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  1. N

    Because Can't Reset The Password?

    Why i can't reset the password? never arrives the email , as before
  2. N

    System Error

    I try to change my password and I get system error, why?
  3. N

    Need Help !

    I need someone to help me, asked to change my current account password and now want to connect in the forum or the game I said Board Index or password, but did not receive any mail new password, just like my old account still is inactive and I can not use it, if someone can help me thank you...
  4. N

    I Have A Problem

    Hello !! I have a problem , in my other account Nightshade91 I can't remember the e-mail registred... And the iblemelee say me alert spamer!!!!! What can i do??? =( In nightshade91 i have everithing.... =( please help me....