Search results

  1. AsianKid

    September tournament

    Won against @Draii 2-0. Battles were a blast and down to the wire.
  2. AsianKid

    September tournament

    Won 2-0 against @DeZoLa. Enjoyed the battles and greatly appreciate your patience with adjusting to my schedule.
  3. AsianKid

    September tournament

  4. AsianKid

    Community Spotlight Interview w/ Fadoka | #3 | The AOK Times

    Totally get it. Good writing is hard to stomach. ; )
  5. AsianKid

    desya's game

    Got no clue. Thought it'd be fun to see what Mons could fit in the clouds. I'm going to throw Wartortle out there. Fun side note: I noticed the cross-section between the red-orange boxes has this grey spot appear. We love optical illusions.
  6. AsianKid

    Event Hunting Event 2024: Sevii Islands Expedition

    4,000 Points - nerfed by engagement party. Still managed to catch a few neat things.
  7. AsianKid

    Event Tiny Cup ( level 20 tournament )

    Lost 1-2 against lWtRl. Let the win slip away at the end, but they were some great battles. Guess it's the lower bracket run of the century for me.
  8. AsianKid

    Event Tiny Cup ( level 20 tournament )

    Won 2-0 against fu1lua. Looking forward to the next round.
  9. AsianKid

    Event Tiny Cup ( level 20 tournament )

    Won 2-0 against Jeankman. Great battles~
  10. AsianKid

    Event Tiny Cup ( level 20 tournament )

    In. #50. One week until showtime!
  11. AsianKid

    Hot-N-Cold [EP. 6]: The Tymp of Our Lives

    Hot-N-Cold [EP. 6]: The Tymp of Our Lives Holiday Cheers, Jeers, and Tears (of Joy) A photo from my time hiking the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, USA, last summer. Lake Haiyaha (2023). Introduction Wow, it's been almost a year since my last Hot-N-Cold episode. I was waiting for a long event...
  12. AsianKid

    Where can I find Pokemon with Frisk ability

    The Frisk ability will not help with finding/obtaining Metal Coat or Dragon Scale as they are drop items (from fainting wild Pokémon) and not held items. Faint wild Magnemite or Magnetons for Metal Coat Faint wild Horsea or Seadras for Dragon Scale or alternatively complete the Whirl Islands Quest
  13. AsianKid

    What Would You Like To Suggest To Improve The Wiki?

    Howdy folks, it's time for my annual Wiki update! Updated some Gen 5 Pokémon pages: (34/156) have mercy pls Documented official events/quests: Lylat Village, Generation I Tournament 2023, Halloween Swarm 2023, Snowy Lake Updated item/TM/tutor pages introduced in events: Hyper Voice, Aqua...
  14. AsianKid

    Winter Event 2023 Announcement: "The Holiday Season Is Upon Us!" Making the Wiki greater. Look out for my annual Wiki recap in the coming weeks. Lots to discuss.
  15. AsianKid

    Community Spotlight Interview w/ desya | #4 | The AOK Times

    Community Spotlight The "Community Spotlight" is an interview series under The AOK Times that aims to provide greater insight into the thoughts and minds of PWO's amazing community members. It follows a Q&A format and the responses are released with the expressed consent of the interviewee...
  16. AsianKid

    Optimizing Elite 4 runs with Amulet Coin

    Just thought I'd post my fastest run thus far which rounds up to 7:20. I use the strategy Cleve mentioned, though I'd like to add a few things. Nasty Plot Houndoom can Flamethrower everything except Reuniclus (which is a roll), so you Dark Pulse Reuniclus for a consistent time - just a 1...
  17. AsianKid

    The AOK System - The Official-Unofficial Rating System

    Since last year, I still have all the capabilities to run this but stopped to prioritize other projects and my own personal studies at the time. More than happy to start it back up if there is interest.
  18. AsianKid

    event wen?

  19. AsianKid

    desya's game

    I mean, cmon lads, the answer is so obvious: We have the Boston, Massachusetts or Brooklyn, New York sports hat. What appears to be two cut-off 7s on the jersey. If you combine those together what letter do you get? Z or N What two things overlap in this? Brooklyn, Z. American rapper...