Recent content by JRoman

  1. JRoman

    Cannot connect to server

    I see the forum rules at the top now and realize my post isn't necessary. My apologies for that.. >.<
  2. JRoman

    Johto Spawn Testing (give your feedback here!)

    Re: Johto Spawn Testing. What is the respawn project? I'll be happy to give feedback when logging in is made possible. :)
  3. JRoman

    Cannot connect to server

    I see, thanks for the info.
  4. JRoman

    Cannot connect to server

    I've been trying to log in every once in a while for a few hours and always get the message "Cannot connect to PWO server, please try again later. Server is most likely down." The server is up, and I've had the same problem before, but it has never lasted this long before. Is this happening to...