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  1. pieguy13

    Playerdex: Donating

    I feel the exact same way. I may have skimmed through the post the first time so I didn't pick up on the fact that we won't be receiving the amount we donated for. I donated $60 and will be getting 22 tokens out of it and a friend of mine donated $100 and is only getting 25 tokens. It seems to...
  2. pieguy13

    Playerdex: Donating

    Thank god we're finally gonna get some progress on these older token issues. Thanks a lot Lee!
  3. pieguy13

    Dovekip's Log of Stuff I do

    Please have my babies
  4. pieguy13

    ThuGie's Dev Log

    Read the thread buddy.
  5. pieguy13

    ThuGie's Dev Log

    To counteract this, other types of pokeballs would help. js
  6. pieguy13

    ThuGie's Dev Log

    I noticed that when my pokemon is confused and I try to run, the confusion sets in and either makes me hit myself or just run like normal. I know this doesn't happen in the cartridge games so I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not.
  7. pieguy13

    Server: Changes

    I don't think a 50 user increase will do much since reg is opening yet again.... but nonetheless it's an improvement.
  8. pieguy13


    Oh noes... not another shipping picture...
  9. pieguy13

    Your memorable screenshots?

    Here's a few I found in the back of my Photobucket.
  10. pieguy13

    Pokemon Updates

    No *bleep* Slaking is way better than it is in Nintendo games. The lack of the ability Truant shows that. Slaking/Regigigas is only good in double battles where the battle partner uses either skill swap or gastro acid on Slaking. Slaking's moveset would be exactly the same in cartridge and PWO...
  11. pieguy13

    Pokemon Updates

    You're only saying that cuz you don't want Tauros nerfed because you have a shiny one. The fact of the matter is Tauros now easily beats Slaking. Thus, to balance things as with the other examples you gave, Giga Impact should be nerfed.
  12. pieguy13

    Forum Ranks

    My guess is either 2000 or 3000 judging by the other post requirements
  13. pieguy13

    Forum Ranks

    I was just wondering what the forum ranks are and how many posts are needed to get them. I see that I'm a Jr. Trainer and was just wondering what the other ones were (besides staff ofc)
  14. pieguy13

    Pokemon Updates

    Oh boy! Your calculator gets to be used for 1 whole pokemon! Veekun is much more appealing and quicker for every other pokemon
  15. pieguy13

    Pokemon Updates

    I like this idea a lot better. If you keep updating pokes that people deem "overused", it will create a lot more whining where if you update some more "underused" pokemon for the moment, some will become more useful in battle. Take Feraligatr for example. Many people just used Lapras, Starmie...
  16. pieguy13

    PWO's Monthly Auction

    Read the thread. Minimum bid of 100m on the (S) Rares. Also don't double post.
  17. pieguy13

    PWO's Monthly Auction

    Nvm, read an offer on a different poke
  18. pieguy13

    PWO's Monthly Auction

    Changing my offer on (S) Rhydon to 400m cash
  19. pieguy13

    PWO's Monthly Auction

    (S) Exeggutor + 100m on S Rhy for now
  20. pieguy13

    PWO's Monthly Auction

    Re: PWO's First Monthly Auction I'll offer (S) Koffing + (S) Yanma + 200m for Rhydon for the moment