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  1. X

    Problems [ The awakening ]

    So here i want to talk about problems like pokemons spawn time , population decrease / survival of the server, economy and pwo as a whole. Point 1 [Pokemons average spawn time] Here we have tier 1,2,3,4 and 5. " Tier 1, marked as #1 - Easiest to find, will appear in under 20 minutes on...
  2. X

    Topic about META Teams ( OU Teams and OU Pokemons )

    This topic is to discuss Meta teams ( Overly used teams ). After all the modifications , with the implementation of EVs, the fix of a lot of moves and even abilities added, the PvP system on PWO suffered a lot of changes. Teams that were viable 2 months ago are not viable now. And pokemons that...
  3. X

    Quest Problem [Undoable]

    So here's the problem. I gave to a random guy the mareep of the quest for Thunderbolt or released it ( can't remember properly ) and now i can't do it anymore. I've done the quest (reach ampharos with max hapiness) with other mareep but the NPC clearly says : "that is not the pokemon i gave you"...
  4. X

    URGENT information regarding Stab

    Hi. Can u guys notice me if STAB does work in pwo? "STAB (stands for Same-type attack bonus) is a boost in the base power of a move that has the same type as the Pokémon using the move. This boost increases the damage done by 50%. This boost can become 100% instead when a Pokémon has...