Tournament prizes


Feb 10, 2012
The usual, I guess: Memberships, Tokens, PokeDollars, Vouchers, Battle Points (always come in handy). Maybe some input on event tutors/items/spawns(?).
I like the usual, as well, but I'm gonna shoot a bit higher on this one...

The more legendary the prizes, the more participation there will be. The more participation, the more active the market will become. I think you can all see where I'm going with this...

We all want a more active playerbase, right? Well having tournaments with incredible prizes is one way to do it. It's essentially bringing new content to the table without actually creating new content. Seems like a win all around.

We all remember, or have heard, of the tournaments and prizes of old. Well, I think this would be a great time to bring those back. Give a new generation of players a shot at greatness. Bring back legends to get something they nor anyone has gotten before.

Legendary pokemon. Uncatchable shinies. A shiny of choice (!). Dare I say...a legendary shiny? o_O Eggs. Shiny eggs. Legendary eggs. All of the eggs. You could even get creative with battle items as prizes...give a tournament winner a unique item that nobody else has. Fossils. Rare evolution items. TMs/tutors. Etc.

In short: we need more statues in the Pewter museum.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I think more competition would be healthy for the game. @Feathers.McGraw I'm not sure if this is what you were going for but I appreciate you asking the question. Having conversations like these are good for the community.


New Member
Sep 22, 2021
I like the usual, as well, but I'm gonna shoot a bit higher on this one...
The more legendary the prizes, the more participation there will be. The more participation, the more active the market will become. I think you can all see where I'm going with this...

We all want a more active playerbase, right? Well having tournaments with incredible prizes is one way to do it. It's essentially bringing new content to the table without actually creating new content. Seems like a win all around.

We all remember, or have heard, of the tournaments and prizes of old. Well, I think this would be a great time to bring those back. Give a new generation of players a shot at greatness. Bring back legends to get something they nor anyone has gotten before.

Legendary pokemon. Uncatchable shinies. A shiny of choice (!). Dare I say...a legendary shiny? o_O Eggs. Shiny eggs. Legendary eggs. All of the eggs. You could even get creative with battle items as prizes...give a tournament winner a unique item that nobody else has. Fossils. Rare evolution items. TMs/tutors. Etc.

In short: we need more statues in the Pewter museum.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I think more competition would be healthy for the game. @Feathers.McGraw I'm not sure if this is what you were going for but I appreciate you asking the question. Having conversations like these are good for the community.
Cleve you are indeed a genius for a reason


Aug 15, 2011
What Isguros said and shiny starter eggs. Along with a museum statue how about a permanent npc that you can battle of the winner with pokemon they select. And yea no legendary there is a reason it was stopped, either its available for all or not available at all.


Feb 10, 2012
I can't say I particularly agree with the whole (legendary) Pokemon prizes thing, but to have one's name immortalized in the Pewter Museum in some way is kind of neat.
What Isguros said and shiny starter eggs. Along with a museum statue how about a permanent npc that you can battle of the winner with pokemon they select. And yea no legendary there is a reason it was stopped, either its available for all or not available at all.
Yeah, I understand and think that's fair. Legendaries might be a bit too much, but my point was more about the concept of exceptional prizes than just simply "I want legendaries!" - which it sounds like you both picked up on.

I also love the NPC idea of the Champion's team. That's super cool.


Aug 14, 2015
I created a matrix to weigh the different prize options based on several factors: flexibility, utility, reliability, and uniqueness. It's particularly subjective, but I believe it is the best way to frame my opinion.


From a utilitarian perspective, it's no question that Pokédollars (Pd) are objectively just the most valuable prize to dish out—♬C.R.E.A.M.♬. As the predominant currency in PWO, Pokédollars can get you almost about anything imaginable. But, of course, Pd is such a boring prize option that doesn't really spark interest in the minds of trainers. Tokens are a little bit more coveted but it's not that more exciting, especially if you're just buying a Membership. Tokens are good for the 20 seconds of dopamine where you purchase a Mon, hope it sparkles, and realize you got nothing special. The same can be said for Vouchers. Purchase something safe but boring like a Magmarizer, or purchase an Old Amber and then release the resulting "bad-IV" Aerodactyl. Membership would be neat as a supplementary prize to the "main" prize, e.g. 20k Tokens + 30-day MS added to the account. Battle Points are particularly useful for certain TMs/Tutors/EV items/etc., but I would prefer it be granted in smaller competitions if offered. Now a unique or limited distribution of an Egg/Spawn would rile up the crowd, especially if it's a popular mainstream Mon that hasn't been released yet. To a lesser hype degree, an Exclusive Item/Tutor would also be neat but I think those should be saved for the hunting events. I'm also a big fan of the Pewter Museum ideas, though I'm a bit biased as a previous tournament winner.

