Blacking out.


Game Moderator
Oct 17, 2011
When all of your pokemon faint your trainer blacks out and re-appears in the Pokemon Center fully healed. Why we don't know, but it does happen both here and in the handhelds. What doesn't happen here is the loss of money somewhere between where you blacked out and the Pokemon Center. The money is lost forever, you can't just return there like in some other games and pick it all up again.

The handheld rate of money you lose is based on the highest level pokemon in your team multiplied by a number based on how many badges you have- anywhere between 8 for one badge and 120 for 8 badges.

So what about here in PWO? For the sake of discussion let's say that PWO 'should' have a system of punishment for letting your team faint. Discuss not only whether we should use money as that punishment, but suggest other things as well, for example loss of Rep, random item(s), extra time to heal etc. Be creative while trying to stay realistic.

You can also argue against any repercussions as well, but it would be more helpful to at least give a 'minimum' negative result of letting all your pokemon faint- again just for the sake of the discussion.


New Member
Jun 17, 2012
[glow=yellowgreen]I think every feature that makes PWO more like the handheld, is awesome. However, as PWO being a mmo, there has to be a change in that rate, and that rate should be discussed so the economy doesn't fall more than it already is. Now, I think it will be awesome if the Staff creates an item called Pokemon Food that is dropped by most Wild Pokes. So if for example the player looses, he receives a punishment based on money and that Item. Now for PvP and NPC Battles , the NPC should take more money and more pokemon food too, while in pvp no food, only money , and that loosen money is added to the winner of the battle.

The purpose of this item called Pokemon Food should heal some of the pokes HP while also increase its happiness.[/glow]


Apr 6, 2012
I see two possible ways here:
1) Either have only a nominal punishment or no punishment at all. We spend a lot of time hunting and it's already a tedious job to walk back and forth on Mt. Silver, let alone to teleport back to PC and climb the mountain again just to recover your team.
2) Or if we want to be more close to the handhelds, then let's make the punishment harsher. Supporting this argument you could say that there are much more money on the player's account than in the handheld version and it would help the economy. The amount should be so big that it would worth to have a few escape ropes and potions with you all the time. At least when you have a Poke of at least lv 90.

Both solutions have pros and cons. I don't even know myself which one I would want to choose :)

EDIT: Although if it could be combined with a crafting system to make potions from raw materials you may find in the wilderness, I would definitely choose the second option.


New Member
Dec 30, 2013
If blackout punishments had to be put in, team blackouts should have a higher amount of happiness point loss than normal individual fainting does because you just forced your entire team to fight without mercy to any of them. It may not affect many people because a lot of Pokemon probably won't have a skill or evolution that does anything with happiness, but it's something more realistic.

Since the max money allowed in this game is much higher than most of the handheld ones, what if the blackout fee was a percentage of the total amount of money on a person's account, like 0.03% (rounded to the nearest whole number)? That way the more money you have, the more you should have thought about buying those potions and revives. It could be considered a Pokemon Center emergency room fee that is scaled based on wealth. A problem I see with this though is with the high amount of PvPs done. With a percentage loss like that people would lose a lot of money if they battled 200 times a day and lost to most of them (unless PvP losses are not considered to be blackouts, in which case I would be more inclined to seeing money penalties!)

On the other hand, instead of losing stuff, what if your character was given a penalty item (or more than one) that appeared near the top of our inventory and annoyed us by taking up top area inventory space until we talked to a special NPC to get it removed? It could be a citation slip, which would be like a trainer violation ticket given for harming your entire team. In order for the removal NPC to take them off of your account you have to show them a team with 6 100% happy Pokemon, or do community work by having to complete a repeatable quest.