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  1. KanecoPT

    Pwo Halloween Event So Far For You?

    How are you doing in the event so far? What have you caught? The last few days have been amazing for me <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/PikachuExcited.png" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":D" />
  2. KanecoPT

    Pokemon Rarity Changes

    I have noticed since pwo re opened some pokemons have changed rarity For example Lapras from VR to HR and so on Does any of you have an official list of the changes?
  3. KanecoPT

    Number Of Server Slots At The Moment?

    Can anyone tell me whats the Number of Server SLots at the moment? I played PWO way back in the day <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/BulbasaurSilly.png" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":P" /> When It had diamond server with 700 slots... Does...