Quality of Poke Sales


New Member
May 13, 2012
The most important thing about game is huge decrease in pokemon quality.Many people have banned who have good pokes rest of players arent spending their time on hunting when we compare with previous years.Membership isn't working there isn't any diffrence between searching poke with membership and without membership spending tokens to membership really crap.You must increase chance for getting Hr and (S) pokemons to make membership really important.Also you can add a function like 5 token+ to get 20iv+ poke.Game really need new good pokes


New Member
Apr 21, 2013
Meric said:
The most important thing about game is huge decrease in pokemon quality.

What led you to draw this conclusion, that there is a scarce shortage of shiny Pokemon? (pardon if I'm misinterpreting your statement) I have been unobservant to the market myself, but I've also heard players cite that there is an overabundant amount of shinies in circulation as well, stretching their value enough that most of the more common shiny Pokemon are very inexpensive.


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
I..need some clarification as well. Are you complaining that all the banned people have all the good pokemon? (Which you know..if they're banned, then they received said Pokemon by CHEATING.) You should also know it's the botters/etcs faults why you cant find any quality Pokemon. Blame them, they flood the market with the haxy S Pokemon they caught, drive the prices down, and ruin it for the rest of us. Yourself included, because then when a normal human, with normal luck, goes hunting. They cant spend 24/7 doing it, or use money cheats, or speed cheats, or etc etc etc. We loose because they wanna prosper (at least until their caught.)

So...you cant really use the 'banned ppl have all the stuff'. No, the banned ppl stole the stuff, and now it's locked away because it shouldn't have existed in the first place. Except of course, for the scammers. I suppose it depends on which banned people your speaking of, and the why of it. Scammers, sure, maybe their stuff should be released back into the wild (Since it was originally caught by legal means, stolen from another player, and should be released). Botter pokemon though? No.

Why should membership be made more important? This isn't a pay to play, and we don't want to turn it into one, nor run into that argument of 'Only ppl with money get the S pokemon, wah wah wah.' Now I agree that they need to change the lineup of Pokemon they have in the Token Store! (Really the token store, change that bby up! You gots the powah!) MS is working fine, it's always been luck based. Ask anyone else with MS how many S commons they run into? (Now I had terrible luck and only ran into 3 S Pokemon. 2 with MS, one without.) Ask someone like Fionavara though, I bet they wont complain. Or ask any other 'serious' hunter/collector. MS is working just like it should. Maybe better than it should considering the sudden influx of S horseas and S Growls. (Though that's just areas ppl are hunting really.)

Now I have heard they are intending to do something about spawn rates (Thats the rate with which you encounter said pokemon.) However, Spawn rate does not change 'IV rate'. The question comes down to, how many pokemon of normal non-S nature, do you run into, that have amazing iv's. Spawn rate, catch rate, none of those change what iv's a pokemon have. Not even an S Pokemon, and sometimes they don't have stellar iv's. (Yes bad S Pokemon used to exist. Token store ones as well.)

So you cant talk about the 'old days'. Since in the old days you could catch an S persian with less than 20 + iv's (Literally forum topics showing off these amazing oddities!) Right there actually -


Are you saying that new players don't hunt enough to provide you with S Pokemon to buy? Or hunt enough to get their own Pokemon? Is that a complaint against the community, or people having real lives, or..there not being enough bots in the system to hunt constantly. People hunt all the time. Heck, once your done with 16 gyms! (Literally a matter of weeks, if not less.) The only thing left to do is hunt! To hunt and kill and lvl 99 pokes, and hunt while your levling and then sell what you catch while hunting to people so you can hunt again! Even daycaring is a form of hunting! This entire game is different lvls of hunting! (Once you get past the gyms, quests, and occasional events) When it's not a hunting game it is a battling game. (PvP man woo!) People hunt to collect to lvl to catch to battle. That is its entirety. If your not doing one of those three things, your not playing the game. (Yes buying and selling does happen, but only in relation to those three things! Collections, Battles, Pokedex -for a person who wants to complete it- )

One more thing..arent S pokemon supposed to be scarce? So..yanno, prices don't go nuts? If every single MS player caught 1-2-10 S pokemon every day. The market would flood, the prices would plummet, your S pony would be worth the same as a S-rat, if everyone could catch one that easily.

ALSO: Here are stats, the amount of Pokemon in game, held in accounts, some possibly in banned accounts.


That's over 14million pokemon. 4+ million in accounts. 181,000+ of which are S Pokemon. Thats enough for more than 1 S Pokemon for every player in this game. (Not sure how many people actually actively play..as I wouldn't count multiple/botter accounts...)

Maybe your issue should be, that most S collectors, are also hoarders, and like to keep their luvly S Pokemon to themselves. Which hey, who wouldn't if they could? Most people who get the best S's, keep them. They don't sell them off unless they're bored, or feel like 'it's time'.

