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  1. E

    What happened to the playerbase?

    So I've seen plenty of people discussing this and things related to it. I'm an old player, starting in 2010, playing on and off since. haven't been on in 2 years and came back to find the server with 30 players on, rather than the 300 there used to be. What happened, that made players leave...
  2. E

    Let's Plays PWO Episode 1 Now live!

    As promised, here it is! Most people are just here to laugh at my terrible LP making skills, but I'm fine with that :D if anyone wants to collaborate let me know :) Likewise if there are any issues. Enjoy the video, Scrooge a.k.a. The Penultimate Womble
  3. E

    Lets Play Pilot episode!

    Okay I'm sorry if I'm breaking any rules I don't mean to. I have notice that PWO seems a lot quieter these days and nobody makes any lets plays for it, so I went ahead and made a pilot episode. Not amazing, but if I get 5 likes I will launch a series. Please check it out and subscribe, if anyone...
  4. E

    HR Hunting

    ok. HR pokes are hard to find, and they can take up to a week of grinding. But players use things like music and films to help lift the burden of the task. so this goes out to all fellow players, What songs and films do you listen to/watch while grinding for rare pokemon? please reply with the...
  5. E

    Help! i am to impatient!

    lol, u guys wont believe this but i am very very impatient, so hr hunting is a real problem! if any1 could tell me ways to make hunting more interesting this would be much apreciated. thanks, Scrooge
  6. E

    Tips for hunting snorlax ?

    Hello and thanks for reading, as some may know for the past day or so and 2 days earlier in the year, i have been hunting snorlax. and i would like some tips on snorlax hunting because i have seen 15 farfetched ( i am keeping count because i have heard that the vr:hr...