Personally, if I were to choose one, it'd be a Egg/Spawn + some statue/message that credits the winner of the event in the Pewter Museum. Also would not mind any combination of currency + non-currency prizes.

Mock Prize:

1st - 10m + 30-day Membership + Riolu Egg + Pewter City tournament winner list
2nd - 5m + 30-day Membership
3rd - 3m + 10-day Membership

Everyone: 500 Battle Points


Feb 10, 2012
Mock Prize:

1st - 10m + 30-day Membership + Riolu Egg + Pewter City tournament winner list
2nd - 5m + 30-day Membership
3rd - 3m + 10-day Membership

If no legendary (which, again, I'm totally cool with), I do think an egg/spawn prize being shiny would generally be best to maximize interest. Though certain tournaments can always yield different tiers of prizes, of course.

But just from a conceptual perspective - a Riolu is cool. Very cool, even. But a shiny Riolu? Whew... :cool:


Feb 16, 2013
If no legendary (which, again, I'm totally cool with), I do think an egg/spawn prize being shiny would generally be best to maximize interest. Though certain tournaments can always yield different tiers of prizes, of course.

But just from a conceptual perspective - a Riolu is cool. Very cool, even. But a shiny Riolu? Whew... :cool:
Ye, shouldn’t be legendaries/ Pokemons that are unobtainable in the game since they won’t be allowed in PvP, banned by others. Would prefer (shiny) Pokemons with IVs/ gender, even moveset/ potentially Nature of the winner’s choice. Of course, the Pokemons have to be (previously) obtainable in game.


Feb 10, 2012
Ye, shouldn’t be legendaries/ Pokemons that are unobtainable in the game since they won’t be allowed in PvP, banned by others. Would prefer (shiny) Pokemons with IVs/ gender, even moveset/ potentially Nature of the winner’s choice. Of course, the Pokemons have to be (previously) obtainable in game.
Yeah, this is a good point.

To offer a super specific prize idea: a shiny Gible would be a really cool prize considering how many of us grinded for one (however unrealistic it was) during Summer event. Bringing one into the game via a tournament winner would be awesome.

On a related note, you saw how many players came back during Summer event in particular specifically because of Gible. It was such a hit that even some staff members admitted they did not foresee. I think we similarly have a really good opportunity here to draw players in with these kind of tournament prizes. There are plenty of players out there that have just been looking for an excuse to be more active, and I truly believe offering these kinds of prizes would move the needle.

Speaking for myself, I would absolutely be all in for it. I'd be studying PvP, researching, practicing, you name it. And I'm fairly certain I wouldn't be alone. I mentioned it in a previous post, but this would also absolutely give a nice boost to the market. Suddenly the value of epics would skyrocket. You'd have many more players active in trades/sales, trying to acquire better pokes to compete with.

And this is all just looking at this from a PvP angle. There's always the possibility for other tournaments, such as the hunting one AK is currently hosting during the swarm.

The possibilities are brain is exploding with ideas.


Mar 12, 2013
Love the discussion!
Anyone who knows me knows I'm all for exceptional shiny prizes.

However, not so big on battle tournaments (unless it's random battle). IMO if the prize is so exceptional, we should try to make it fair/accessible to as many people as possible. That fails if people are free to use their $3B shiny Tyranitars and stuff, even though strategy IS more important than IVs. One thing that's worked before is preceding the battle tourney with a hunting period during which you must catch the pokes you will fight with. Perhaps limited to a subset/tier of Pokemon (such as NeverUsed) maybe without items. @Towel 's first unofficial tournament is my model for the above. It still heavily favours experienced battlers but makes it as fair as possible for everyone. However this is a huge amount of work for staff to plan/organize, check and enforce... not really realistic.

PWO's battle scene is miniscule. It'd be great if we can build it up, but I think that needs to happen gradually. If we just all of a sudden put Shiny Gible as a battle prize, that's just giving a free gift to one of the 3-4 people who still battle. See @Isguros ' excellent suggestion to get more people exposed / interested / motivated to battle:

Personally I'd prefer hunting challenges, or some new kind of contest/challenge. We could still have exceptional prizes if there's, for example, one single extremely rare shiny UC egg as a drop item. Way simpler for staff than trying to orchestrate the conditions for a 'fair' battle, and way simpler for people to participate. All the fainting of stuff will naturally increase people's bank accounts. More so if the wild pokes are high levels.

While we're talking about exceptional prizes, we should also brainstorm some less exceptional prizes, things that a CG can on a whim use to make a routine random swarm / Hide N Seek, without having to get approval from the entire admin committee. Basically, Eggs, vouchers, Pd...

