


Umm, well, hi. Name's UBEChief, but everyone I know simply calls me Chief. I've been with Pokemon since the first generation (RBY, anyone?), I've collected over 700 cards (1st thru 3rd gens) and still own a 1st edition Machamp from the first-ever Starter Kit (God, it's been ages >.>).

I still own a Game Boy Color with my Yellow, Blue and Silver versions, a GBAdvance with Sapphire (internal battery is dead, though :|) and a DS Lite with Pearl and Platnium (*coughR4DScough*). One thing that put me off from playing the games for a while was the fact that I couldn't vs anyone. Seeing a friend play this (via Xfire) put the fire back in my heart for playing the game.

Other things you might want to know about me is that I'm an author on FanFiction.Net (FFN) - you might want to make sure you're of age in your country before reading my stuff - they're M-rated for a reason ;), I'm a YouTube director on a small channel with only 17 videos, I'm a map/level editor/modder for Halo Custom Edition (not Combat Evolved, this is the "expansion pack" for it), and, well, not much else.

Can't believe I just let all that out for my first post, I'm usually shy in new forums :x

Can't wait to get ingame and get my Pokemon team all over again :3

- Chief


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
Don't be shy here on PWO Forum - the more we get to know you, the quicker you'll fit in. One of the best things in PWO is that we have a great community who can make anyone feel welcome; and where making friends is as easy as you want it to be - well, as long as you avoid the occasional jerks who tend to pop up everywhere on the internet...

One thing that instantly gets you attention here is if you're already a long standing Pokémon fan - I like to call these people "Pokémon Veterans", though most people here assume veterans are long-term players of PWO, not Pokémon as a whole, but I digress. We do seem to get a lot of members here who have been with Pokémon from the very beginning, from the first-generation all the way to now; and I always think these are the players who deserve recognition - not that I'm against new players as well; any game needs new blood now and then to keep a fresh challenge ;)

I hope you come to enjoy it here; and that your competitive nature is satisfied in-game as much as it should crop up. If you eer find yourself needing any help, not that I feel that's likely, the wiki is a great resource; or just search through this Forum. Make sure you search for an answer before you ask a question, as it gets annoying having multiple threads with the same answer.

One last thing - don't mention the R4DS again. I know it's not illegal in itself, but it's unlicensed hardware not endorsed by Nintendo and can be used for illegitimate purposes - such as running commercial games you don't own, as your post suggests you may be doing. Discussing such activity is against our ToS; and PWO has enough to worry about anyway without potential legal trouble.


Ah, I see. I do own a legit Pearl, but I wanted to try the others and didn't want to keep spending the $40+ per game (I already spent $200 on the DS Lite and aforementioned game chip).

ANYways, I guess I would consider myself a Pokemon veteran as I have been with the game since it first came out (and Yellow was my first game - literally) and it just continued on from there ^_^ I even have 6 fully-functional decks ready for use from buying booster pack after booster pack, lol.

Personally, I dislike the Gen V Pokemon because they don't look the part. I also know that it was the American branch of Nintendo that spearheaded the project for B/W, not the Japanese branch, and that made me want to play it less. I still haven't tried it yet :x

Oh, I know how it feels to have multiple threads asking the same question that's been answered like 50+ times before - I've been to many a forum, lol. I just facepalm at the repetitive questions and simply give up after awhile. Newbies will be newbies, after all :p

I can't wait to meet more Veterans like myself and chat about the "good ol' days" in Pokemon. I still remember how to get two Mew's in Red/Blue via glitch XD

- Chief


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
You know, you're the first person I've met online who claims to dislike the Gen V Pokémon, who's actually given a proper explanation as to why they feel that way. People always claim to hate a certain generation or every generation after X; and I always feel these people are just exercising a personal bias for which they have no explanation short of "they suck" - which is NOT a reason - so when people can explain their viewpoint, I can actually take their opinion seriously. I think it's a very valid reason as well - and one I must admit I'd never considered before; but it is true Gen V was designed to be heavily Americanised - and actually, it makes sense now why that might offend purists. Personally I think Gen IV was the worst of the bunch so far, for poor game design pre-Platinum and overall similarity to previous Generations; but each to their own.


I think the similarity between the generations is what kept me in the game for so long. Gen IV reminded me of Gen II and a bit of Gen I, whereas Gen III didn't really appeal to me until I figured out one of my favourite Pokemon was created in it (Gardevoir).

Which reminds me; I need to get a new battery for my Sapphire cartridge so I can save :x

I stopped collecting the cards after high school because I was more into the games than the TCG (and, to be honest, the anime was/is corny) and I didn't want to collect the fourth generation of cards (and, let's face it, I was already over 700 cards at that point - I was running out of room in my binder :U). I was also getting into full gear writing fanfics about Gardevoir (link to my profile in my sig), so I didn't have as much time as I used to.

What do you think about the PMD series? I tried Blue, Time and Sky, and I personally prefer Sky (Riolu starter :x) due to the storyline and extras explaining some of the backstories of some of the secondary characters. I'd like to try the Wii PMD series, but they haven't been released in North America...


PWO's Resident Gengar
Staff member
Aug 15, 2011
Can't really judge something I've never played - though I am kind of familiar with their story-lines; and I must say I do feel a personal disappointment that many fan-fictions created since the release of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon are basically copying verbatim from some of the game's stories - use your own imagination, people! Then again, perhaps I'm a little bitter in that regard since Nintendo basically copied the same ideas I'd come up with in fan-games years prior...

But no matter what the franchise, I tend to dislike spin-offs in general, because they always come across as tacky. Unless they're Pinball - I'm just a total addict to Pinball games.

I also agree to the comment that the anime has always been corny. But then I stopped watching around the Johto saga and have no care for it any more - it's just the same thing over and over.


Luckily enough, I do my own stories, I don't rip off of others (although I did do a crossover with Halo to the best of my ability). I don't read the PMD fanfics because they usually don't carry enough of a story to hold me. Plus, they're usually rated T or less, and that almost always means less professional writers. That's the main reason I stick to the M-rated fics (and write them): the authors are far more mature (usually), the stories hold and are long (usually), and they go into the more detailed scenarios of the Pokemon world (I don't think I need to explain myself here... :x).

To date, I've done a Trilogy of stories (total chapters: 42; words archived: 92k+) and am now working on a horror-themed fic. Seven chapters in, and I've already got more reviews than the final story of my Trilogy :p

I rather not go into detail about my fics, as they are for the mature crowd, but you are free to check them out using the link in my sig :3