Search results

  1. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Rare Pokemon!

    Haha, what do you know, today for the first time, I've seen someone with Azurill, touche' R2-D2 lol :)
  2. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Rare Pokemon!

    Random thread I thought I'd put out there lol Now over my many many years of being on here I've seen some amazingly rare Pokemon, most notably the legendary Pokemon Mew (Still have the screenshot from the Xmas event lol) But apart from the extremely rare shinies I've seen in game and on the mart...
  3. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Halloween Swarm Event (CLOSED)

    RE: Halloween Swarm Event Hahaha Australia ftw xD
  4. BeLLyFiZzLe

    [Begging Service] Klay's Begging Service - DISCONTINUED

    I get enough begging in game.... Lol xD
  5. BeLLyFiZzLe

    New Server

    First of all Ive been here so long I dont even have a join date, so to have any of my Old school pokemon tampered with, erased etc would be an absolute no. Now I can see some points being made but Im going to be blunt and harsh. People are too soft and entitled these days. They dont want to work...
  6. BeLLyFiZzLe


    It's like that guy with a fortune in bit coins in an account he can no longer remember the password to.. lol. Also I'm confused as to what you mean about your email password? Im guessing what you're basically saying is that you had an old account, stopped playing for a long time, forgot the...
  7. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Shiny Alakazam Give-Away (Finished)

    RE: Shiny Alakazam Give-Away 1 )How long have you been playing pwo? - Wow, to be honest, I'm not sure exactly ^ ^p many many years... It doesn't even show my join date! Started back when you could hardly move some days! 2)What's your favourite pokemon? - That's easy, Mew! ( Not very manly I...
  8. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Shiny rate change

    DUDE!!! No way!!! I really think it shouldn't change as its such an incentive to becoming a member!
  9. BeLLyFiZzLe

  10. BeLLyFiZzLe


    Sup PWO world!!? Sorry for such a random post, seeing as i NEVER use the forums but i just had to share this youtube link hahahaha ever wondered where FUA!!!! came from...peep this ish!!! prepare to lol.... peace and happy hunting
  11. BeLLyFiZzLe

    Memebership Gone...

    Hey, I had membership before this whole drama went down with the server and the Ddos attacks and such and I still had a fair while left on it...Finally able to sign in last night only to find I no longer have MS!!! What the?! The server was down for about 3 weeks so of course I couldn't use...
  12. BeLLyFiZzLe

    S Nidorino missing....

    Man...That sucks... Wtf... _ _*
  13. BeLLyFiZzLe

    S Nidorino missing....

    Hey PWO fam.... Tonight, I randomly found a S Nidorino in the safari zone in the row of grass next to the safri npc....Ive been playing 200+ hrs, been very active and well behaved on chat and yet, for some unknown reason, after I caught it, I walked to the poke'mon centre, tried to enter and...