EGGS are the best type of prize, IMO, especially if people can find lots of them. Eggs are great because they take time to hatch, and they have a chance to be shiny. People will be forced to play after the event ends in order to hatch all their eggs... finally a solution to the draughts between events. If people don't have time to hatch, they'll be in super high demand. We need more eggs in circulation to help pin down the shiny egg odds too :p. We can give the eggs an expiry date, after which the daycare centres won't accept them anymore. We've seen that staff can mass-rename items (precedent is the TMs) so the Event Egg can perhaps be renamed to Nearly Rotten Egg and then finally Rotten Egg when expired.

Guaranteed-shiny prizes are a nice option for occasional events but the IVs should still be random IMO. Nobody deserves a 3x31 shiny Gible just for winning some contest..

Gotta disagree with AK's chart slightly: PokeDollars are way more desireable than tokens. You can easily sell Pd for tokens if you want them, but anyone can get tokens any time they want, and they're losing value as the token store pokemon get more and more stale. Pd is the most scarce thing and best store of value, and can be used to get anything you want.

Maybe sprinkle in some sellable Nuggets and/or Memberships as drop items in a swarm for extra excitement. More vouchers would always be good too.. new players need their Exp Shares etc.

A final thought: we'd get higher turnout by giving the winner(s) a choice between several prizes. I remember looking at Towel's prize list thinking 100% the Shiny Rhyperior with 31 speed was the #1 prize. When I lost the first tournament I was disappointed, but then shocked that it wasn't chosen. I don't think anyone actually chose it until after the 5th or 6th tournament. Someone even chose a nonshiny before choosing it! Point being, people want different things. I like the idea of Shiny Gible, or any high-tier or event pokemon that nobody has a shiny of (eg. S Hippopotas, S Skorupi, S Bronzor, S Drifloon, S Shuckle, S Buizel, S Torkoal, S Litwick, S Vanillite, S Munna, S Kabuto, S Omanyte, etc). If we give a choice between several things, no one thing has to necessarily be THAT crazy. It's best if nobody in game has the shiny version yet though, since it doesn't devalue their pokemon... and it's more special as a prize anyway.

An additional higher type of voucher, such as Champion Prize Voucher, might be one way to access/choose between a different list of prizes..
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May 16, 2014
TM, tutors(some gen 3 stuff) or old event stuff like toxic orb or old event pokemons. possible a move breeding as well


May 27, 2017
Traducir por favor.

Ideas que implementaria en caso de poder tener la facultad de hacerlas.
Esto que escribire abajo es a modo de ejemplo.
  1. Insertar el Titulo del Campeonato obtenido arriba del nombre. Ejemplo : User1 ( Campeon Mundial PWO 2022)(Best PVP 2022) (Best Hunter) Como antes había reputación 1000 pero que todos puedan ver su titulo y el usuario tambien.
  2. Colocar su nombre en el museo / hall of fame.
  3. Regalar una MS por 3 meses o mas tiempo (Dependiendo del titulo)
  4. Los emjambres son divertidos, podrian aplicar que el primero que atrape un shiny cierto dia, se gane 1000 tokens .
  5. Hacer un sprite personalizado al campeón de cierto evento.
  6. Regalar un bundle con sorpresas al campeon ( TM, Items, Huevos, Pokemon,Shinies,UC)


Jr. Trainer
Oct 8, 2011
I will keep it simple. The official tournaments aim to bring people together to play and participate in battling so basically all you have to do is to make a list of tournament types based on their importance and ranks to be able to drain the most amount of people to fight for the prizes and give them time to arrange to do so and the prizes should be for the first 3 winners.
I also believe that the game is in need of resources because economy is monopoly basically (Most cash is held by some old players which had it and didn't spend it in the past).

So classifying tournaments in tiers based on its importance would be:
1- Low tier tournament: Prizes could be money like 1st 10m, 2nd 5m, 3rd 3m.
2- Mid tier tournament: Prizes could have a mix of money + pokemon like: 1st prize S pokemon + some cash or tokens, 2nd a less rate S pokemon + less cash, 3rd solid cash.
3- High tier Legendary tournaments: 1st prize S memorable that could be an untradable pokemon + an NPC to display as a memorial like the S mew winner back then, 2nd prize and 3rd prize would have a lower tier S pokemon.

Side note: Other prizes like tokens, memberships, battle points are also good as long as they are added along with the main things.

You can also provide different types of ideas for tournaments like a mono type tournament, gen 1 tournament with S gen 1 pokemon prize. Same goes to gen 2 tournament with S gen 2 pokemons as prizes and so on till gen 5-6.

Also you have to remember that such tournaments, swarms and events have to be more often to keep the game fresh. And I got to be honest, responsible staff for updates should, or even must tell players how far the progress reached.

Anyhow, I personally like how far the game reached and the amount of updates lately. I realize a lot of work being put by people who love the game so it's the most important thing.

And aside from all that, I'm personally there to give a full and honest help to anyone who reaches me anywhere for any PVP advises or help.

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