Mass Storage


Jan 2, 2014
I want another Release Bin added.

The idea is, I have a ton of "usable" pokemon, but, also, I have better. For instance, I have an Epic Metagross, and I have some Beldum that would be "usable" if I wanted to train them, or sell them. This is one of dozens of pokemon that I have a good one off, and several adequate ones.

The "adequate", "usable" ones, are clogging up my computer since I don't want to outright release them because hunting through the Release Bin for "now, which of these re any good?" is a NIGHTMARE.

I need the pokes in Release Bin sorted by Species, and then by Total IV Stat Point High > Low

THEN! Release bin would be useful. But, since it is not, then I suggest adding another Release Bin called "Mass Storage", so I can release all my "Usable" pokes into it and not have to WADE through 100s of garbage pokes of the same species, let alone 1000s of garbage pokemon of other species in the Release Bin to find something I can sell/ trade/ give.

This is what the players need. As things are right now, during and after events, players just "release" all their GARBAGE POKES onto the MART and pray someone buys it so it doesn't clog up their inventory anymore. It is harmful to the Mart.

Somehow, some way, this would be nice to have.