Like the existence of only 2 or 3 true in game caught S Salamences. You maybe..maaayyybee...see one sold off to someone with 400m++++++. I believe Dmon is selling his off, reluctantly even. For only reasons he understands for only prices he understands.) No amount of the entire community hunting, will make more S Bagons exist. Even if every player moved into dragons den right now, and spent the next year hunting there. Even if they all had MS. I believe it would be terrible if suddenly hundreds of S bagons cropped up because of this. It would ruin them, and their awesomeness.

To me though, it just kinda sounds like your whining. No offense.


New Member
May 13, 2012
Im not whining actually and I want to ask something do you have ms and are you happy with %300 (S)rate?Many players catch and sell pokes to buy tokens so its preference you dont need to pay the game besides every online game has a store and membership things but if you do something i have to see advantages of it.%300 (S)rate totally dosent work If they write there I need to feel diffrence also check old forum pages you can see the pokemon quality nowadays some players can put to auction 20-30k worth pokes.I'm complaining about this not banned players and their poke.Banning botters of course neccesarry is right thing to do I try to say they can make more events or increase good poke drop rates If players spend 4-5 hours on hunting per day can get good poke at least.For token store,each token sell for 2m poke dolar in game if you buy 16 token and get poke from shop unfortunately Its neccesary now a days because like i said finding good poke so hard and get bad stats poke against 32m.I try to say sellers always earn because they pay the game but risk takers %95 lose It is not fair too.You wrote pages and pages and dont understand what I try to say really thing about this stuff


May 18, 2012
Meric said:
Im not whining actually and I want to ask something do you have ms and are you happy with %300 (S)rate?

And what do you think about the prices? If the chances would be higher.


New Member
May 13, 2012
julio2503 said:
Meric said:
Im not whining actually and I want to ask something do you have ms and are you happy with %300 (S)rate?

And what do you think about the prices? If the chances would be higher.

im not crtisizing rate actually %300 thing not work i try to say


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
I..don't think I get what your trying to say. May be a whole language barrier thing, but...

Yes I have MS. I have had it for a month now, and only found 2 S Pokemon. Only caught 1 of them. The difference between me and other players with MS is 1, I have terrible luck! 2, I am not a serious hunter. I don't spend hours, days, weeks, hunting in a spot for what I want. The fact that I'm not finding S Pokemon may very well be due to the fact that I'm focusing on high lvl lvling areas, instead of low lvl ones. I spend pretty much all of my time on Mt. Silver. Chances are if I spent time elsewhere, I'd have better luck.

I personally feel that my MS is working just fine, for what I put in for it. It simply works better for some people.

Still, HR's still seem to pop up fairly often. Often enough that a bad one is only 2-400k on the market, and a good one is 1-2m+ (unless max etc etc).

It really still sounds like your upset about the 'IV's of the Pokemon your finding. Iv's have nothing to do with membership, time spent hunting, etc. Even players with Memberhsip, even players that hunt 24/7, will still encounter Bad pokes more often than Good ones. That's the reason why the Good ones (Epics, ubers, 20+iv'd Pokemon) are in such high demand, and can run for such high prices.

MS only only only effects Shiny chance encounter rate. Nothing else. Are you suggesting that it should effect other things? Like MS should give you better chances at finding HRs or at finding Good iv Pokemon?

Tokens sell for what the people sell them for. The prices fluctuate. As for Token store Pokemon..Why would you buy a Pokemon from the shop, when there are many great in game ones? It's nice if you want to, but it's not necessary. You don't 'have' to buy any token store Pokemon, ever, it's not at all necessary.

Now I agree, that people who put time into the game, should get in what they put out. Again though, you want good iv Pokemon, and maybe staff could work on that, but again Bot's would exploit the heck out of it (i know they'll exploit everything and anything.) Who knows though, maybe the staff could up iv' rates somehow.

You really are talking about iv's.
finding good poke so hard and get bad stats poke against 32m.

I'm assuming that by 32 you mean max Iv's pokemon, and that by stats, you mean IV's. Not bad iv's against 32million?


Aug 15, 2011
I notice the difference between membership and no membership when it comes to shiny pokemon encounters. As someone who has hunted for a solid 4 years now i see a clear difference. The 5 token to get 20+ IVs is just silly, i pray that never happens. The main post of this topic comes off as complaining to me. Also the rate for HRs should not go any lower but it seems something is happening with the rarity system so I guess you can wait and see what happens with that.


Sep 17, 2011
it seems like a complain topic to me too. but if shiny chances were higher it means S r,vr,hr would be easier to get so it would decrease its value and they wouldnt be that rare, same would happen to HRs (i know rarity isnt working this way anymore though couldnt find a new manner to explain), however staff has always said they dont want a pay-to-win game which is what u are suggesting, only those who can donate would be able to get the best pokemon and would try to sell, there would be too much of em and obviously market would be affected due to value being decreased, So if u think or u are suggesting such a bad idea because u havent encountered any good shiny this is the way it should be, im playing for 3-4 years now and have never encountered not even a S rare and yet its been 4 months since i last encountered a S common (not that im a dedicated hunter) however the point is u can go and try to hunt for the best pokemon is all up to luck, have seen some newbies finding S VR even S HR


May 10, 2012
When I joined, I have no doubt that there were much less Epic pokemon on the market, shinies as well. It was much harder to get a shiny Arca or something like that. There were only a couple people who had S VRs and such things, so if anything right now the market is SATURATED with epics and shinies. You're more or less complaining, and a 20+ iv option would be TERRIBLE... you think people complain about PWO being pay to play right now? It would be 10x worse at that point.

