How can I join the staff?


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
I don't normally weigh in on my regular forum lurker routine, but in this case I shall!
all of a sudden make 2 maps
per puar.
I know that you are using this a simple example but however I must interject by saying that I must agree with Zeb that Mapping, Composing, Spriting, Texturing & writing are definitely bundled together into the artist group. It does require a level of creativity & Experience to preform each one well. If an individual has this experience and has yet to show his/her musk in any of the topics on the forum & decided to show off some of that talent that they have now, especially if they now wanted to be apart of the staff... you should not dock someone on this when it comes to decision making. I should add that if its two maps & they absolutely stink; encouragement & giving these people the tools to succeed is really all you can do. This is a given with any sort of person trying to be creative.

Differently, though... Gm,Admin,cg or whatever. all these require are patience, customer service, good mannerisms & a good sense of sanity. I agree with Chocobo because you need to hold yourself well enough to know that you will not be mad about whatever someone has to say. State your purpose of replying and move on. No one should ever dream to be one of these people. People should know that staff members are active because they enjoy doing it and do not consider it to be a nightmare.


Sep 7, 2011
Chocobo7 said:
ShinyPoke said:
Puar said:
more of a nightmare...
Is it that hard? that u define being in staff a nightmare?
It depends on the role, GMs tend to get a lot of hate because of the nature of our job whereas the more content focussed groups tend not to and a pretty free to go about and do their thing.

I feel that listing negative aspects of staffing can be helpful because players want to be staff without actually knowing what it means for them. Other staff members might disagree with me, but I think a selfless, well-intentioned want for a rank doesn't actually hurt. However, I feel that a lot of people don't see staff positions accurately enough to even know if it's something they do want.

Our main concern with people who want to be staff is that they might just want to explore. You know, to see what staff does or find out some cool things...and once they've done that, they lose motivation to contribute and either leave or only contribute poor quality work. *And obviously, we watch for people who just want to use staff for selfish gain*

So consider an entire group hating you because you banned their friend, then of others grateful for their returned scammed pokemon. Imagine working on art for hours just for it to never see the light of day. Think of the times when it gets in.

Consider the satisfaction of moving people and sometimes getting a "thank you," or perhaps nothing at all, and ask yourself why you want staff if still sounds appealing. It's a bittersweet and unique experience that fits some people and not others, which is why we even have a screening process. =P

And I believe that's all I got to say about that. Other staff, please just publicly correct me if I said something wrong/stupid. I don't mind.


Aug 16, 2011
It was more of a joke to be honest... But if you want to know how I Really feel about staff, I would say there are Pros and Cons as far as being a GM goes. But to be honest I like being a GM more than I ever liked being a player. I wouldnt go back if given the option
**In no particular order**
~help out players who have been scammed
~banning various kinds of cheaters
~helping with event ideas
~input in administrative decisions (not all)
~putting trolls in their place
~locking topics that are getting out of hand
~cool staff pokes
~helping to test things
~access to some of the secrets of pwo
~can teleport

~getting stalked
~being asked to look things up
~when someone PMs me with an issue I have to help no matter what mood I am in
~takes up alot of free time
~looked down on if I use my player account too much (maybe not but i still feel guilty)
~I am lied to all the time
~stalking accounts (a tedious task)
~if I ban a popular player for cheating, players tend to back up the cheater even though my evidence is valid (I just cant show it)
~did I mention how people ask me to look things up. Happens alot
~if I do something wrong I get torn apart from teck (I know she does it to make me better, but getting yelled at is not a good feeling)

will add to this as things come up, moving on to other topics for now
I wonder if anyone is actually bored enough to actually read this. If you do dont tell Luna that I stole this right after seeing him do it.... if you are Luna then forget you read this. I'm gonna keep typing so this looks like an underline. potato.


Apr 6, 2012
Wait... Teck is a she? I thougt Zebby was the only woman in the staff.


Aug 16, 2011
... zebby, pansy, teck, rbecca, Merleawe(i assume) maybe more


Jun 3, 2012
Zeb and i talked about this in game and yeah... i agree with what was said.Not many people have the nerve to be in that position.I always looked up to be a CG because i like to use my acknowledge on Pokémon and PWO to help the others (that is just a thing i've been doing since my first day here) and i've always done it mostly for the community in general and for me also,i like to help people.She told me to just be myself and to keep doing what i do and i kept doing that because i can still help if i don't have a staff title.

Like all jobs irl,sometimes we have to deal with unpleasant things and bad days will come for sure.I do believe, if you like what you do and if you have such great people as partners (staff) and a great community,it helps a lot.

I agree that most people who say "I want to be a part of staff" do it because they want to have power or they want to be "famous" and i think (since i joined the community) the staff was always a great team:they have nerve to make difficult decisions,they are friendly and they try to work daily in order to improve this great game,not doing it for money or for personal profit.Considering you all have your personal lives,studies,jobs,realationships i know that sometimes it is hard to be in the right mood to answer questions or to do certain tasks related to the game but you still do your best and that is just awesome :D

To OP:
If you believe you have what it takes to be a part of a staff category just keep "working" to accomplish what you want and i'm sure you will get there someday :)

Love you all;
Faabz :3


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Your best bet is to be
~show potential that you will be good at some rank
~show dedication to pwo
~get noticed
~dont appear as power hungry

What? No.

Just give me power. The more, the better.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Maideza said:
Your best bet is to be
~show potential that you will be good at some rank
~show dedication to pwo
~get noticed
~dont appear as power hungry

What? No.

Just give me power. The more, the better.

oop, you just displayed power hungry, guess ur dream in becoming a pokamons mastearh will neber happin


Apr 6, 2012
You don't know the power of bribery and blackmail :D Mai is the head of the Mexican, Italian and Ukrainian mafia, he can be anything he wishes to be ;)