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  1. Aiacos.

    Suggestion to try Revive PWO

    I can not understand, see that losing players and nothing be done, could put the items that already exist in random battles in the game, new pokes, any novelty would animate old players, because the game is good, but stopped in time. I would like to help with new ideas, events but unfortunately...
  2. Aiacos.

    Give us your feedback! March 24 Spider Woods Event.

    Guys, the game needs to change, not to play with 60 online, as long as there is no update and to end certain things that only exist here the game will become weak so, unfortunately for players who have no knowledge of pokemon still vote that the Event was good. No quest, no new map, and how...
  3. Aiacos.

    Solving the problem of pokemon old ivs - Resolvendo o problema dos pokemons old ivs

    Very nice post, on the shinys, unfortunately here exists "old" but they can rather get a price table for them. If you do not have evolution you will not have any more players. We need mechanics, new challenges, new quest, new maps. About npc that changes nature is a great idea. Congratulations...