Right now I think rarities should be completely redone, and things should be made harder to get. I've seen people hunt for 30 mins and find an HR... you should have to hunt for at least a few days to find the best pokemon that are in game. People get bored because it's too easy to get things now, this includes shinies which should have a lower appearance rate. Memberships main benefit should not be such a significant difference on one matter, but small benefits to many different things.


New Member
May 4, 2013
EcoWOLFrb said:
... you think people complain about PWO being pay to play right now? It would be 10x worse at that point.

I am only curious, who is it that is complaining? In my year here, not once have I ever seen anyone complain about this matter, aside from people using it as a point of debate, or a staff using the term.


May 10, 2012
Gobfather said:
I am only curious, who is it that is complaining? In my year here, not once have I ever seen anyone complain about this matter, aside from people using it as a point of debate, or a staff using the term.

People complain about it on a daily basis man, you just have to look for it. When you sell tokens you notice it more, people making snide comments in chat when you post offers, people complaining about wealth distribution towards to top 10 constantly, and saying how unfair it is that someone with 10 hours in game can get a S UC or have more money than them.

Just the other day I was in CC xat and someone was saying how much better PokeMMO is because they aren't pay to play.

http://prntscr.com/2ixq75 At least 1/4 of these posts involve a negative connotation towards the term and PWO.

I also fondly remember Merse calling the generous donators of PWO "Mastercard heroes" and borderline complaining about it.


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
I do know, for shiny pokemon at least, there would be fewer epic shiny pokemon around with normalize shiny IV range....

Just saying.


New Member
May 4, 2013
EcoWOLFrb said:
Gobfather said:
I am only curious, who is it that is complaining? In my year here, not once have I ever seen anyone complain about this matter, aside from people using it as a point of debate, or a staff using the term.

People complain about it on a daily basis man, you just have to look for it. When you sell tokens you notice it more, people making snide comments in chat when you post offers, people complaining about wealth distribution towards to top 10 constantly, and saying how unfair it is that someone with 10 hours in game can get a S UC or have more money than them.

Just the other day I was in CC xat and someone was saying how much better PokeMMO is because they aren't pay to play.

http://prntscr.com/2ixq75 At least 1/4 of these posts involve a negative connotation towards the term and PWO.

I also fondly remember Merse calling the generous donators of PWO "Mastercard heroes" and borderline complaining about it.

Eco your Prntscr example of a simple search of pay to play is meaningless; as I look through the entire thing, there is only one post with a player whining about this matter, and OFC it is Merse (no offence guy) This is not even close to a fourth. I do not see players ever in ingame chats, and you can ask anyone Gobfather is very much present there, for the last year I am not seeing it as an issue. Yes I've sold many tokens, never heard this abundance of ghost complainers via token selling either. (though I am curious about the idea of making tokens not sellable)

Frankly I beleive that if a person is willing to spend 200+ dollars on a game in donations, they are plenty deserving of one small shiny, and a small advantage over a free leeching player that just by having an account (based on how other server hosts prices are run) are revving up the overall cost of server. I myself paying very much in donations, have yet to see a shiny, in itself donaters are taking a big gamble with thier money, the non donater imo has no real room to complain. The staff are being generous(Thank you very much guys), the non donaters are being stingy, and/or young and/or can't pay hence being jealous (should they complain).

Sorry to venture off of topic. I myself (as mentioned before) would love to see a higher priced pokemon bonus, of higher ivs (i suggested 15+ in all ivs). Unless you are meaning that ALL pokemon found during MS would be 20+, which in that case, would indeed be crossing line of pay to play. As for the lack of good pokemon, I see that more of an issue of a lack of active players than a lack of availablity to each individual. In a future of pwo flourishing with active players, and many more guilds, there would be so many good pokemon. At this size it may only seem like there is a huge lack, but I do not think solution is to make it easier.


New Member
Sep 7, 2011
Meric said:
Also you can add a function like 5 token+ to get 20iv+ poke.Game really need new good pokes
I guess that would be crossing the line of pay to play,i can say one of the hardest thing to obtain now are epic UCs,mostly for unpopular pokemons,and doing that would be like "you want a epic pokemon?just get some tokens and you have 100% of getting one",there would be no challenge at all to players to go after their goals,the trades at all would be only " Sell Tokens" and "Buy Tokens",because i really dont see a point on Buying UC's when i can just obtain 5 extra tokens and get me a Epic One.