Hey how about some regular updates


New Member
Jun 18, 2014
Hi all staff i would just like to say that you guys are doing a great job so far, however things have gotten quite boring in game since the last weekend event finished, I'm sure many other players can agree with me so I would like to suggest if you guys can add a few new updates to PWO? I'm not sure whats preventing any small new updates from taking place any sooner , such as kings rock for example the mechanics for the item has been in game but the item itself is taking forever,I also saw somewhere that you might put an ice punch tutor ingame for a short period of time it would be cool to see this transpire soon since stealth rock has been extended to a regular tutor since the event finished, if there are any other updates players would like to see how about suggesting them here and maybe the staff can add 1 update every 1-2weeks (only if realistically possible) i think as an avid player to see a new update (even if small) once every 1-2weeks would keep this game really fun and exciting because we all know updates get a lot of attention and players interested to play,also with the new rivalry mmo thats out( I wont mention a name) PWO might get a massive decrease in active players which i really don't want to see because i really like this game a lot and would still play it despite an other good pokemon rpg being out there I just don't want to see it become this abandoned deadzone because of lack of constant updates..anyway just some suggestions from my side.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and keep up the good work.
