Recent content by SouljaH

  1. S

    Outfits! Contest! Take a look!

    Re: Outfits! Contest! cool join me up for lvl 20-30
  2. S

    Shiny rate change

    sorry dont know if this has already been brought up or not but i wouldnt mind seeing the shiny rate changed so its harder as long as the shiny pokes are all 31iv in stats from now on...why bother getting MS hunt for a S poke when u can catch a normal one with better IVs in the areas that...
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    Pwo's Economy?

    how so..wouldnt that make more money ingame therefore higher offer on pokes ? wouldnt it set a fixed price on tokens instead of people selling them for as low as 1.5m...
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    Pwo's Economy?

    maybe u should re read what i wrote... buying 3m for 1 token not buying 1 token for 3m...being able to buy money from the store is that more simple for u to understand ?
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    Pwo's Economy?

    it seems that more money is being taken out of the game then bein made..alot of ppl that had decent amounts of money are no longer playing or just mia....with npcs only being reseted after 2 weeks the amount of money being spent in the mean time is more then the money that u get from battling...
  6. S

    Hi all (i'm italian-sono italiano)

    belissimo belissimo mozarella cheese
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    accepting into guild

    .... hey there bosses soo i was just wondering .... its happened a couple of times now... i have people tryin to get into inferno blaze guild and then when i click accept on them it says that the user u attempted is online...but they arent online and even the game is offline sometimes when i...
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    The S dratini !!! i couldnt believe it what a lucky guy im struggling just to find a normal one lol
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    GUIDE: How to get a shiny Pikachu cheap and easily?

    yeah id love a S cloy or S star for 300m lol and pikachu is VR compared to ninetales and arc which are rare sooo its goin to be alot harder to find pikachu shiny then arc of ninetails...
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    Pwo's Economy? i dont understand how much would u make it cost the for npc to daycare .....people do a poke to 99 for 1m.....anything more then the "rich people" will still use players to daycare..
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    doesnt it depends how quick ur internet is lol ?? it took me around 5 minz...
  12. S

    Shiny starters and hr

    i heard of someone gettin S heracross from the token store recently....
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    being muted

    ohh ok thanks zebra i was jsut scared that maybe if u got like 100 mutes u got like 2 days banned or something
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    being muted

    hey sorry not quite sure what section to put this is but everytime i log in , the first message i type whether it be in guild, battle or trade or all chat, i get muted ?? i write nothing offensive or in caps and its always for 18 seconds many thanks
  15. S

    Pwo's Economy?

    ur wanting to make bikes 10m and and evo stones 100k which will take more money out of the game ? if theres no money in the game the value of the $ is just goin to rise and therefore pokemon prices will drop even further....