Directon of PWO


New Member
Dec 8, 2013
How many new TMS are introduced past few months on a system where tms can be added easily? I seen 3 tms removed when Luminance put them ingame as parting gift to players...i cant see any more new added past few months what is wrong? Do you overthink much? I think you are.

Move fixes were told long time ago but only 1 move fixed all this time. Something is wrong? You are aware of balance at the moment ingame because of lack of the fixes?

Weekend events are happening every half year or so. Why do you call them weekend events? Do we actually want vouchers in the game at all or is voucher distribution working as you would like? That is what happens when you overthink too much over basic stuff.

We were given possiblity to have new sprites long time ago when shane returned, ever since then nothing happened. You may have working something on them but it is taking too long.

Hardcoreh client? Not quite sure if you can call it his at this point of time. It's more like trying to copy what shane did, just writing in diferent language. Looking at GUI its not much different. Can we get any update about this? Why does it take years to make one if Shane gave him the source long time ago? I do understand that you are holding hardcoreh there because he appears to be stable staff, at least you aproximation of stable, because its almost impossible for you to work with shane.

New playerdex, ok we might have it this month or next one probably, doesnt matter its important that it will come. My personal opinon is that people are getting what they are always supposed to have. And about auction house, if you could connect playerdex mart with ingame one that would be a bit better because you are only making people to use browser then actual game. Jus't dont go much out of course, remember this is pokemon game and you expect people to be ingame. then again I am looking forward to see what will come out of from that playerdex.

Bis Eastwood as admin who was promoted by Shane, was rejected only because you think that he is not the person you can work with and you were talking something about bias and grudge. Indeed, you have the grudge that is why the game is failing to deliever needed. Once again you were worried for your chair you are warming for a while. This can show you that your opinion was formed with years of bad staff culture because most of staff thinks the same. Those ones who think different are being ganged upon, bis can be example. This is not how you run the game. If insane number of people are pointing fingers at you then its time to move on or step down. You all may be dedicated and nice persons but dont you think you are making game to go on proper direction. You have years to show you opposite. About new better be looking someone who is neutral in this whole thing. You dont need anyone who licks your boot or having same opinion as you have. I want to mention that only people form staff who can speak with players properly are Jinji on forums, pansy and brennan ingame and Rigaudon...Actually you have more people not wanting to be staff....that can tell you what are you doing. I will not mention them but they are known.

Conclusion: Because things are taking that long to realize people started to hate them at some point. The game becaime more about people trying to hangout outside of the game while only logging in to have few battles on a broken system and thats it. What eventually can happen is people not liking what you do due to too much time you need to make something happen, they become sick of waiting. If you are staff then act like one, there are few as expeptioons ofc, but soon they will be all gone disapointed how their staff are working, its just matter of time when they relaize how your system work. Sit for a minute and turn around. See what you are doing.


Aug 25, 2011
I can speak of one thing here and that was the weekend events:

The original idea was for them to be bi-weekly (on the weekend) events. Weekend events because they happen on the weekend not every week.

However even beyond that they do not happen as often as they were suppose to, that is my fault and my fault alone. I was going to be primarily responsible for them (and maybe a trained scripter) however my life became busy and I simply didn't have time to work on weekend events + server updates + other promised content updates + w/e. The only reason they are still happening is because several staff members took it over once I left staff. They have done what they can for having not been trained.


New Member
May 15, 2014
mad30 said:
I can speak of one thing here and that was the weekend events:

The original idea was for them to be bi-weekly (on the weekend) events. Weekend events because they happen on the weekend not every week.

However even beyond that they do not happen as often as they were suppose to, that is my fault and my fault alone. I was going to be primarily responsible for them (and maybe a trained scripter) however my life became busy and I simply didn't have time to work on weekend events + server updates + other promised content updates + w/e. The only reason they are still happening is because several staff members took it over once I left staff. They have done what they can for having not been trained.

It would have been nice to have had someone who was a trained "scripter" and could manage their time better, to have started this project. What i don't understand is, why not just get somebody who IS a trained "scripter" from the start? If your not qualified for something and can't manage your time correctly why even start it? And for the "others" who had to pickup your work, why are non trained people trying to do what they don't know? I feel like it would be a more logical decision to hire somebody who is trained and actually knows what they are doing when it comes to these kind of updates, now players like myself are stuck wih 2 event vouchers and when i ask other players when the next weekend event is the normal response is "next year" seeing responses like this is discouraging and makes me wonder why no dramatic changes ever happen with staff if you can't handle a project you should find someone who can handle it.


Aug 25, 2011
I was a "trained" scripter before becoming admin and did not foresee my time shortening to the point I did (which I stepped when I knew I would no longer be able to fulfill my duties). Another scripter did take over, but like myself he had too many projects on his plate, and I was in the mist of training another one right before I left.

We have tried to train more scripters, but more often than not they have not worked out. As for your questions about non trained people doing what they don't know, because they still want to please the players. Also this game has pretty much ran on non train people doing what they don't know. Any update since Shane's first left to go to the army and his last arrival was done by professionals. This game was created by people who only knew a part of what it takes to make a game.


May 10, 2012
There's a lot of truth here, a lot.

I know the staff are doing, and have done what they feel is best for the game, even if I don't agree with a lot of how they conduct running it...
I've grown increasingly frustrated with the game, to the point where a very nice description of my involvement with it is shown here:
Portgas.D.Ace said:
The game becaime more about people trying to hangout outside of the game while only logging in to have few battles on a broken system and thats it.
As much as I know progress moves slowly within the ranks, I'd like to ask shane to either help them, or stop impeding their progress by acting out and making them cover your tracks. They've said they're more than willing to try to work with you, and we would all like you to resume your activity, just until the game is on it's feet which shouldn't take you too long to do. I keep hearing people say that you and bluerise can never work together again and all that crap, but you're both adults.

Even as frustrated as I am with both of you (them for slow progress and the current situation, you for needlessly trolling the staff and gifting pokemon/tokens to your friends which is upsetting) I hope you can pull it together. I ask that if by some miracle shane wants to resume work on the game with you, you in staff put aside your feelings for the sake of the game.

I know this probably won't happen, but my thread is wearing very thin and this is literally the only thing I can do, a plea.


Sep 29, 2011
mad30 said:
I can speak of one thing here and that was the weekend events:

The original idea was for them to be bi-weekly (on the weekend) events. Weekend events because they happen on the weekend not every week.

Then... what if we call these ''Monthly events'' ?

Not being able to write scrips doesn't mean that you can't write ideas to wring up events every week/2 weeks/3 weeks. The same Npcs + place could be used if you have a little bit of imagination... It shouldn't be that hard. Just a little effort, 15 mins in front of a pc to write an event (not the code), who in the staff is not able to sit in front of a pc 15mins to think for a little moment and write something out? You are still around and there are people with the knowledge to teach others how to do it, what are you waiting for ?

What can I say, the comparison between the old community and the new community is drastically different, the new community of pwo looks more disappointed and impatient than the old community, ask yourselves why its like that and you may find the answer.

About the staff members choosing the same kind of minds... Well, its the pure truth, you can't deny it, can you ? Show me your argument if nots that way.


Jun 10, 2012
Wow people really are so selfish and get angry just because everything they want is not in the game. Chill out and cope with the game as we all do. And if you feel you can do better as manage your time efficiently then go learn all those things you should learn at a college or something and join the PWO work force instead of just complaining. I am not fully satisfied with the game either as if feel it can be managed better but you don't see me complaining.