Recent content by Hardcoreh

  1. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Discontinued. Until we meet again.
  2. H

    PWO Client Source Code

    It really is funny how you assume I disrespected you both while I never had any sort of contact with or about you in the first place, up until now. As for Shane, I had no problem working with him until HE decided to disrespect the work I contributed towards PWO and started to impersonate me...
  3. H

    PWO Client Source Code

    Why would Shane even give you this source, and why would something which is not your property be released by you? The client source is property of Zammbi, Shane AND Xan, not you. It would be very disrespectful to release this, and besides that, since PWO is still operating on this it can be seen...
  4. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    New updates include: Pokebox: Pokemon hover menu's. Reordering. Backpack: Item highlights. Item usage. Mousewheel support. Trading: Listing of pokemon for both parties. Pokemon hover menu's. Input for Pokedollars. Other: Fixed a player sprite updating issue regarding bike and surfboard...
  5. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Yes it's still going, in progress and it's going quite well. Here is a list of features which have recently (and not so recently) been implemented to keep you updated on the progress. Chatting: All channels fully working. The messages now scroll from down to up like they should. Group tags...
  6. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    I have made alot of internal changes and updates regarding how the client operates. However these changes/updates are behind the scenes and are not graphical so I'm not posting them. I'll post more once I'm ready to make more graphical updates or updates to which I feel players should know about.
  7. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Yes, I'm still going to continue working on my client.
  8. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Currently not, as I pretty much took the whole code apart to review and update. (Yes blame me for asking for a bit more time, but I don't want any bugs ;) ) I might post some pictures when that's done.
  9. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Battling is now pretty much fully functional aside from animations. Implemented: Attacking (without animations). Switching the actual pokemon. Load map screen. Use item menu (bag button). Use item on team pokemon interface. Item usage. Running away.
  10. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    No I can't tell you how much time it takes per update, because my real life procedure is currently not consistent. Yes, you are correct.
  11. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    It's currently hidden.
  12. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Implemented: Battle intro screen. Battle interface. Battle background (only one for now). Battle pokemon info (name, level, HP) for both opponent and yourself. Battle pokemon sprites. Battle hover button sprites. Action menu (attack, switching pokemon).
  13. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    It's hard to give you an estimate in percentage. But the main functionality that is still left to do is pretty much: - Battle system - PCbox storage - Chatting - Online list - Inventory - Map - PMing - Evolution system - Item usage - Pokédex And probably some other things I can't think of...
  14. H

    Hardcoreh's Log

    Well, I'm still alive and I hope you all had a great year :) While it is a bit soon to say, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year once again. Updates: - Implemented NPC interacting (player has to face towards NPC before interacting). - Face NPC to player when interacting. - Implemented...
  15. H

    The lost staff member

    First of all, Merse, I certainly didn't leave the community. Second, you have no idea what's going on in my life and I prefer to keep it that way. And third, your reaction is unnecessary. I'm working on the client when my life allows me to. Creating one is not a 1, 2, 3 job, and I admit it...