i was thinking..


New Member
Jul 10, 2014
noticed alot of people complaining about broken economy, to many pokes on, no enought leaving ect.
personaly i havent been on long enought to say anything, except that there seems to be an high level of bots arround, but ive been arround games enought to figure out whats good for em.

my suggestion would be to reset the ladder, you know, the old diablo 2 way, would give everyone a chance to find stuff the first, make high value trades, and have a chance at ranking, a chance to be in the action in other terms.
this system could either be instore on a new server, so things keep going the way they are on this one, and on the new one, everything could be flushed every reset, pokes money, everyone starts fresh.

or simply when a reset occure, caracters and pokemons found by them would be restricted to do stuff with reseting caracters, like trading, obviously it might need a differant aproch with pokes that have been bought from the store, mabe they could carry on when and if the trainer reach a certain REP level befor the end of the ladder, wich could occur mabe each 6month or each year.

neway, this is a great game, hope to see some broken move fix someday but it isnt a dramatic issue, for now :). have a good one O0


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
To be honest I'm not sure that would fix anything.
Firstly, it is my impression that staff feels obligated to players who have spend alot of real money on the game. Even tho they are officially donations I don't think anyone thinks of them in that way. But even if this wasn't an issue, reset would only make collecting pokemons more compettitive, but if you don't care about competing old server gives options to get far more and collecting easyer. How ever, battleing aspect of the game which is more important in my opinion, would suffer terriably from this since EPIC pokemons are so rare it would take years of non stop gameplay to fish out enought of such compettitive battlers to fill few teams while now even if you just started you could get your hands on alot of such pokemons relativly easy and join compattitive play. So and old server like this actually benifits new players. Problem is that people want to be the best and the richest in game and that is what they are hoping. Reset as another chance at that.

As for economy, it's good. new players have easy accest to good stuff which brings competition. People who are mostly complaing are old players who aren't adjusting to new prices and expect to sell there stuff for how much it used go for. But server has alot less money now so it's only natural for everything to cost less. To be honest. Biger problem is when you have money not having something to buy. Shiny chances are so low that Shiny VR and HR are almost nowhere to be seen ingame, let alone being sold for reasonable price.


New Member
Jun 5, 2014
as a big player of diablo and diablo 2 the ladder reset was for a fresh start yes. but comparing a huge corp to one that can't even keep up with demands as it is not a valid reason. also blizzard has lots and lots of server space to even be able to consider that idea (remember once ladder resets you player is still there but is no longer ladder.) as for pwo it would be a full wipe out of the game history and would cause a major melt down causing most if not all major players to leave. so why destroy a game that took years to build? and also did the ladder reset stop bots? not at all! you had about a full week of play be for you see bots start to pop up again. so did it really even help them at all? no but it slows them down. i do respect your opinion on the matter how ever i just feel it is not a method that would benefit pwo in any way. now if staff was more into watching players. (as it is possible to watch over 200+ players i do it every day as an admin on ftb aka minecraft as the server cap is 9999) then yes bot rates would go down. but sadly they do not have the man power to do so. (meaning the only have a few staff on hand with a big plate already)


Apr 6, 2012
Not to mention that a wipe wouldn't solve the issues of PWO's economy. All it would do is reset everything, but the very same issues would emerge again. In fact, they would appear even faster than they did in the past.