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  1. B


    So...hello folks , this is #BND reporting live from northern egypt the source of bad news..the core ...stopped by after like 6 months of disappearance? Wanted to check if pwo is still in its grave or if it has risen up to the wide good old times where u open your computer...
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    a problem here

    sooo.. i was lvling up my lairon to 99 , i normally make it lvl 98 and evolve it at 99 , but when i made it 99 , i had to complete the npc battle with the krabby and the krabby wanted to evolve also , when i pressed no for krabby , the evolution screen for lairon did not appear and now i'm stuck...
  3. B

    was battling someone and this happened the spdef supposed to be decreased not increased , thoughts?
  4. B

    small problem with captcha what to do , how to enable cookies or do what ? , i cant post a thing , numbers arent appearing in the captcha , cant write a topic with 5 lines :S ,anything ? thanks :)
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    paralyze effect

    i have noticed that when i'm in battle and i use thunderwave or any other attack that cause paralysis , it doesnt say ( pokemon is fully paralyzed ) , is it nerfed or something ? , it says fully paralyzed rarely . shouldnt it be fixed ? it will be veryyy helpful in battles , thanks :)
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    dont know if it the right place to post it(playerdex bug)

    hi, i had a kingdra lvl 70 epic-max spd 3 days ago and i decided to sell it : it had all stats above 24IV as u can see: ... 0&level=70 now i lvled it up to lvl 83 and heres what...
  7. B

    general info

    i would like to know when does the poke become uber or epic ? uber if it has 26-27IV ? epic if it has 27_31IV? correct me if i am mistaken, thanks