seem to forget that when a NEWBIE starts, yes! He is a newbie... but this newbie won't be a newbie forever, or yes? So this newbie will become an Old Player aswell, and this newbie (now an Old player) will have ''advantage'' over the players that recently started. Its an absurd circle that should be stopped... For example, I'm a veteran, been playing since 2008, but I went inactive for...7/8 months? When I came back I saw a ''newbie'' with better stuff than I have, the guy is called PDavis, he was a NewBie when I quit pwo 8 months ago, but he's now a pro player that has stuff to keep growing his team, while I don't, can you see my point ?


New Member
Sep 3, 2011
Your numbers and opinion are severely irrelevant, as the plans for the game once it exits beta is for a completely clean server.

If the game even does exit beta. It's been 6.5 years now.

I don't think we even have a straightforward answer from staff as to whether we're going to start from 0 or keep our data. I've seen a mix of yes and no from the staff in the past few years.


New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I'll keep this simple. I agree with Hof for one major reason.

If you give EVERYONE the chance to pick, then it is fair and gives new players something they DONT have to randomly grind for. All randomization of nature would do, is make some of the veteran players even RICHER, while crippling some other vets, AT RANDOM.

There is no way to give random natures in a way that is fair to everyone. Some will win, some will lose, with the rng rolls on their pokemon. Same can be said for abilities.

I will not be arguing this on the forum with anyone, as it is basic common sense. Anything beyond giving the choice is to cripple new players more because the "entry cost" to competitive battling has 2 more requirements than just IVs and what pokemon it is. You cannot and should not screw over veteran players, but at the same time you should not give them a DISTINCT advantage.

Things would be exactly the same as they are now if you had the choice of getting a nature years ago. The problem comes in with randomization.

Major pros of adjustable natures:
1. Lower entry cost to competitive play for new players.
2. Happiness of playerbase.
3. The need for only ONE of a pokemon. (Shouldn't need to pay 100m each for a naive and a jolly salamence just so you don't get scouted with/without flamethrower.)
4. New players won't feel intimidated by hunting HR pokemon, knowing they can adjust the nature if the IVs are good.

Cons of random natures/abilities:
1. Old players either become richer or poorer arbitrarily based on the nature distribution.
2. Old players will need more than one of each pokemon with different movesets/natures to function in the competitive scene.
3. The effect of 2 would mean increased prices for epic stat pokemon, making the gap between the old and new players INCREASE rather than decrease since new players couldn't afford epics, or reasonably hunt for them anymore.
4. A godly IV VR/HR is worth next to nothing if the nature is bad, which would discourage hunting.